Un to subdue the mad, demented US doter with fire

--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
learn what a dictator is......
Correction: Wannabe dictator. He can´t enforce his rule in the US but those who oppose him everywhere are strangely silent when he is about to annihilate an entire country.
maybe because they want the chubby guy in N.Korea to get a missile up his ass....
Or maybe Soros is not funding protests against Trump`s warmongering.
maybe soros wants the guy gone too....
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
Kicked ass is not true. 30 % of the entire military plus allies. Setbacks and additional 130000 troops (armored units). It´s the A-10 that won this war.
Iraq is flat desert land. North Korea is a large mountain range. Tell your Trump he can stick it.
i can see / imagine a 'Highway of Death' scenario done on the 'nork' artillery and troops BP .
Trump is playing into Kims hands

Trump comes off as a raging lunatic who has no idea what he is doing....a complete dotard
You dumb shit North Korean ass kissing traitor. The commie lunatic is ready to explode a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific ocean. Now how far reaching do you think that EMP will affect?.
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We have a much stronger military than the little Fat Man.................South Korea has a standing army of 650,000..............Not to mention we have been training for decades on how to take out the 10 k plus artillery and rocket positions on the DMZ...............

We are not the problem...........The little Fat Man firing missiles and threatening everyone is the problem.

If the little fat man had fired missiles over China they would kick his ass.

So he and you can kiss my ass.
You ignore that US military simulations end with North Korean victories.
Have a nice read, my friend.

N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

...That "warning" link is from 2003 man, like seriously, that was written 14 years ago...

Lets see what was "new" in 2003 just so you can grasp how long ago it was: the birth of the first cloned horse Prometea (related and interesting: in 1996 Dolly the worlds first cloned mammal was born, she died in 2003), the Galileo probe was sent into Jupiter's atmosphere (the project to study Jupiter's make up started in 1996,) the last flight of the Concorde (and perhaps not so ironically, the first /privately/ funded supersonic flight was achieved late in 2003,) both Skype and iTunes were launched (the first iPhone didn't come out until 2007, BlackBerry was /the shit/ in 2002), wireless networking [aka wi-fi] was brand new (went mainstream in the US in 2003-2005ish - Japan & S. Korea started using it just a few years earlier in 2001, later on [I think it was 2011] we had the launch of 3G and 4G broadband), Bushnell unveiled "instant replay" (basically the forefather of TiVo,) HDTV was debuted and we had the worlds first OLED display was invented by Kodak, we found a new element: "moscovium," the inventor of the hydrogen bomb died, the first hurricane warning in the E. Pacific was issued (NOAA didn't even have the US fully covered yet,) China launched their first manned space mission (they were the third country in the world to be able to put a man in space), Intel launched the Pentium-M[obile] (which eventually brought us gaming laptops, at that time laptop speeds were measured in megahertz and were pretty much only useful for text - the Pentium-M ran at much faster speeds from 700MHz to a whopping 3GHz, was cooler, and used less energy - in 2005 or so we saw the first desktops that could legit handle game graphics in an affordable way,) Mastercard launched RFID (contact free payment, the forefather to cellphone payments of today.)

For further reference: Facebook launched in 2004, eReaders (digital book tech and computers) were introduced in 2004, YouTube launched in 2005, GPS for personal use came out in 2005, Blu-Ray came out in 2006. Just in the past 10 years we've seen the following become mainstream/affordable: 3D Printers, 3D graphics, 64bit computing, USB 3.0, Blu-ray, flatscreen TVs, landed on Mars, and much, much more.

Keep in mind we're talking about the US in 2017, we can put a rocket in the bathtub these days, and compare that with what we're looking at in NK:

Here's something from 2015 talking about the tech in NK - This is What Technology In North Korea Looks Like
And a 2017 review of NK forces that's interesting - 2017 North Korea Military Strength

Yeah, SK is in deep shit if Kimmy goes end game (kill em all), but they're so technologically retarded... I know we can shoot circles around them, could we wipe out all their artillery aimed at SK? I think we could. It's the bio/chemical and nukes we have to worry about, but what happens if we take out their network (their national internet) which is supposedly very limited? Are they gonna call up the bases and tell them to launch? What about if Kimmy and his top adviser folks are taken out quietly?

