Unarmed White Woman Shot By Police......Media Doesn't Care...Blames Trump Instead

An American small business owner’s livelihood is just as important as the chamber of elected officials who are supposed to be serving him/her. The Hill will be fine. They can print money to repair, replace, and fortify from happening ever again.

I agree.

And we need to identify every White Trash Mutant who stormed the Capitol and put them in prison.

Then prosecute the guy who instigated them.

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We need to arrest those who broke the law....including obama, biden and those at the FBI, CIA, DOJ and STate Dept. who illegally spied on Trump and persecuted his officials....

You are a good little Nazi. You want to file false charges against your political opponents. You are the lawbreakers.

The false charges against Trump, Flynn, Carter Paige and the rest.......you are the monster, you support the democrat party, a party created by slave owners, in bed with communist china where they actually have slaves and are committing genocide against Chinese Muslims....you are them....they are you...
No he will not. This woman was part of a terrorist assault on Washington. The police were too passive and that is why we had 13 officers injured and 1 killed. They shou;ld have been much more aggressive in repelling these seditionists.
You are demented. It's not your fault you say such stupid things. Your brain is defective.

Shooting and murdering an unarmed person is against the law. Did you know that?
Moron.....the democrat told the capitol police to stand down.....this was coordinated between the democrats and the blm/antifa thugs in the Trump crowd...

Wow, you live in your own alternative reality, don't you, buddy.

I'm not sure what your complaint is. You have been advocating violent revolution against the government for YEARS..

And on the happy day it happens, you are running away from it because it isn't playing well when MAGAt's smear their feces all over the institutions of our Democracy.
So it appears that a woman was shot and killed by Capital Police today and she was unarmed.
I'm sure if she had been a black drug-addict who beats his girlfriend on a regular basis....the media would be screaming to defund the police again.
But since it was a white woman, who was a veteran....they could give a damn.
All this means is that they should all huddle in an undisclosed location to plot removing Trump using the 25th Amendment.

Reporters said that everything was fine till the police arrived and started a shoving match with the protesters.

Personally, I think Trump and his family should leave Washington D.C. and shake the dust from that place from their feet like Jesus told the Disciples.
Leave those maggots to their own designs. He tried. Time to GTFO of there. There's just some people that can't be saved.

The woman was a criminal. She got exactly what she deserved.

Like George Floyd did?
The main focus I've seen is the media blaming the victim for getting shot more than blaming the police......and blaming Trump for it. That will be the big push in the next few days.

So yes....they don't give a shit about her.

She stormed the capitol building, what did she think was going to happen?

What is the charge for breaking and entering or trespassing?
George Floyd has NOTHING to do with what these MAGA Rats did o our Capitol


Fun fiction for you storytellers huh?
Meanwhile outside of LibTardia, real world, real life facts remain.
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