Un to subdue the mad, demented US doter with fire

I would like to say I am surprised at the leftists supporting Kim Jong Un. But I'm not. I expect it of them.
Had Truman not screwed the pooch and fired McArthur there would be NO North Korea today to fuck around with nukes. Just another flaming bag of shit on the doorstep of The Democrat Party.
Had Truman not screwed the pooch and fired McArthur there would be NO North Korea today to fuck around with nukes. Just another flaming bag of shit on the doorstep of The Democrat Party.
He was demoted because nukes are crazy. Annihilating the world is not an option, you psychopaths. You go to the loony bin, instead.
Had Truman not screwed the pooch and fired McArthur there would be NO North Korea today to fuck around with nukes. Just another flaming bag of shit on the doorstep of The Democrat Party.
He was demoted because nukes are crazy. Annihilating the world is not an option, you psychopaths. You go to the loony bin, instead.

which is why IRANIAN NUKES fill you with glee
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!

You should take your meds.

Not funny.

The fat boy with the nukes Carter and Clinton gave him?

Yeah, he isn't funny in the slightest.
Had Truman not screwed the pooch and fired McArthur there would be NO North Korea today to fuck around with nukes. Just another flaming bag of shit on the doorstep of The Democrat Party.
He was demoted because nukes are crazy. Annihilating the world is not an option, you psychopaths. You go to the loony bin, instead.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Do you even know who MacArthur was?
China upped their sanctions, so President Trump's speech worked there. Lets see if Russia ups their game and follows their statement of "economic strangulation" of NK from August...
Getting back to the OT (conscientious person that I am))) a question to CAPTAIN BLEI------you posted
"UN TO SUBDUE THE MADE DEMENTED US DOTER WITH FIRE" It has been made clear that the
"DOTER" is meant to be Don Trump. ------now, Captain Blei-----just WTF does your threat title mean?
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
. The only difference is that Kimmy does have weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam didn't.
Kimmy's forced primitive existance among his people beyond his military complex and government, are probably screaming for a regime change, just like the Germans were under Hitler.
Precision strikes on Kimmy's military hide outs need to be implemented immediately after his actions in order to root this ground hog out once he crosses the provacative line. Sad thing is, is that we have to wait for a reactionary strike because of our huge trade partner China, in which has some sort of sympothy or strategic interest over that region maybe ?

what is the "HOT HEAD" stuff in which the US
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
. The only difference is that Kimmy does have weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam didn't.

I do not agree------beagle. Saddam had lots of stuff-----remember those clumsy idiot "skuds"?----(well----we can forget about those piles of
junk")--------Saddam had OIL MONEY------he bought international terrorism ----he also murdered kurds WHOLE SALE (and Shiites----but while
I was INDIGNANT 20 years ago------I have begun to rethink the issue). He had NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----and other noxious stuff.
Keep in mind----he had lots more than did Adolf in 1933. AND he was a hero to lots of SUNNI MUSLIMS -----they even loved his invasion
of Kuwait-----MORE MONEY FOR INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM. I know a small secret-----CAIR in the US exists because of the
efforts of SADDAM (do not ask me how I know-----too long a story from way back in the mid 60s). My position is ---we made a mistake underestimatingsaddam circa 1970. We made a mistake underestimating the PAKISTANI MUJAHADEEN in Afghanistan in the
mid sixties and OSAMA circa 1990. ----you seem to want to avoid making the same mistake with KIM <<<good idea

what is the "HOT HEAD" stuff in which the US
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
. The only difference is that Kimmy does have weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam didn't.

I do not agree------beagle. Saddam had lots of stuff-----remember those clumsy idiot "skuds"?----(well----we can forget about those piles of
junk")--------Saddam had OIL MONEY------he bought international terrorism ----he also murdered kurds WHOLE SALE (and Shiites----but while
I was INDIGNANT 20 years ago------I have begun to rethink the issue). He had NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----and other noxious stuff.
Keep in mind----he had lots more than did Adolf in 1933. AND he was a hero to lots of SUNNI MUSLIMS -----they even loved his invasion
of Kuwait-----MORE MONEY FOR INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM. I know a small secret-----CAIR in the US exists because of the
efforts of SADDAM (do not ask me how I know-----too long a story from way back in the mid 60s). My position is ---we made a mistake underestimatingsaddam circa 1970. We made a mistake underestimating the PAKISTANI MUJAHADEEN in Afghanistan in the
mid sixties and OSAMA circa 1990. ----you seem to want to avoid making the same mistake with KIM <<<good idea
. Thanks... Good read... Agree..
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.

US bombers near NK now.
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
. The only difference is that Kimmy does have weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam didn't.

And he has a very limited supply. Which we could knock out of the sky as easy as pie.

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