Nearly 51M in S. Korea, close to 10M in Seoul... Another 130M in Japan... What are we supposed to do? Kimmy's made it clear he wants to destroy them (and the US), the country has been threatening us all since what the 60s? We just ignored them until the got nukes in '09, then Obama bribed him - and yet he was still making the threats to destroy us, still testing nukes to use /on us/

Ya'll think we should just wait until the insane twit nukes S.Korea or Japan?? He's off his damn rocker, he needs to be taken out.
North Korean military capabilities have significantly increased since 2003. Particularly the missile weaponry. Long range missiles, precision missiles, ect.
There´s also a new tank and who knows what else. The new tank was of course developed with the Korean geography in mind. It can get over large gaps, ect.
. United States will not fight this Korean war like they did in the 50s. Not one American boot will step on North Korean soil for 500,000 years while we wait for the radioactivity in North Korean soil to decompose.
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
Kicked ass is not true. 30 % of the entire military plus allies. Setbacks and additional 130000 troops (armored units). It´s the A-10 that won this war.
Iraq is flat desert land. North Korea is a large mountain range. Tell your Trump he can stick it.
We can tell him that but I don't think he gives a shit...........neither do I.

Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
Kicked ass is not true. 30 % of the entire military plus allies. Setbacks and additional 130000 troops (armored units). It´s the A-10 that won this war.
Iraq is flat desert land. North Korea is a large mountain range. Tell your Trump he can stick it.
We can tell him that but I don't think he gives a shit...........neither do I.

You bombed North Korea with all you got. More than all WWII explosives combined. Did you win?
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
Kicked ass is not true. 30 % of the entire military plus allies. Setbacks and additional 130000 troops (armored units). It´s the A-10 that won this war.
Iraq is flat desert land. North Korea is a large mountain range. Tell your Trump he can stick it.
We can tell him that but I don't think he gives a shit...........neither do I.

You bombed North Korea with all you got. More than all WWII explosives combined. Did you win?

Past weapons......not current..........Truman was a punk and refused to allow McArthur to fight it as a War..............and cut the supply lines and destroy Chinese air assets and supplies.

Only reason there is a N. Korea today........They should thank Truman for being an idiot.
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
Kicked ass is not true. 30 % of the entire military plus allies. Setbacks and additional 130000 troops (armored units). It´s the A-10 that won this war.
Iraq is flat desert land. North Korea is a large mountain range. Tell your Trump he can stick it.
We can tell him that but I don't think he gives a shit...........neither do I.

You bombed North Korea with all you got. More than all WWII explosives combined. Did you win?

Past weapons......not current..........Truman was a punk and refused to allow McArthur to fight it as a War..............and cut the supply lines and destroy Chinese air assets and supplies.

Only reason there is a N. Korea today........They should thank Truman for being an idiot.

Another nuke fanboy. But Kim is crazy? Past weapons, what argument is that?
Some of you may be too young, but the fat kid in NK sounds exactly like Saddam Hussein did right up to the point where we kicked his ass in one of the biggest routs in the history of war.
Kicked ass is not true. 30 % of the entire military plus allies. Setbacks and additional 130000 troops (armored units). It´s the A-10 that won this war.
Iraq is flat desert land. North Korea is a large mountain range. Tell your Trump he can stick it.
We can tell him that but I don't think he gives a shit...........neither do I.

You bombed North Korea with all you got. More than all WWII explosives combined. Did you win?

Past weapons......not current..........Truman was a punk and refused to allow McArthur to fight it as a War..............and cut the supply lines and destroy Chinese air assets and supplies.

Only reason there is a N. Korea today........They should thank Truman for being an idiot.

Another nuke fanboy. But Kim is crazy? Past weapons, what argument is that?

We do not need nukes to blow his ass off the face of the earth.
It is amusing that President Dotard wants other countries to put themselves first, and then threatens genocide when North Korea follows his advice.
You idiots seem to keep missing a key word in what President Trump said - he said /IF/ NK attacked us, we'd destroy them. That means as long as Kimmy keeps his little toys to himself you people get what you want and Kimmy gets to continue abusing the fuck out of 2.2 million largely innocent people...

