Under New House Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.
The contempt most on the right have for sound, responsible governance comes as no surprise.

Obama's version was sound, responsible governance? Meanwhile the left want's no responsibility for anything...including themselves.
My understanding is that people deemed to have preexisting conditions won't be turned away but their premiums will be considerably higher. Senior s too young for MEDICARE could expect up to a 500 to 700% increase in
out of pocket expenses.

Not necessarily. states could opt out of covering mental and nervous conditions completely
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

/--- If I buy an expensive boat but no insurance then wreck it, can I buy insurance after the fact and have the insurance company fix the damage?The cracked hull is pre existing.

Feel free to stop calling it "insurance". What we are trying to do is to make healthcare available to all citizens.
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

/--- If I buy an expensive boat but no insurance then wreck it, can I buy insurance after the fact and have the insurance company fix the damage?The cracked hull is pre existing.

Feel free to stop calling it "insurance". What we are trying to do is to make healthcare available to all citizens.

The hyperbole of the left is reaching new heights.
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

/--- If I buy an expensive boat but no insurance then wreck it, can I buy insurance after the fact and have the insurance company fix the damage?The cracked hull is pre existing.

Feel free to stop calling it "insurance". What we are trying to do is to make healthcare available to all citizens.
I thought the Supreme Court called it a tax? Damn peeps need to make up their minds on what to call this racketeering scam they got going is. Is it a tax, insurance or faux medical care where lots of people have mental security and others have office positions but nobody is getting (their real) health care needs met.
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

Obama had 8 years to live up to his promise of the average family savings $2500/year in healthcare costs.

Where was it? Did Obama lie, or is he just fucking stupid?
Can anyone cite a provision in the bill that makes rape a preexisting condition?
My understanding is that people deemed to have preexisting conditions won't be turned away but their premiums will be considerably higher. Senior s too young for MEDICARE could expect up to a 500 to 700% increase in
out of pocket expenses.
A distinction without a difference.

Charging high premiums no one can afford is the same as denying someone coverage.
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

/--- If I buy an expensive boat but no insurance then wreck it, can I buy insurance after the fact and have the insurance company fix the damage?The cracked hull is pre existing.

Feel free to stop calling it "insurance". What we are trying to do is to make healthcare available to all citizens.
You are right. It's not insurance.
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

/--- If I buy an expensive boat but no insurance then wreck it, can I buy insurance after the fact and have the insurance company fix the damage?The cracked hull is pre existing.

Feel free to stop calling it "insurance". What we are trying to do is to make healthcare available to all citizens.
You are right. It's not insurance.
It's a government entitlement disguised as insurance.
Most hospitals have day clinics and do not take non-emergencies into emergency rooms and they were doing this long before ACA.
Aye, aye... But if day clinics do exist in some hospitals, free treatment is not an option.
Someone still has to pay for services rendered. That means millions of poor people without insurance could be triaged
and forced to get substandard care. Further, the bills would be passed on to the taxpayers.
What makes you think that they aren't getting substandard care now? People regardless of wealth or lack of it are getting substandard care throughout. Sorry that is just the way it is and the government isn't going to fix that by gifting more to the insurance and medical communities the way they are going about it.
Based on recent comparative studies of various healthcare systes around the world It does appear that, overall, the U.S. system lags behind the best. Considering the fact that more than 90, 000+ deaths occur each year from medical error, the stain upon our overpriced healthcare grows wider each day.
And that 90,000 figure is a conservative estimate.
But I think it will be worse, especially for the less affluent, under HB:1628.
My understanding is that people deemed to have preexisting conditions won't be turned away but their premiums will be considerably higher. Senior s too young for MEDICARE could expect up to a 500 to 700% increase in
out of pocket expenses.

Not necessarily. states could opt out of covering mental and nervous conditions completely
After reviewing the bill I see that states won't have to opt out covering mental and nervous conditions...those services would vanish for patients on Medicaid.
Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.

One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away

Fake news


So when you don't like the news you don't even look into it to see if it is fake....and ignore it.

WASHINGTON – Jody Neal-Post has been reading about the health care law debate with worry these days.

She’s worried about how the new health care law won’t carry protections for all people with pre-existing conditions. She is relatively healthy, but before Obamacare, she had a hard time getting insurance because of what some companies considered a pre-existing condition: She is a domestic violence survivor.

Rape and domestic violence could be considered pre-existing conditions

Fake news. There is nothing in the new bill that stipulates such a thing. In your own link all she does is speculate that insurance companies will deny such coverage, just because they aren't mandated. Fear mongering at its best.
All lies. From the Washington post fact checker-

The reality

The AHCA does not specifically address or classify rape or sexual assault as a pre-existing condition. It also would not deny coverage to anyone because of a pre-existing condition.

Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.
All lies. From the Washington post fact checker-

The reality

The AHCA does not specifically address or classify rape or sexual assault as a pre-existing condition. It also would not deny coverage to anyone because of a pre-existing condition.

Domestic abuse survivors and mothers could also see be denied coverage or see their premiums increased under the plan.

When House Republicans passed the American Health Care Act on Thursday, many Americans likely thought of their family and friends living with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. These diseases are commonly referred to as “pre-existing conditions” – conditions which, under the Republican health care bill, could result in them being denied health insurance.

But another, less publicised group of people were also concerned by the bill's passage: rape survivors.

Before Obamacare, some insurance companies considered rape and domestic abuse pre-existing conditions. One woman, Jody Neal-Post, says she was turned away after telling a potential insurance that she was a domestic violence victim – despite otherwise being perfectly healthy.

Half of the top 16 insurance companies in the US in 1994 admitted they considered domestic violence in factor in determining premiums, and whether or not to deny someone coverage.

Under Obamacare, that changed: The law prohibited employers from denying coverage or racking up premiums for those with pre-existing conditions. It also prohibited insurers from “gender rating,” or charging more for insurance just for being a woman. The number of uninsured women went from 19 per cent to just 8 per cent after it was passed.

The new American Health Care Act, however, contains an amendment allows states to opt out of protections for pre-existing conditions. That means women like Ms Neal-Post could once again find themselves unable to find coverage.

More: Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

Unbelievable - and unconscionable! This should infuriate all women. Even as a man - I'm infuriated. By definition - rape is not a choice.
Rape is an action, not a condition.
My understanding is that people deemed to have preexisting conditions won't be turned away but their premiums will be considerably higher. Senior s too young for MEDICARE could expect up to a 500 to 700% increase in
out of pocket expenses.
A distinction without a difference.

Charging high premiums no one can afford is the same as denying someone coverage.

So what's Obamacare's excuse ?

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