Uncovered New Email Names Joe Biden in Oil Deal with China – Then Later in 2022 Biden Sold National Oil Reserves to Hunter Connected Chinese Company

Kilroy2, posted
that is a simple interpretation that does not look at the whole story. Its competitive bidding. The highest bidder.

Still that is only part of the story. The oil sold help stabilize the market and the price of gas has gone done because of this move. Selling it to the military will not lower the price of gas. That why it was sold and not just given to the military. The benefits are for everyone not just one entity.

There is no shortages in the military or the need of unprocessed oil and gas reserves.

Problem with China well lets look at the trade deficit , The US does a lot of business with China.

In 2021, U.S. exports to China were $151.1 billion, a 21.4% ($26.6 billion) increase from 2020; U.S. imports from China were $506.4 billion, a 16.5% ($71.6 billion) increase; and the trade deficit with China was $355.3 billion, a 14.5% ($45.0 billion) increase from $310.3 billion in 2020.

So republicans have a problem selling them oil but everything else is okay . I guess that is the price you pay for a free market. Except when it comes to the government. They want to control it with this new law.

I guess when Trumps daughter wanted to make her own line of clothing, she chose China.

The President’s historic action is in addition to agreements with International Energy Agency member countries for collective action to address the market disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The President and his team engaged in round-the-clock diplomacy resulting in the release of 240 million barrels from the United States as well as allies and partners globally to meet this moment.

And those actions are helping mitigate the Putin price hike. In fact, the Department of the Treasury estimates that as a result of these drawdowns both domestically and internationally, the price at the pump for Americans is up to about 40 cents per gallon lower than it otherwise would have been.

The bill in the house. Well it still has to pass in the Senate.

Through October last year U.S. oil companies exported nearly 67 million barrels of oil to China.

But in all of 2020, when Republican Donald Trump was president, the United States exported 176 million barrels to China.

So know repubs are worried about the trade with China.
Well, clearly in 2014, they knew Biden would be President in 2022 and able to sell the imaginary whatevers to the Chinese for Billions...

I don't see why you think this is nonsense.

Americans may be too stupid to have a democratic republic.
" I have never discussed my son's foreign business dealings with him" -- Joe Biden

Enough said!

Force this crooked bastard to resign or 25th Amendment him. He makes Nixon look like Mr. Rogers.

Had Trump done it, you'd be defending it. That's the problem here, corruption is allowed to happen because partisans love it.
For you maybe…so, your knee jerk reaction was ad hom? What‘s your evidence to the contrary of the article?
Facts that you will not accept. That is the evidence and the fact that you are trying to distort the truth.
How? I’m just asking you simple questions….But, try me…lay it out…
The fact is the story there is no direct linking of anything to Joe Biden. The Trump admin had the so-called laptop of Hunters and the senate Repubs did an investigation and found no wrongdoing on their part.
The fact is the story there is no direct linking of anything to Joe Biden. The Trump admin had the so-called laptop of Hunters and the senate Repubs did an investigation and found no wrongdoing on their part.
Well, we’re about to look far deeper into that, you can bet on it…
What’d they get wrong in this article?
Their lame attempt to connect the sale of natural gas in 2017 to selling US petroleum reserves in 2022.

The whole peal clutching about selling oil to China is completely ignorant of how he oil markets work and that Biden had nothing to do with any oil being sold to China. It’s so ignorant and brain dead.
Their lame attempt to connect the sale of natural gas in 2017 to selling US petroleum reserves in 2022.

The whole peal clutching about selling oil to China is completely ignorant of how he oil markets work and that Biden had nothing to do with any oil being sold to China. It’s so ignorant and brain dead.
Who’s talking about markets? Other than what Diaper Joe can bank.

Does anyone have a problem with an email that is addressed to Jim Biden but then says Joe Biden will be in the meeting. Jim Biden was the partner. Looks like a typo.

The US made $4 billion selling oil this year on President Biden's unprecedented releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve​

Oil sold on the open market to the highest bidder.

price of $96.25 a barrel

he has order reserves to be refilled. Any price below that price purchase will be profit for the US.

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