Uncovered New Email Names Joe Biden in Oil Deal with China – Then Later in 2022 Biden Sold National Oil Reserves to Hunter Connected Chinese Company

After a President makes the decision to release oil from the National Reserves, he has no influence on who buys it. It goes onto the open market and is available for anyone to buy. The President DOES NOT decide who buys it.

Lolol 😂 you're dealing with some really stupid people.
Lots more where this came from. About 150 emails on the laptop mention the Sinopec deal....

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US DOE announces sales of oil to Unipec, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China International United Petroleum and Chemical Co. Ltd. (UNIPEC), a member of SINOPEC...

cc: Moonglow surada

Sorry good try but the oil is sold on the competitive market to the highest bidder. US has no control over who bids on the open market. The money is then transferred to US government for the benefit of said government. So its irrelevant who the highest bidder is.

f the president approves a public sale of crude oil from the SPR, it will be sold to the highest bidders in a competitive auction. Companies that bid on oil from the reserves are often based in the U.S., though those based in other countries can bid, too.

Oil is a commodity traded on the global market. While the United States government does not control oil and gas companies, the commodity the industry sells or the market,

Sorry good try but the oil is sold on the competitive market to the highest bidder. US has no control over who bids on the open market. The money is then transferred to US government for the benefit of said government. So its irrelevant who the highest bidder is.

f the president approves a public sale of crude oil from the SPR, it will be sold to the highest bidders in a competitive auction. Companies that bid on oil from the reserves are often based in the U.S., though those based in other countries can bid, too.

Oil is a commodity traded on the global market. While the United States government does not control oil and gas companies, the commodity the industry sells or the market,

Thanks, but Biden chose to release the oil and sell the highest bidder, including China.

He could have chosen otherwise. In fact he could have released the oil and only provided it to the military or his immediate family. :)

Republicans (and many Democrats) want to stop this ridiculousness...

Thanks, but Biden chose to release the oil and sell the highest bidder, including China.

He could have chosen otherwise. In fact he could have released the oil and only provided it to the military or his immediate family. :)

Republicans (and many Democrats) want to stop this ridiculousness...

Sinopec Houston is a US company. Do you think Fox News is too stupid to know that?
That's too funny.

It's named Sinopec (short for China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation 中国石油化工股份有限公司) for a reason.

Here is what the email Subjects on Biden's laptop look like....

View attachment 749823

The exchanges are made with the Chinese, and discuss meetings in Bejing.

So here's where we are...

  • The OP posted an article that claimed the US DOE sold lots of oil to Sinopec, a company which Hunter made money off of.
  • You and Moonglow discredited it, without doing any checking of your own, because it was posted by GP, and you are part of the Biden cult.
  • I posted indisputable proof the OP is accurate.
  • Now you are making excuses and embarrassing yourself.

But Trump
Yeah, click on it :abgg2q.jpg: :yes_text12::happy-1::muahaha::ahole-1:
He's so funny, defending Biden's sales of American's strategic oil to China.

He had to dig for a link to a Sinopec site in Texas. What's funny, is he did not dig around a bit at his own link....


Thanks, but Biden chose to release the oil and sell the highest bidder, including China.

He could have chosen otherwise. In fact he could have released the oil and only provided it to the military or his immediate family. :)

Republicans (and many Democrats) want to stop this ridiculousness...

that is a simple interpretation that does not look at the whole story. Its competitive bidding. The highest bidder.

Still that is only part of the story. The oil sold help stabilize the market and the price of gas has gone done because of this move. Selling it to the military will not lower the price of gas. That why it was sold and not just given to the military. The benefits are for everyone not just one entity.

There is no shortages in the military or the need of unprocessed oil and gas reserves.

Problem with China well lets look at the trade deficit , The US does a lot of business with China.

In 2021, U.S. exports to China were $151.1 billion, a 21.4% ($26.6 billion) increase from 2020; U.S. imports from China were $506.4 billion, a 16.5% ($71.6 billion) increase; and the trade deficit with China was $355.3 billion, a 14.5% ($45.0 billion) increase from $310.3 billion in 2020.

So republicans have a problem selling them oil but everything else is okay . I guess that is the price you pay for a free market. Except when it comes to the government. They want to control it with this new law.

I guess when Trumps daughter wanted to make her own line of clothing, she chose China.

