Unacceptable: Biden’s DOJ Fines Tennessee Christian Trucking Company $700,000 for Requiring Workers to Disclose Legal Status

This is flat out wrong what this illegal administration is doing to this Christian company. Remember this folks.

Deuteronomy 28:43-45​

43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower.
44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail.
45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the LORD your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you.

This is proof we are under siege by a corrupt communist government led by an illegal Usurper.

So. Since they're Christians they can hire illegals?????
And if they don’t verify they get hit for violating the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The real crime to the DOJ and the democrats is that this is a conservative Christian company.
Do you think they DON'T know that?

dimocrap FILTH have given up on trying to win the '24 election. They've gone full-on Nazi now. They're going to harm as many of their opponents as much as possible until they are made to stop.
So what? I mean, honest to God, so fucking what?

What are you going to do about it? Cry? Pray? Send a harshly worded letter to your TV Station?

I'll tell you what you're gonna do about it, you're gonna sit back and suck on it.

THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen is exactly what you're going to do. And that is exactly what dimocrap FILTH expect you to do.


Okay, I think you didn't quite get the point of my post.

Normally, I agree with your posts, but whatever.

There's a lot of this going on folks, and I'm not going to indulge in what the left wants us to do, which is tear each other's throats out.

This raises a question, does non discrimination against non citizens also include putting preference on citizens for hiring? Or are we at the point where a non citizen is given equal consideration over citizens for employment?
This raises a question, does non discrimination against non citizens also include putting preference on citizens for hiring? Or are we at the point where a non citizen is given equal consideration over citizens for employment?
Good question. Typically a work visa is issued if the expertise is not available from the counties citizens.

Okay, I think you didn't quite get the point of my post.

Normally, I agree with your posts, but whatever.

There's a lot of this going on folks, and I'm not going to indulge in what the left wants us to do, which is tear each other's throats out.

I guess my point was too subtle. My bad. Sometimes I outsmart myself. :dunno:

What I was trying to tell you is -- You're fucked. Bitching about it on this Board means nothing. Actually, it means less than nothing.

Not only do I know there's nothing to be done, dimocrap FILTH know there's nothing you can do.

So..... They're gonna continue to do it. And it's going to get worse. And worse. dimocrap FILTH don't care about what's right, they don't care about the American people. They don't even care about their fellow dimocrap scum. The dims in power care only about -- More power. That, and how they can exercise that power.

They don't care who it hurts, they don't care about repercussions.

They're not even being faced with backing terrorists over civilized people. Not a bit. It hasn't cost them a thing.

And it won't.

Well I'm not a Biden supporter, but I do work in Human Resources.

The basic false premise in the above is that is about the company being required to hire illegals. Not the case as it is against the law to hire illegals. All employers are required to execute and maintain what's called an I-9 which is a Federal Autorization to work documents.

If people would check beyond the OP article, the companies problem was they required specific and additional documents from non-citizens they didn't require of citizens. That is a discriminatory hiring practice to make it harder for non-citizens, who are authorized to work, to get a job.

Clearly discriminatory against legal non-citizens. As long as the non-citizen is presenting their hiring documents listed as part of the I-9 completion process the prospective employer has to complete hiring based on what's presented. They cannot make specific or additional requirements as a condition of employment.

I guess my point was too subtle. My bad. Sometimes I outsmart myself. :dunno:

What I was trying to tell you is -- You're fucked. Bitching about it on this Board means nothing. Actually, it means less than nothing.

Not only do I know there's nothing to be done, dimocrap FILTH know there's nothing you can do.

So..... They're gonna continue to do it. And it's going to get worse. And worse. dimocrap FILTH don't care about what's right, they don't care about the American people. They don't even care about their fellow dimocrap scum. The dims in power care only about -- More power. That, and how they can exercise that power.

They don't care who it hurts, they don't care about repercussions.

They're not even being faced with backing terrorists over civilized people. Not a bit. It hasn't cost them a thing.

And it won't.
I would assume the company's attorneys will fight this, so not sure they just have to sit back and take it. Also, we should never stay silent when the citizens are attacked by the government.
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My Wife was an Assistant to the General Manager for a construction company for several years.

She did most of the hiring paperwork for the workers. About 1,200 total.

Julio would walk in to the Office with a DL and a forged SS Card and she'd have to process them like they were legit.

They would run the numbers and by the time they came back (in those days, several weeks) well, by then, they knew. She'd either have to firee them or they just left of their own accord.

Next season, Julio would show up but this time his name was Juan. Had a different DL and a different SSN and she'd still hire them.

Had to. If you make a mistake and refuse to hire someone based simply on suspicion, and it turns out he's really eligible, you got a problem.

So I understand the problem as much as anybody. It's not that complicated. But the company that got fined did kinda go overboard. IMO, it was their right to do what they did, but the DOJ doesn't see it that way.

I want payback. I want Trump's DOJ to NOT be as bad. I want them to be ten times..... No -- a 100 times worse than Biden's.

It will be time to pay the piper soon, boys and girls. Just don't wuss out and start to feel sorry for the scumbags when it happens. Enjoy it. Celebrate it.

Their day is coming.
So I asked my lawn service are the 3/4 men on my property legal and insured.
Will Joe have me fined or arrested.?
Are you a conservative, a Christian, or a mom who spoke out at a school board meeting? If so, you may need to be worried.

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