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Unarmed black dude that was shot by cops, dies

This has become common place now.......illegal to be black according to some cops.

Wow really? Link to those quoted cops?

Just read the newspapers for the past few months.......or use Google.....how many blacks have been shot by cops that didn't need to be shot?

Tamir Rice 12-year-old boy playing with fake gun dies after being shot by Ohio police - Americas - World - The Independent


Protests grow in Baltimore over death of man in police custody - CBS News

And none had shit to do with being black.
White people protesting:


Black people protesting:


The day after a white protest, the streets are clean, businesses open and life goes on as it did the day before .
After Ferguson:

This has become common place now.......illegal to be black according to some cops.


The ultimate excuse to get a pass while committing a crime.

Then why are the prisons so disproportionately full of BLACKS? PASS FAIL?
The pass is with the liberal public. How many looters in Ferguson & Baltimore were arrested & convicted? Who runs those towns? Why is it EVERY SINGLE INCIDENT discussed on this site the cop is considered the perp & the blacks actions that led to the situation are ignored or considered inconsequential?

Blacks are in prison because they committed a crime. The fact that a white may have committed a similar crime and got a different punishment does not negate the crime of the black.

Have you forgotten the Bundy standoff in Arizona? He committed a crime and the locals protected him to the point of aiming guns at federal agents. How many of those criminals were arrested and convicted? Is Bundy still allowing his cattle to graze on federal lands with out rendering payment for grazing rights while other ranchers do pay?

You said:"The fact that a white may have committed a similar crime and got a different punishment does not negate the crime of the black."

What the hell, does that mean? If that indeed occurs, and there is evidence that it does quite frequently, that is a travesty of justice.If a white man doesn't have to go to prison because he can afford a better lawyer or just because he is white, that black man being imprisoned because he doesn't have a good lawyer or just because he is black should be released too. That is why precedents are set, to bring some sense of uniformity to the law so that such unequal treatment can be avoided. Most blacks are in prison for non-violent crimes , usually involving drug possession or some related offense. White people use at the same rate but are disproportionately under represented in prisons. If the system was fair, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
I'm a white man & I've been to prison so I don't wanna hear your mealy mouth bullshit. If they do the crime they deserve the time regardless of what happens to others. That is the part the left conveniently ignores
I think we made a major mistake in declaring war on drugs, this was not a war upon another country, but a war upon our own people. While well-intentioned, it has failed to address the underlying issues of cultural acceptance as well as addiction profiles. The concept relies upon the individual to change themselves, but fails to present self-recognition until /after/ a crime is caught. It also forwarded an agenda of "aggression" towards drug dealers and users (rather than an active agenda of assistance), while concurrently making those crimes very lucrative.

A better tact would be to legalize all drugs, with similar restrictions as we put upon alcohol, and thus undermine the financial viability of the illegal drug market. In doing so we would undercut a large portion of the gangs that recruit, by force or by entice, younger generations into that culture. Then we can turn the money we presently spend on "hunting down," and incarcerating drug users/dealers to more "forward" progress inclined programs; like helping them get over addiction, maybe even job training and such.

Yes, we would still have drug related crimes like DUI and doing stupid shit while high. We'll likely also still have some gang crimes, but with gangs losing their financial draw, I think they will find themselves lacking new "recruits" fairly quickly. The only draw will be a cultural one and I really do think a lot of the culture draw is easy money with a dab of "fuck the man" for denying them the freedom to use drugs.

The War on Drugs was a failure and it's unintended consequences are absolutely not increasing the safety of the American public at all. It's time for us to admit that and try to find another way to deal with the social issues of drug use.
The media sucks on both political spectrums, you'd be wise to recognize that they only report the shit that is most outrageous. Including "white riots"...
This has become common place now.......illegal to be black according to some cops.


The ultimate excuse to get a pass while committing a crime.

Then why are the prisons so disproportionately full of BLACKS? PASS FAIL?
The pass is with the liberal public. How many looters in Ferguson & Baltimore were arrested & convicted? Who runs those towns? Why is it EVERY SINGLE INCIDENT discussed on this site the cop is considered the perp & the blacks actions that led to the situation are ignored or considered inconsequential?

Blacks are in prison because they committed a crime. The fact that a white may have committed a similar crime and got a different punishment does not negate the crime of the black.

Have you forgotten the Bundy standoff in Arizona? He committed a crime and the locals protected him to the point of aiming guns at federal agents. How many of those criminals were arrested and convicted? Is Bundy still allowing his cattle to graze on federal lands with out rendering payment for grazing rights while other ranchers do pay?

You said:"The fact that a white may have committed a similar crime and got a different punishment does not negate the crime of the black."

What the hell, does that mean? If that indeed occurs, and there is evidence that it does quite frequently, that is a travesty of justice.If a white man doesn't have to go to prison because he can afford a better lawyer or just because he is white, that black man being imprisoned because he doesn't have a good lawyer or just because he is black should be released too. That is why precedents are set, to bring some sense of uniformity to the law so that such unequal treatment can be avoided. Most blacks are in prison for non-violent crimes , usually involving drug possession or some related offense. White people use at the same rate but are disproportionately under represented in prisons. If the system was fair, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
I'm a white man & I've been to prison so I don't wanna hear your mealy mouth bullshit. If they do the crime they deserve the time regardless of what happens to others. That is the part the left conveniently ignores
If you were dumb enough to get caught and sent to prison what makes you think your shit house law degree makes you an expert on whether someone should go to prison or not. You're no jurist so shut the fuk up.

