Uncovered New Email Names Joe Biden in Oil Deal with China – Then Later in 2022 Biden Sold National Oil Reserves to Hunter Connected Chinese Company

Hard to believe there was no outrage in the media when Biden went live on the air and demanded that the head of the Ukrainian justice system be fired for daring to investigate Hunter Biden's no show job on the Ukrainian energy board. Why would the University Pa. receive millions in donations from the Chinese Communist government when documents were found in the U.P. Biden Think Tank? Why would Hunter pay his father 50k in rent every month when he claimed to own the property? Money laundering anyone?

The Cult protects itself above all else.
This is still Hunter Biden and other relatives business dealing. The only link is the statement about the big guy. This does not say ;it was Joe Biden or that he received any money. Its a statement and not proof and does not name JB by name. Still this would be enough for repubs. as they need to have a purpose in life. It won't get a conviction in any court. The most they can hope for is a loss for him in the next election if he decides to run. Unless if the repubs are crazy enough to nominate Trump. Then all bet are off. The devil went down in Georgia.

The only thing is a statement from Two of Hunter's former business partners, including Tony Bobulinski, who received the email, have told CBS News that "10 held by H for the big guy?" is shorthand for 10% held by Hunter for his father.

But when the email became public in 2020, the author of the email, James Gilliar, told the Wall Street Journal that Joe Biden was not involved.

So the email originator does not implicate JB. It just a couple of partners who will have to prove that he got this 10 percent that was being held.

Without proof other than heresy and contradictory statements between the people involved. This is just a deal between other people. The validity of this email is just an email and it is not proof. They will need to show did he actually get this money. This could be nothing more than one player in this dealing getting more than he should.

Yes Hunter Biden has problems. Still he is Joe's son and JB has to love him as his son. My belief is that Hunter was just getting more money for himself and maybe someone else by pulling one over on his partners.

Joe Biden has been in politics for 50 years. and he well aware of what he can do or what he can do concerning government ethics. He is not that stupid to be involved in any deals to make money while in office. He has money and he is the president.
National enquirer, got your boy John Edward's busted.
The National Enquirer openly acknowledges that it pays sources for tips, a common practice in tabloid journalism that results in conflicts of interest.

Still anyone who read NE must still be waiting for those aliens to appear. Oh well if they want aliens then they should camp out at the boarder. Aliens from space well it may be a while but keep on dreaming.
Biden was so stupid that the 1st time he met China's leader he asked him why his mama named him after a NUMBER, if she named each child for the order in which they were born...


It was then that Xi knew he had his 'manchurian candidate'.

Hard to believe there was no outrage in the media when Biden went live on the air and demanded that the head of the Ukrainian justice system be fired for daring to investigate Hunter Biden's no show job on the Ukrainian energy board. Why would the University Pa. receive millions in donations from the Chinese Communist government when documents were found in the U.P. Biden Think Tank? Why would Hunter pay his father 50k in rent every month when he claimed to own the property? Money laundering anyone?

Shokin refused to prosecute corruption. Getting rid of him was US foreign policy backed by the EU and UN. Ukraine needed to attract foreign investment and couldn't do so until they cleaned up their reputation for corruption. Some Americans are too lazy and stupid to deal in facts. They prefer crackpot conspiracy theories.
" I have never discussed my son's foreign business dealings with him" -- Joe Biden

Enough said!

Force this crooked bastard to resign or 25th Amendment him. He makes Nixon look like Mr. Rogers.

Perhaps the DoJ can line-up a case against him.

But they need to hold-off until January 21, 2025 to indict.

I don't want Harris sworn-in as POTUS.
Lol. Biden dealt China a heavy blow when he stopped the Keystone XL pipeline. My God, Americans are stupid.

U.S. Loses, Russia And China Win With Keystone XL Closure​

While doubtless appealing to environmental activists, this is a massive geopolitical blunder by the Biden Administration, putting politics and ideology in front of national interests.

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