Unbelievable....Trumpers don't realize that Navajos are Americans

The threat title is accurate
No, it isn’t.
it quotes someone who does what your trying to defend
It can quote anybody. That doesn’t make the lie any less of a lie.
doust protest to much
You mangle poor old Shakespeare, you imbecile.
meaning it strikes a cord with you and you become unhinged
That isn’t what the original quote meant, either. You ignorant shit.
to close to home does it strike

And you can’t spell, either.
well sleep on it , you will feel better tomorrow morning.
I’m fine right now. I don’t dwell on your stupidity after I’ve rebutted and refuted it.
You need to ask yourself why are you defending this person you do not know

You have to ask yourself why you post anything when you clearly don’t know anything.
Does this story strike to close to home.

You're still illiterate and wrong. Why would such stupid shit from you strike anywhere?
Relax no one is talking about you
I’m relaxed. You’re the imbecile. And I guess you’re feeling humiliated. Justified.

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If the border were under control there would not be millions of illegal aliens running around causing trouble

Which is the source of hard feelings between Americans
The border hasn't been under control since the Regan years. You can't blame one party or the other for it. The blame game gets you nowhere. All you can do is utilize the laws that already exist , provide more funding and more manpower, and use all legal means to curtail it. Despite all these efforts 90% + / - of immigrants will still be admitted. Biden's request to Congress for backing during crisis levels of immigration was the answer that we needed most of all. Trump figured that out when Biden brought it up but his ego wouldn't allow Biden to solve something he thought he could solve. He only delayed the flood.
Unidentified Trumpsters accused of harassing a Native American. Raw Story and Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters are on it faster than Kevin Spacey on a good looking boy actor.
It would be so nice if you duopoly dupes would stop demonizing each other and grow the fuck up. Your enemy is NOT each other, but the ruling class.

A ruling class that is flooding the country with migrants at the expense of American citizens
To say nothing of the many other heinous things they do.
The border hasn't been under control since the Regan years. You can't blame one party or the other for it. The blame game gets you nowhere. All you can do is utilize the laws that already exist , provide more funding and more manpower, and use all legal means to curtail it. Despite all these efforts 90% + / - of immigrants will still be admitted. Biden's request to Congress for backing during crisis levels of immigration was the answer that we needed most of all. Trump figured that out when Biden brought it up but his ego wouldn't allow Biden to solve something he thought he could solve. He only delayed the flood.
In 1986 it was promised to the American people that congress would get the border under control in exchange for amnesty/citizenship for 3 million illegal aliens

That promise was not kept

Since that time both parties share the blame

But thats history

The situation now is the biden/harris administration left the border wide open since 2020 and thats been very bad for America
In 1986 it was promised to the American people that congress would get the border under control in exchange for amnesty/citizenship for 3 million illegal aliens

That promise was not kept

Since that time both parties share the blame

But thats history

The situation now is the biden/harris administration left the border wide open since 2020 and thats been very bad for America
Yes and no , trump's actions and inaction allowed immigrant populations to swell on the Mexican side of the border. He created the " perfect " flood which had to break sooner or later. Also immigration courts were defunded by him so the case load backed up beyond belief. Of course he dumped all that ( among other things ) on Biden. Trump is such a a small person he did not allow Biden access to the White House and executive branch further sabotaging any effective measures on immigration.

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