WTF? If they do the crime they should do the crime regardless of what happens to others????? Are you really that screwed up in the head? You don't care about racial disparities in the system and biased sentencing? Why the heck do we have a system at all if people can be freed based on how much money they have to give away to a lawyer or because of the color of their skin. You are warped for even thinking that unequal treatment is ok under any circumstances.
White people protesting:


Black people protesting:


The day after a white protest, the streets are clean, businesses open and life goes on as it did the day before .
After Ferguson:

Are you fucking kidding me? The majority in ferguson/baltimore/etc were peacefully protesting, but the media loves to look at the inevitable riots that will occur..
White people rioting over stupid shit with images tweets betakateenin Storify
Sure. The majority remained peaceful, but hundreds did not. Property was destroyed, businesses burnt and looted and people were hurt, all because of false claims of police brutality and race pimping by numerous "community organizers".
Yes, white people sometimes riot over stupid shit, but they don't riot about lies, nor are the riots racially motivated or incited by elected officials.
Yes, white people sometimes riot over stupid shit, but they don't riot about lies, nor are the riots racially motivated or incited by elected officials.

You don't even know your own history. How can this country ever move forward with so many like you representing our future. Behold and learn what has already been discussed on this very board:

This Day in History - 1921 will Live in Infamy US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, White people have rioted over lies and were racially motivated and incited by elected officials in doing so.
Click the link and educate yourself!
In 1921?

Got anything relevant to today?

Today, yesterday, decades ago, the point is that White people have rioted and murdered innocent blacks before and that potential still looms. If there was a black Wall street or Rosewood today, I would expect clandestine targeting by any number of White detractors. The key is jealousy. Jealousy of Black success, cohesion and happiness. Everytime that has been attained in America, it has been destroyed by envious White men. As long as blacks are seen as impoverished and "hopeless" they are relatively safe. Just don't start competing and taking White men's jobs or too many of their women folk with any hint of black economic success!
In 1921?

Got anything relevant to today?

Today, yesterday, decades ago, the point is that White people have rioted and murdered innocent blacks before and that potential still looms. If there was a black Wall street or Rosewood today, I would expect clandestine targeting by any number of White detractors. The key is jealousy. Jealousy of Black success, cohesion and happiness. Everytime that has been attained in America, it has been destroyed by envious White men. As long as blacks are seen as impoverished and "hopeless" they are relatively safe. Just don't start competing and taking White men's jobs or too many of their women folk with any hint of black economic success!
The potential still looms????? LO fucking L

You sound like the warmers saying the oceans COULD rise and drown New Yorkers and everyone in Miami

No one is jealous of black success but Liberals/. Successful blacks that go off the reservation and become Conservative are labeled "Uncle Tom". Lately, they've all been targeted by people claiming sexual harassment. (a ploy to garner feminist support)

What you don't grasp is that Conservatives want everyone to be successful. We don't group successful people into sub groups by race.
Black cohesion is what keeps blacks on the lower end of the economic spectrum.
Black cultural values suck! 72.3% of black kids are born to single women. 67% grow up in single parent homes.
Pants hanging off your ass, poor English, criminal records and insufficient education hurt your position in the job market and lack of motivation causes 31% of black kids to drop out of school and 6 in 10 to drop out of college.

Clean up your act, guy and stop blaming your crappy life on whitey and something that got over with 150 years ago. The flag I choose to fly or use as my avatar has nothing to do with you being a drop out and a thug.
Drop the Afro-American shit and become American. We'll accept you with open arms. Just don't expect us to be happy sharing our hard earned money with you if you refuse to help yourself.
No one is jealous of black success but Liberals/. Successful blacks that go off the reservation and become Conservative are labeled "Uncle Tom". Lately, they've all been targeted by people claiming sexual harassment. (a ploy to garner feminist support)

Yo! Chuckles, your narrative is quite trite? :lol: Your opinion doesn't mean much so I'll get to the points you cited that have merit or those that need to be corrected!

Black Conservatives

You use the term as if the GOP has an exclusive on black conservatism. I will quickly dispel that illusion.
Most of the church going ,God fearing blacks in this country are conservative. That includes people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and definitely Louis Farrakhan. You may not want to accept that; but, it is true based on the tenets of classic conservatism. None of those I have mentioned favor same sex marriages. All are men of faith. Their moral character, with the exception of Jackson, has never been called into question. Jackson's was tainted by an extramarital affair; but, a number of white conservatives have committed that sin. ALL adhere to the rule of law and have been positive role models for decades.

Now that we know that not all black conservatives are republican shills we can move on.

Liberals? Isn't that the name you give to conservatives who just might agree with one thing posited by the Left even though they may agree with most things posited by the Right? You do know that there are loads of Black and white democrat conservatives don't you?

The Right wing war on social insurance and benefits does, however run counter to many blue collar democrats who work and pay for those benefits. Suddenly those otherwise conservative workers become liberals when they vote to defend social security, Medicare or the PPACA or the right to bargain collectively.


You have already been schooled about misconceptions of black life on other threads but you just won't let go of your illusions. The vast majority of Blacks are NOT impoverished, only about 12% are. Non Hispanic Whites make up 41% of the nation's poor while Blacks make up 25%. More black males are in college than are in prison or in the penal system.

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED

71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

When will you ever learn to address the poor Whites in your own community before trying to project universal poverty onto the entire black community!
I stopped reading at Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and definitely Louis Farrakhan all being Conservatives and men of moral values.

Sad that you would squander your education like that! Others will still reap the benefits... My lessons were not written for you alone!

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