Under 2 minute explanation of the democrats open border policy.

I'm not going to teach you how to read for free.
I explained my reasoning and you lack a great reply. As I asked you, how is any of that unique to America? I have family members in Canada and the UK who are first generation immigrants and citizens and they participate in politics, in the economy and their community.
You don't agree with "Equal Access to Vote"?

How will looking into making equal access to vote affect your ability to vote?
You will scream FRAUD, but Fraud wasn't proven by ANY team trump member.
Yeah equal access to vote but not for just being 18 and a pulse. That's absurd and that's demogoguery. A system this country was never supposed to be in its conception.


Cause large groups of people are too easy ro MANIPULATE with false promises and under the power of group think and conformity, the main voting base (95% of you socialist voters) turn into walking tropes, campaign slogans and platitudes.

Listening to you demented idiots just going along with the every stupid pathetic divide and conquer strategy disguised as "civil rights" is a perfect example.

You're way too frightened that you'd ever be saddled as a conservative about anything so you just go along to get along.

As a result of allowing every person to vote without any real preparation or true information has sunk us.

Now giggle away with the rest of your pack of useful idiotic monkeys. In your 80 trillionth year in hell it may actually occur to you the side you just went along with dragged you to the place you are tormented.
Immigration is for the benefit of the country allowing the immigrants
Unkotare and his globalist buddies firmly believe the contrary….They believe America is REQUIRED to be the worlds dumping ground…they believe Americans are REQUIRED to pay the worlds filth to fuck the place up. They believe the host nation is supposed to take it in the ass while the immigrant benefits.
Some LOSEERS here have some very strange notions about what it means to be American. Clearly they don't know. Clearly they are not.
While globalist filth who see no value in American citizenships believe one is an American for standing on American soil.
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Yeah equal access to vote but not for just being 18 and a pulse. That's absurd and that's demogoguery. A system this country was never supposed to be in its conception.
No, that's the law little bitch. :funnyface:

Cause large groups of people are too easy ro MANIPULATE with false promises and under the power of group think and conformity, the main voting base (95% of you socialist voters) turn into walking tropes, campaign slogans and platitudes.
Democracy is only acceptable when you agree with its outcomes? Too bad your lot is too pussy to enforce that. :lol:
Listening to you demented idiots just going along with the every stupid pathetic divide and conquer strategy disguised as "civil rights" is a perfect example.
You don't have to resist. You can lay down, close your eyes and let it happen. :dunno:
You're way too frightened that you'd ever be saddled as a conservative about anything so you just go along to get along.
Yeah. You're all cuckolded. They're just at a higher level of acceptance than you. You'll get there.
As a result of allowing every person to vote without any real preparation or true information has sunk us.

Now giggle away with the rest of your pack of useful idiotic monkeys. In your 80 trillionth year in hell it may actually occur to you the side you just went along with dragged you to the place you are tormented.
Good chat. Shouting at them seems to work. They love that. :lol:
Cause large groups of people are too easy ro MANIPULATE with false promises and under the power of group think and conformity, the main voting base (95% of you socialist voters) turn into walking tropes, campaign slogans and platitudes.
Have you seen the 100's of on the spot interviews/questioning of a trump cult member.

They SPEW the exact same talking points and can't back any of it up.
When asked a simple question like, "Give me ONE trump policy that benefited you"
They all answer the same, "Ahhh, all of them."
When asked again, "Just name ONE." They can't.

The trump cult is LOADED, and I mean Stacked, with low IQ members.
It truly is embarrassing.

She never answered a single question, she just spewed the talking points.

Have you seen the 100's of on the spot interviews/questioning of a trump cult member.

They SPEW the exact same talking points and can't back any of it up.
When asked a simple question like, "Give me ONE trump policy that benefited you"
They all answer the same, "Ahhh, all of them."
When asked again, "Just name ONE." They can't.

The trump cult is LOADED, and I mean Stacked, with low IQ members.
It truly is embarrassing.

And biden supporters are...? They support biden because....? "He's not Trump!" :rolleyes:
And biden supporters are...? They support biden because....? "He's not Trump!" :rolleyes:
You do you.
All politicians are corrupt, and I'm just calling out the 85% trump lying cult members on this board.
Did I hurt your feeeeelz by pointing out just trump and his cult?

There is no need for ME to bust bidens balls, because it is done 85% of the time on here.
Unkotare and his globalist buddies firmly believe the contrary….They believe America is REQUIRED to be the worlds dumping ground…they believe Americans are REQUIRED to pay the worlds filth to fuck the place up. They believe the host nation is supposed to take it in the ass while the immigrant benefits.
Well their feelings are again misplaced
Immigration is to improve the country accepting the legal immigrants
It’s not so illegals can run wild and call the shots.
Maybe because YOU are part of HIS "cult"? Is everyone part of a "cult" if they vote for anyone?
You always try to come across as a know-it-all while being totally obnoxious.

I can't stand trump, because he is a life long LYING con man, that everything revolves around him. It's all about trump. He doesn't give a shit about YOU, ME, or anyone else, just him.
He has NO morals, NO quality characteristics, and NO worth to anybody.
He's a POS.

I recognize this and despise him.

I'm in no cult.
Nice try.

It's YOU and the post below, where YOU try to tell me who I am.
What pisses me off is the post below, this clown actually believes it is just Biden people that are manipulated. That's BS, it's ALL the idiots on both sides.
His post below describes the trump cult member to a tee.

Cause large groups of people are too easy ro MANIPULATE with false promises and under the power of group think and conformity, the main voting base (95% of you socialist voters) turn into walking tropes, campaign slogans and platitudes.

I can't stand trump, because he is a life long LYING con man, that everything revolves around him. It's all about trump. He doesn't give a shit about YOU, ME, or anyone else, just him.
He has NO morals, NO quality characteristics, and NO worth to anybody.
He's a POS.
And you could say all the same about biden, right? RIGHT?
Maybe because YOU are part of HIS "cult"? Is everyone part of a "cult" if they vote for anyone?
When the bully in the school setting takes on the weaker individual, I realize that BOTH of these individuals certainly have issues/flaws. Nobody is perfect.

But I sure as hell am NOT going to take the side of the bully and chastise the flawed characteristics of the weaker individual.
Too many people just sit back and watch the bully do his thing.
That certainly isn't YOU, is it?
You tend to embrace the weak, don't YOU?

Too many people just sit back and watch the bully do his thing.
That's exactly what the trump cult does.
Trump is a World Wide embarrassment, and so-called people of faith support this bully.

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