Yay! [/sarc]


I'm amazed how many people are keen to leave this tyrant lunatic alone to abuse the fuck out of his people and planing to nuke millions in other nations. Simultaneously many of these same people want to revolt and [some, violently] overthrow our own President because "he might ruin America" and "he's an asshole." They also want our southern border open so the "poor, oppressed" people of Mexico and S. America are taken care of. Get your hypocritical fucking priorities straight fruit loops...

To be frank, one could probably nuke the entire capitol of NK and be making the world a better place, yeah it's 2.5 million peeps, but they're almost all elitist pricks who've done nasty shit to gain power and favor - testing weapons on the serfs to insure bio-chemical weapons cause enough pain, abusing babies with defects, and putting the under class in their nation into a situation where they literally have to steal each others poop to avoid punishment (and not just punishment, but /generational/ punishment. Uncle escaped NK? You and three generations of your family are going to rot in jail for it. Oh by the way, that's where we get the people we test weapons and torture methods on - Enjoy your stay kids...)

This ruthless dictator requires his people to worship him as a false god and he'll kill anyone that doesn't do a good enough job, or, ya know, irritates him. There are underclass people who legit believe his lies that he has magical powers, like they're seriously that far behind and... idk, detached(?) from the real world... The ruling class isn't like our 1% either, you lefties want us rich American's punished just for being wealthy - say we "steal your money" and shit. The elite in NK legit /do/ steal from the peasants who already have next to nothing, they make children do hard labor (like fixing train tracks,) they oppress the lower classes into "meaninglessness" and consider them expendable. Songbun is class warfare taken to the most bizarre extremes, easily as bad as the frowned upon lords and ladies of lore in Europe or the slave owners of America - the latter of which the left /still/ can stop crying about 150 years later. Defectors/escapees from NK say a cellphone costs $500, a watch costs $4k, and the elites will blow $2k on a single outfit... The workers there, the 99% there, earn like $0.70 to $3.00 a month. Stick that in your $15/h pipe and smoke on it for a while...


That all said, for optics reasons alone, I happen to agree, we, the US, should leave NK alone. Someone else needs to deal with their crimes before they kill millions. However, I'm 100% behind the President on retaliation. If NK dares to attack us, we will destroy them and I will cheer freeing those millions of North Korean's who deserve the right to pursue their own happiness rather than serving as slaves to cruel and criminal elites.
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Didn´t Trump say if they don´t denuclearize??? What if someone wants the USA to denuclearize or else...

No. - The full transcript of Trump's speech to UN General Assembly

Here is the entirety of what President Trump said about North Korea:

No one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well-being of their own people than the depraved regime in North Korea. It is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of North Koreans, and for the imprisonment, torture, killing and oppression of countless more.

We were all witness to the regime's deadly abuse when an innocent American college student, Otto Warmbier, was returned to America only to die a few days later. We saw it in the assassination of the dictator's brother using banned nerve agents in an international airport. We know it kidnapped to a sweet 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for North Korea's spies.

If this is not twisted enough, now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict.

No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles.

The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.

'Rocket man' is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.

The United States is ready, willing and able. But hopefully, this will not be necessary.

That's what the United Nations is all about. That's what the United Nations is for. Let's see how they do.

It is time for North Korea to realise that the denuclearisation is its only acceptable future.

The United Nations Security Council recently held two unanimous 15-to-nothing votes adopting hard-hitting resolutions against North Korea, and I want to thank China and Russia for joining the vote to impose sanctions, along with all of the other members of the Security Council. Thank you to all involved.

But we must do much more. It is time for all nations to work together to isolate the Kim regime until it ceases its hostile behaviour.

We face this decision not only in North Korea. It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime, one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to America, destruction to Israel and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.


(start page 4 RE NK with the Philippine President, who brought up NK, and President Trump reaffirms what he's been planning all along - see next link)

Transcript of call between President Trump and Philippine President Duterte


More from 2016 [Video only sorry] (before he was even elected - laying out his plan to deal with NK, and what he is enacting now - put economic pressure on China to get Kim Jong Un under control.)

Trump on assassinating Kim Jong Un: "I've heard of worse things"


See also [Video w/automatic translations] meeting with President Trump and President Moon of S. Korea - Moon is the one who said denuclearize is the only option. (S. Korea says they would rather accomplish this though peace talks, Trump favors economic pressure - either way the two are working closely together to try to resolve the situation; S. Korea has recently started putting together an assassination force, as well as laid out a plan to update and increase their defenses and military equipment.

