UNC active shooter ongoing now

You need to pray harder.
He promotes abortion/infanticide and mutilating the genitals of children.

So I'm not sure his prayers do much, so it makes sense he has no faith in them.
When exactly does prayer help and not help?

Please share your version of an all-powerful God, or one that is not as powerful as the DNC, whichever you desire.

Does our hope reside in the DNC or God?
God isnt going to stop active shooters just like God wont make you skinny. Anyone who thinks prayer does that is a moron.
God isnt going to stop active shooters just like God wont make you skinny. Anyone who thinks prayer does that is a moron.
So God can create matter, life, and raise his Son from the dead, but he can't stop an active shooter or make you lose weight?

Have you thought about writing down a new Bible for your new religion?

In it you can tell people that our only hope is the DNC.

2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
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When exactly does prayer help and not help?

You just validated you’re no Christian.
His god is the DNC.

For you see, the DNC has the power to effect social justice, not God.

The DNC is far more powerful to him.

The funny part is, he and his DNC goons are so scared of prayer they won't even allow it in schools, so they must believe in it on some level.
I first learned of this from my oldest son (who just started there) when he texted to just let us know he was okay before we had even heard about the shooting. Technology is nice like that sometimes. He wasn't on campus when whatever happened.

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