Un to subdue the mad, demented US doter with fire

Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
Kim Jung Un has been financing the Nork elites by extorting money from the US under the table for decades.

Trump has officially ended these payments and no Kimmie is all pissy about it.
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
------------------------------------ 'norks' oughta grow their own food then they won't starve BP !!
They have few agriculturally usable soil and and sanctions prevent them them from trade. Apply such a grip on South Korea or Japan and the situation would be far worse and they would starve to death in the millions. Not so in North Korea.
------------------------------------ WE and the world would help Japan or S. Korea same as we helped you Germans with our AIRLIFT after ww2 BP .
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?

Considering it was in another country and that it has been happening with no incidents every year or two for a very long time, no. Kimmy's gone off the rails, and he has been since he secured total power. He started getting out of control after his brother, who could have replaced him, was killed. Kimmy's a total fruit loop, he's proven it. Its time for someone to off him.

( Related and interesting: Do you know why his brother was exiled from NK? Supposedly because he wanted to see Disneyland o_O As I understand it the folks in N. Korea have zero clue what the rest of the world is like, you've seen the evening satellite pictures yea? They're living in the dark ages simply because the leaders don't want them to catch on to the lies they're being fed. These folks don't even know what an American Flag looks like... )
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
------------------------------------------------ [chuckle] we love him and he as President of the only super or hyper power in the world is in charge even if people don't love him . His speech was music to my ears as President Trump sounded like an American to me BP !!
It´s because you suffer from world domination ideas, something that is actually very un-American as the American struggle was to break free from world domination. Phrump sounds like a psychopath whose bloody basement is the world.
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
------------------------------------ 'norks' oughta grow their own food then they won't starve BP !!
They have few agriculturally usable soil and and sanctions prevent them them from trade. Apply such a grip on South Korea or Japan and the situation would be far worse and they would starve to death in the millions. Not so in North Korea.
------------------------------------ WE and the world would help Japan or S. Korea same as we helped you Germans with our AIRLIFT after ww2 BP .
It was very comfortable that the Rosinenbombers could drop their food directly into the ruins.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
------------------------------------------------ [chuckle] we love him and he as President of the only super or hyper power in the world is in charge even if people don't love him . His speech was music to my ears as President Trump sounded like an American to me BP !!
It´s because you suffer from world domination ideas, something that is actually very un-American as the American struggle was to get free from world domination. Phrump sounds like a psychopath whose bloody basement is the world.

President Trump wants nothing to do with a war with N. Korea, Kimmy is the one pushing for war - President Trump just told them that if they attacked we'd destroy them. It's not even a threat, it's truth...
Considering it was in another country and that it has been happening with no incidents every year or two for a very long time, no. Kimmy's gone off the rails, and he has been since he secured total power. He started getting out of control after his brother, who could have replaced him, was killed. Kimmy's a total fruit loop, he's proven it. Its time for someone to off him.
North Korean statements have always been like that. If US Presidents would have gone mad over every such statement.. unthinkable...

( Related and interesting: Do you know why his brother was exiled from NK? Supposedly because he wanted to see Disneyland o_O As I understand it the folks in N. Korea have zero clue what the rest of the world is like, you've seen the evening satellite pictures yea? They're living in the dark ages simply because the leaders don't want them to catch on to the lies they're being fed. These folks don't even know what an American Flag looks like... )
Yeah and there are green trolls and evil unicorns and they make a zombie army!
Last edited:
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
------------------------------------------------ [chuckle] we love him and he as President of the only super or hyper power in the world is in charge even if people don't love him . His speech was music to my ears as President Trump sounded like an American to me BP !!
It´s because you suffer from world domination ideas, something that is actually very un-American as the American struggle was to get free from world domination. Phrump sounds like a psychopath whose bloody basement is the world.

President Trump wants nothing to do with a war with N. Korea, Kimmy is the one pushing for war - President Trump just told them that if they attacked we'd destroy them. It's not even a threat, it's truth...
It´s always the others. That´s why the other war party is always the US. All that super powers always punch the tiny US! I think Trump likes the idea of being a great nuclear commander and he even has a red button app installed which he plays with each evening instead with his wife.
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.

paid Russian troll
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i figure that war with the 'norks' is inevitable , same for 'iran' and probably 'china' someday BP !!
Considering it was in another country and that it has been happening with no incidents every year or two for a very long time, no. Kimmy's gone off the rails, and he has been since he secured total power. He started getting out of control after his brother, who could have replaced him, was killed. Kimmy's a total fruit loop, he's proven it. Its time for someone to off him.
North Korean statements have always been like that. If US Presidents would have gone mad over every such statement.. unthinkable...

( Related and interesting: Do you know why his brother was exiled from NK? Supposedly because he wanted to see Disneyland o_O As I understand it the folks in N. Korea have zero clue what the rest of the world is like, you've seen the evening satellite pictures yea? They're living in the dark ages simply because the leaders don't want them to catch on to the lies they're being fed. These folks don't even know what an American Flag looks like... )
Yeah and there are green trolls and evil unicorns and they make a zombie army!
. Are you afraid ?? Time to stand for something or fall for anything. That fall ended with Trump being elected.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
--------------------------------------------------------------- feck the 'un' , buncha whoremongers and dictators BP .
North Korea is not a classic democracy but that´s not of our concern and starving out and destroying the country doesn´t sound lucrative to them, right? Trump should simply fuck off, he puts the entire world at the risk of nuclear war. He is a mad old fuck, a dangerous dictator.
learn what a dictator is......
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
For the record, are you on the side of mass murderer Un, or are you with our president and the US??
Trump will pay dearly, Kim Jong Un said. Whatever Trump expects, the results will be beyond his imagination, he added. Un also wondered what answer Trump might have expected to his weird words. Trump´s speech was unparalleled uncourtly nonsense, he said.
. You celebrating Kimmy's attacking of a U.S. President ??
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.
. Who started it ? Kimmy did, and the fact that his people can't replace his sorry ace should outrage you, but instead you are outraged by the U.S. president over the madman ?? You should be locked up for being a traitor to your country over a madman hell bent on making war with the United States.
Are you mad? Who sent carriers and started this round of confrontation? Its doter Trump who cannot remember he announced to talk to Un last year!
Ok, we sent carriers. Why did we send them? The answer to this question will determine how much you know about this conflict.
Who wants to starve out an entire people and totally destroy their country should be subdued with fire, sorry.

Funny you blame President Trump when Kimmy started ramping shit up before the election...

North Korea War With US? 10 Times Kim Jong Un Threatened America

Then there was this one in 2015 Kim Jong Un Tells North Korean Army to Prepare for War With America and 'Tear to Pieces the Stars and Stripes' & North Korea says it will 'leave no Americans alive' if war breaks out in Korea again

Anyone remember Hollywood and Obama starting it in 2014? North Korea threatens US, claiming White House was involved in film plot LOL

Then there was 2013 North Korea war room photos show Kim Jong-Un plotting to attack America | Daily Mail Online
Nuclear B-52, US troops at their borders and drills are something you wouldn´t consider a threat?
----------------------------------------- here in the USA we say , hey 'kim' we got you by the NUTZ or the short hairs BP .
The US does not hesitate to make war. Trump should wonder why the US did not go to war with North Korea already! You too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i figure that war with the 'norks' is inevitable , same for 'iran' and probably 'china' someday BP !!
Probably. Its because the Americans vote for peace loving pacifists that turn into reckless psychopaths in office. However, those three countries cannot be defeated.

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