The President’s historic action is in addition to agreements with International Energy Agency member countries for collective action to address the market disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The President and his team engaged in round-the-clock diplomacy resulting in the release of 240 million barrels from the United States as well as allies and partners globally to meet this moment.

And those actions are helping mitigate the Putin price hike. In fact, the Department of the Treasury estimates that as a result of these drawdowns both domestically and internationally, the price at the pump for Americans is up to about 40 cents per gallon lower than it otherwise would have been.

The bill in the house. Well it still has to pass in the Senate.

Through October last year U.S. oil companies exported nearly 67 million barrels of oil to China.

But in all of 2020, when Republican Donald Trump was president, the United States exported 176 million barrels to China.

So know repubs are worried about the trade with China.
" I have never discussed my son's foreign business dealings with him" -- Joe Biden

Enough said!

Force this crooked bastard to resign or 25th Amendment him. He makes Nixon look like Mr. Rogers.

A blind bidding process was used to sell the oil. The crooked bastards are Republicans and other fascists like you.
Jim H - VA USA

that is a simple interpretation that does not look at the whole story. Its competitive bidding. The highest bidder.

Still that is only part of the story. The oil sold help stabilize the market and the price of gas has gone done because of this move. Selling it to the military will not lower the price of gas. That why it was sold and not just given to the military. The benefits are for everyone not just one entity.

There is no shortages in the military or the need of unprocessed oil and gas reserves.

Problem with China well lets look at the trade deficit , The US does a lot of business with China.

In 2021, U.S. exports to China were $151.1 billion, a 21.4% ($26.6 billion) increase from 2020; U.S. imports from China were $506.4 billion, a 16.5% ($71.6 billion) increase; and the trade deficit with China was $355.3 billion, a 14.5% ($45.0 billion) increase from $310.3 billion in 2020.

So republicans have a problem selling them oil but everything else is okay . I guess that is the price you pay for a free market. Except when it comes to the government. They want to control it with this new law.

I guess when Trumps daughter wanted to make her own line of clothing, she chose China.

The President’s historic action is in addition to agreements with International Energy Agency member countries for collective action to address the market disruption caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The President and his team engaged in round-the-clock diplomacy resulting in the release of 240 million barrels from the United States as well as allies and partners globally to meet this moment.

And those actions are helping mitigate the Putin price hike. In fact, the Department of the Treasury estimates that as a result of these drawdowns both domestically and internationally, the price at the pump for Americans is up to about 40 cents per gallon lower than it otherwise would have been.

The bill in the house. Well it still has to pass in the Senate.

Through October last year U.S. oil companies exported nearly 67 million barrels of oil to China.

But in all of 2020, when Republican Donald Trump was president, the United States exported 176 million barrels to China.

So know repubs are worried about the trade with China.
Well, heres an actual letter from Grassley, ( not all of it didnt paste the whole thing ) but the rest is in the daily mail link) for a little context.

There's no way in Hell Joe Biden never asked his son about his Business.... or his brothers for that matter when, they were profiting of of Joe Biden's influence.
You cant honestly believe that. then the question comes... why lie?

VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION The Honorable David Weiss United States Attorney District of Delaware Dear Mr. Weiss: Since August 2019, we have been investigating Hunter Biden’s and James Biden’s financial connections to foreign governments and questionable foreign nationals.1 On September 23, 2020, and November 18, 2020, we publicly released our Biden Reports that showed potential criminal financial activity with respect to Hunter and James Biden.2 In addition, our reports showed how their extensive links to foreign governments and questionable foreign nationals posed counterintelligence and extortion concerns. Our work was falsely labeled by the liberal media and some of our Democratic colleagues as advancing Russian disinformation.3 Therefore, to prove them wrong, on March 28, 2022; March 29, 2022 and April 5, 2022, we released financial records during Senate floor speeches that corroborated and further substantiated the foreign financial transactions and connections we described in our previous reports.4 The bank records we are providing you today supplement those floor speeches. After those Senate floor speeches, on May 9, 2022, we wrote to you and asked whether you possessed financial records relating to the Biden family’s financial connections to the communist Chinese government, including those that we made public in our Senate floor 1 Press Release, S. Comm. on Fin., Grassley Raises Concerns Over Obama Admin Approval of U.S. Tech Company Joint Sale to Chinese Government and Investment Firm Linked to Biden, Kerry Families (Aug. 15, 2019), https://www.finance.senate.gov/chai...nvestment-firm-linked-to-biden-kerry-families. 2 S. Comm. On Homeland Sec. And Gov’t Affairs & S. Comm. On Fin., Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Gov’t Policy and Related Concerns (Sept. 23, 2022), https://www finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC%20- %20Finance%20Joint%20Report%202020.09.23.pdf [hereinafter Sept. 23 Report]; S. Comm. On Homeland Sec. And Gov’t Affairs & S. Comm. On Fin., Majority Staff Report Supplemental (Nov. 18, 2020), https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2020-11-18 HSGAC - %20Finance%20Joint%20Report%20Supplemental.pdf [hereinafter Nov. 18 Report]. 3 Sept. 23 Report at 55–64. 4 Floor Speech, Charles Grassley, Grassley, Johnson Discuss Investigation into Biden Family Foreign Financial Entanglements—Part 1 (Mar. 28, 2022), 404 | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa -part-1; see also Floor Speech, Charles Grassley, Grassley, Johnson Release Bank Records Tying Biden Family to CCP–Linked Individuals & Companies (Mar. 29, 2022), 404 | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa Floor Speech, Charles Grassley, The Biden Family Investigation—Part III: James Biden (Apr. 5, 2022), 404 | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa part-iii-james-biden; Floor Speech, Ron Johnson, The Bidens Are Financially Tied to China and Russia. Where is the Public Outcry? (Apr. 5, 2022), https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2...to-china-and-russiawhere-is-the-public-outcry. Page 2 of 11 speeches. 5 You failed to answer and instead the Department of Justice (DOJ) interceded to respond on your behalf, and it also failed to answer our questions.6 Today, in light of your and DOJ’s failure to respond to our legitimate congressional oversight requests and as part of our ongoing congressional investigation, we are transmitting to you over two hundred pages of records relating to the Biden family’s connections to the Chinese regime and persons connected to its military and intelligence elements. These records include over one hundred pages of unredacted and previously unreleased bank records relating to one of Hunter Biden’s businesses, Hudson West III.7 If you are conducting a full and complete investigation, you should already possess these records. In the case that you are not and do not possess these records, we suggest that you review them in detail. Background Some of the central CEFC China Energy (CEFC) players mentioned in the attached records are Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates, Ye Jianming and Gongwen Dong. Ye Jianming is a Chinese national, the founder of CEFC and a frequent figure in the Biden family’s financial dealings with China. Ye was also chairman of the board for CEFC’s subsidiary, the China Energy Fund Committee.8 Although CEFC reportedly remained a private company until state-owned enterprises assumed control of it in 2018, reporting in 2017 indicated that it received financing from the China Development Bank, “hired a number of former top officials from stateowned energy companies,” and had “layers of Communist Party committees across its subsidiaries — more than at many private Chinese companies.”9 Ye had connections not just to the communist party in China, but also China’s People’s Liberation Army.10 A news report noted that, “t’s been clear for some time that [CEFC] is not just a Chinese commercial company, that they had some intelligence ties.”11 Gongwen Dong is a business associate