President Trump Patience North Korea Over, Jun 30 2017 | C-SPAN.org


A [biased] article from back in May 2nd this year, where Trump says he'd be willing to meet with Kim Jong Un in the right circumstances - aka NK calms down. (this statement was made on the heels of six missile tests)

(Kim Jong Un apparently took that offer of diplomacy as a sign of weakness and immediately started testing missiles in response: May 14 Hwasong-12, May 21 KN-15 / Pukguksong-2, May 29 KN-17, June 8 four surface-to-ship cruise missiles, July 4 and 28 Hwasong-14, August 26 two scuds, August 29 & September 15 Hwasong-12 on and on... All of them came with threats to the US too. Understand that Kim has zero interest in peace kid.)

Trump 'honored' to meet Kim Jong Un under 'right circumstances' - CNNPolitics
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Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!

You should take your meds.

Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!

You should take your meds.

Not funny.
Didn´t Trump say if they don´t denuclearize??? What if someone wants the USA to denuclearize or else...

No. - The full transcript of Trump's speech to UN General Assembly

Here is the entirety of what President Trump said about North Korea:

No one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well-being of their own people than the depraved regime in North Korea. It is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of North Koreans, and for the imprisonment, torture, killing and oppression of countless more.

We were all witness to the regime's deadly abuse when an innocent American college student, Otto Warmbier, was returned to America only to die a few days later. We saw it in the assassination of the dictator's brother using banned nerve agents in an international airport. We know it kidnapped to a sweet 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for North Korea's spies.

If this is not twisted enough, now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict.

No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles.

The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.

'Rocket man' is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.

The United States is ready, willing and able. But hopefully, this will not be necessary.

That's what the United Nations is all about. That's what the United Nations is for. Let's see how they do.

It is time for North Korea to realise that the denuclearisation is its only acceptable future.

The United Nations Security Council recently held two unanimous 15-to-nothing votes adopting hard-hitting resolutions against North Korea, and I want to thank China and Russia for joining the vote to impose sanctions, along with all of the other members of the Security Council. Thank you to all involved.

But we must do much more. It is time for all nations to work together to isolate the Kim regime until it ceases its hostile behaviour.

We face this decision not only in North Korea. It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime, one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to America, destruction to Israel and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.


(start page 4 RE NK with the Philippine President, who brought up NK, and President Trump reaffirms what he's been planning all along - see next link)

Transcript of call between President Trump and Philippine President Duterte


More from 2016 [Video only sorry] (before he was even elected - laying out his plan to deal with NK, and what he is enacting now - put economic pressure on China to get Kim Jong Un under control.)

Trump on assassinating Kim Jong Un: "I've heard of worse things"


See also [Video w/automatic translations] meeting with President Trump and President Moon of S. Korea - Moon is the one who said denuclearize is the only option. (S. Korea says they would rather accomplish this though peace talks, Trump favors economic pressure - either way the two are working closely together to try to resolve the situation; S. Korea has recently started putting together an assassination force, as well as laid out a plan to update and increase their defenses and military equipment.

President Trump Patience North Korea Over, Jun 30 2017 | C-SPAN.org


A [biased] article from back in May 2nd this year, where Trump says he'd be willing to meet with Kim Jong Un in the right circumstances - aka NK calms down. (this statement was made on the heels of six missile tests)

(Kim Jong Un apparently took that offer of diplomacy as a sign of weakness and immediately started testing missiles in response: May 14 Hwasong-12, May 21 KN-15 / Pukguksong-2, May 29 KN-17, June 8 four surface-to-ship cruise missiles, July 4 and 28 Hwasong-14, August 26 two scuds, August 29 & September 15 Hwasong-12 on and on... All of them came with threats to the US too. Understand that Kim has zero interest in peace kid.)

Trump 'honored' to meet Kim Jong Un under 'right circumstances' - CNNPolitics
Anti-North Korean propaganda is rolling and should be taken not only with one pinch of salt.

"No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles.

The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea."

So it can be interpreted either way. It´s Trump with his spongy words and he will choose later what he had meant.
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to st't understand the situation in NK the elite already starve out the population.

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