of Ye who executed numerous transactions on Ye’s behalf.12 According to reports, Gongwen formerly served as chief financial officer at Radiance Property Holdings, a firm now “controlled and run by Lam Ting Keung, a businessman with deep connections to ‘united front’ groups linked to Chinese intelligence.”13 Gongwen 5 Letter from Charles E. Grassley, Ranking Member, Sen. Judiciary Comm., & Ron Johnson, Ranking Member, Permanent Subcomm. on Investigations, to David Weiss, U. S. Att’y, Dist. of Del. (May 9, 2022), https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/grassley johnson to delaware usa - biden investigation.pdf. 6 Letter from Peter S. Hyun, Acting Assistant Att’y Gen., to Charles E. Grassley, Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee, & Ron Johnson, Ranking Member, Permanent Subcomm. on Investigations (June 9, 2022), https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/justice depttograssleyjohnsonbideninvestigation.pdf. 7 We are also releasing a public version of the full set of records that are we providing to you with limited redactions to protect personally identifiable information. See Attachment at 1-221. 8 See J. Michael Cole, Unstoppable: China’s Secret Plan to Subvert Taiwan, THE NAT’L INT. (Mar. 23, 2015), Unstoppable: China's Secret Plan to Subvert Taiwan. 9 Chen Aizhu & Jan Lopatka, China’s CEFC Has Big Ambitions, But Little Known About Ownership, Funding, REUTERS (Jan. 12, 2017), China’s CEFC has big ambitions, but little known about ownership, funding. 10 See J. Michael Cole, Unstoppable: China’s Secret Plan to Subvert Taiwan, THE NAT’L INT. (Mar. 23, 2015), https://nationalinterest.org/feature/unstoppable-chinas-secret-plan-subvert-taiwan-12463; Int’l Liaison Dep’t [China Ass’n for Int’l Friendly Contacts] Gen. Political Dep’t, FED’N OF AM. SCIENTISTS (Nov. 26, 1997), https://fas.org/irp/world/china/pla/gpd ild htm. 11 See Alexandra Stevenson et al., A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded., N. Y. TIMES (Dec. 12, 2018), A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded. (Published 2018). 12 Sept. 23 Report at 71–85. 13 Peter Schweizer, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (2022). Page 3 of 11 served as a manager/officer of Hudson West III, Hudson West IV, and Hudson West V. These are business entities associated with Hunter Biden, which shows the close business and financial relationship between the two of them. According to a document prepared by Biden family business associate James Gilliar, CEFC’s corporate mission was, “[t]o expand cooperation in the international energy economy and contribute to the national development.”14 Indeed, that same record states that CEFC is “dedicating itself to serving China’s national energy strategy,” “developing national strategic reserves [for oil],” and “[p]artnering with centrally-administered and state-owned enterprises[.]”15 The record also makes clear that CEFC was an extension of the communist Chinese government: At the time, China was hungry for crude, but its state-backed companies were having difficulty closing some deals abroad. The optics of China’s state-backed giants marching into a country to buy and extract oil weren’t great for central Asian politicians. This paved the way for private firms like CEFC, which can strike oil deals in Europe and the Middle East where Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) could bring political liabilities.16 That same document also states that CEFC “is building an energy storage and logistics system in Europe” to connect China, Europe and the Middle East which would then “[serve] China’s ambitions to have overseas storage locations connected with world markets.”17 CEFC was the perfect vehicle to bring financial benefits to the communist regime under the guise of a private sector company.18 2015-2017: Business relationship grows between Hunter Biden and CEFC CEFC began working to establish ties with the Biden family as early as 2015.19 Before Ye reportedly disappeared in 2018, he and CEFC sought business in the United States and his efforts were in line with the communist Chinese government’s goal to “[prioritize] economic development as the ‘central task’ and the force that drives China’s modernization across all areas, including its armed forces.”20 Hunter Biden’s position of influence and connections to Chinese business interests, which were further strengthened while his father was vice president, most likely appealed to Ye, a man who The New York Times has described as “[wanting] access to the corridors of power in Washington.”21 It has also been reported that 14 James A. Gilliar (EEI Group), Ye Jianming & CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd.: An Introduction, https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/1. Ye Jianming %20CEFC%20updated%20profile.pdf at 2 (emphasis added). 15 Id. at 5. 16 Id. at 6. 17 Id. at 7. 18 Andrew C. McCarthy, A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens, NAT’L REVIEW (Oct. 31, 2020), A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens | National Review. 19 Chuck Ross, Mystery Chinese Firm Approached Hunter Biden with an Offer of Charity—And a More Lucrative Pitch, DAILY CALLER (January 4, 2021), Mystery Chinese Firm Approached Hunter Biden With An Offer Of Charity – And A More Lucrative Pitch. 20 Dep’t Of Def., Military And Security Dev. Involving The People’s Republic Of China: Annual Report To Congress (2020), https://media.defense.gov/2020/Sep/...20-DOD-CHINA-MILITARY-POWER-REPORT-FINAL.PDF; Alexandra Stevenson et al., A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded., N. Y. TIMES (Dec. 12, 2018), https://www nytimes.com/2018/12/12/business/cefc-biden-china-washington-ye-jianming html. 21 Alexandra Stevenson et al., A Chinese Tycoon Sought Power and Influence. Washington Responded., N. Y. TIMES (Dec. 12, 2018), https://www nytimes.com/2018/12/12/business/cefc-biden-china-washington-ye-jianming html. Page 4 of 11 CEFC donated as much as $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, presumably as part of that public influence effort.22 According to reports, “n the winter of 2015, Chairman Ye and CEFC Executive Director Jianjun Zang… flew to Washington, DC. A meeting with Ye was scheduled in Hunter’s diary for December 7, 2015…”23 Records show that Hunter Biden’s business associate, James Gilliar, was actively involved in efforts to develop investment opportunities for CEFC around the world, and involved Hunter Biden in those efforts. A May 15, 2017, report prepared by Gilliar states that Hunter Biden was involved in efforts to build relations between CEFC and the country of Oman.24 According to the report, “HB was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman [Ye Jianming] and the non-conflict status of CEFC entry, ‘a bridge between two great nations’.”25 The report also states that Hunter Biden was responsible for “[w]riting to all parties and organizing meetings to continue CEFC promote [sic], as well approving step-bystep strategic and operational elements.”26 Records obtained by our offices show that Ye became very close with Hunter Biden. For example, in an October 2017 message exchange produced by Anthony (Tony) Bobulinski, Hunter Biden told Bobulinski that although he “stayed out of that Russian mess,” he “discussed the Roseneft [sic] deal”27 with Ye personally and was familiar with the deal, including the fact that Ye was “pissed off…by the execution[.]”28 In the same exchange, Hunter Biden explained to Tony Bobulinski that he spoke to Ye on a “regular basis,” they have a “standing once a week call,” was the “first guest in his new apartment,” “he cooked me lunch himself and we ate in the kitchen together,” and was helping Ye “on a number of his personal issues (staff visas and some more sensitive things).”29 According to reports, Ye met with Hunter Biden on February 14, 2017, in Miami, Florida.30 He also reportedly gave Hunter a 3.16-carat diamond valued at $80,000.31 As we stated in our November 18, 2020, report, just nine days later, on February 23, 2017, a Shanghaibased company called State Energy HK Limited that was affiliated with CEFC China Energy, sent a $3,000,000 wire to Robinson Walker LLC, a company associated with Hunter Biden and James Gilliar’s business associate, Rob Walker. 32 State Energy HK Limited sent another $3,000,000 wire to Robinson Walker on March 1, 2017.33 While the purpose of these two 22 Id. 23 Miranda Devine, “More Money Than God”: Chinese Titan Lavished Hunter Biden with 3-Carat Gem, Offer of $30 Million, NEW YORK POST (Nov. 28, 2021), https://nypost.com/2021/11/28/chine...er-biden-with-3-carat-gem-offer-of30-million/. 24 CEFC China Energy Investment Vehicle Phase I Countries Outline (May 15, 2017), see Nov. 18 Report at 48. 25 Id. 26 Id. 27 As noted in the Nov. 18, Report, in Sept. 2017, CEFC announced its intention to purchase a 14.2 percent stake in the Russian state-owned energy company, Rosneft, for approximately U.S. $9 billion. CEFC subsequently agreed to a reported €5 billion loan deal with Russian state-owned VTB Bank to finance the purchase. The 14.2 percent stake would have come from the 19.5 percent stake in Rosneft previously purchased by a consortium of Glencore (a Swiss mining company) and the Qatar Investment Authority (the sovereign wealth fund of the Qatari government). See Nov. 18 Report at 4. 28 Text Message from Hunter Biden to Tony Bobulinski (Oct. 16, 2017) (Nov. 18 Report at 24). 29 Id. Notably, in one exchange, Hunter Biden referred to himself as Ye’s attorney. 30 Miranda Devine, “More Money Than God”: Chinese Titan Lavished Hunter Biden with 3-Carat Gem, Offer of $30 Million, NEW YORK POST (Nov. 28, 2021), https://ny

What is the name of Obama's Chinese tech company?
Lots more where this came from. About 150 emails on the laptop mention the Sinopec deal....

View attachment 749791
View attachment 749792

View attachment 749800

US DOE announces sales of oil to Unipec, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China International United Petroleum and Chemical Co. Ltd. (UNIPEC), a member of SINOPEC...

cc: Moonglow surada

What's your problem with Sinopec?

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