Under the United States Constitution,


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]

* Before passing the Universal Health Care Bill, the Senate questioned whether they had constitutional authority to require all citizens to buy Health Insurance. For this reason, in 2009 the Senate Finance Committee asked the Congressional Research Service to render an opinion about the constitutionality of the mandate — can the Fed force citizens to buy a good or service? The Senate Research Service concluded: "Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this Clause to require an individual to purchase a good or a service." In other words, this issue is uniquely "new" and has never been addressed by the Supreme Court. [#15]
Does Federal Government have Authority to Force Citizens to Buy Health Insurance under Penalty of Law?
Leave it to liberals to find "new" ways to tax people. Its their specialty.

And of course its unconsitutional, but has that stopped them before?
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]
Then Obolshevikcare is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8.

It's the job of the HoR, not the Senate, to originate taxing bills.
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]
Then Obolshevikcare is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8.

It's the job of the HoR, not the Senate, to originate taxing bills.

By golly you're right.

And there is nothing in the constitution about having the government purchasing military equipment from private firms..either!

Or requiring doctors have licenses!
Or requiring pilots have licenses!
Or authorizing an Air Force!
Or paying for nuclear silos!
Or funding bases outside of our borders!
Or marriage!
Or the CIA!
Or the FBI!
Or guns!

Holy crap..how deep does this rabbit hole go!!!
Leave it to liberals to find "new" ways to tax people. Its their specialty.

And of course its unconsitutional, but has that stopped them before?

Actually conservatives wanted to pay tribute to pirates..but damn it..those liberals stopped them and bought Ships to protect our trade routes anyway.

The scoundrels!
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]
Then Obolshevikcare is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8.

It's the job of the HoR, not the Senate, to originate taxing bills.

By golly you're right.

And there is nothing in the constitution about having the government purchasing military equipment from private firms..either!

Or requiring doctors have licenses!
Or requiring pilots have licenses!
Or authorizing an Air Force!
Or paying for nuclear silos!
Or funding bases outside of our borders!
Or marriage!
Or the CIA!
Or the FBI!
Or guns!

Holy crap..how deep does this rabbit hole go!!!
Apparently not very deep into your lightweight mind.

My comment pointed out what is there, in plain English, not what isn't....Maybe the "plain English" part is what tripped you up.
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Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]
Then Obolshevikcare is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8.

It's the job of the HoR, not the Senate, to originate taxing bills.

By golly you're right.

And there is nothing in the constitution about having the government purchasing military equipment from private firms..either!

Or requiring doctors have licenses!
Or requiring pilots have licenses!
Or authorizing an Air Force!
Or paying for nuclear silos!
Or funding bases outside of our borders!
Or marriage!
Or the CIA!
Or the FBI!
Or guns!

Holy crap..how deep does this rabbit hole go!!!

it's not a rabbit hole; it's your ass

that's your duodenum right up ahead...
The Constitution imposes an obligation on the federal government to guard the country. It is one of the few obligations the government has. Under the necessary and proper clause, we can have a army, navy, airforce and buy weapons.

There is no federal requirement for a doctor to have a license so I don't know where you get that from. If someone wants to practice medicine they have to pass their state boards, there are no federal boards.

How did we get people educated in this country that are so unknowledgable about their own nation?
The Constitution imposes an obligation on the federal government to guard the country. It is one of the few obligations the government has. Under the necessary and proper clause, we can have a army, navy, airforce and buy weapons.

There is no federal requirement for a doctor to have a license so I don't know where you get that from. If someone wants to practice medicine they have to pass their state boards, there are no federal boards.

How did we get people educated in this country that are so unknowledgable about their own nation?
It's because Shallow is more interested in trying to political points with his inane sophistry, than make any kind of cogent and relevant observation.

You get used to it.
The Constitution imposes an obligation on the federal government to guard the country. It is one of the few obligations the government has. Under the necessary and proper clause, we can have a army, navy, airforce and buy weapons.


How did we get people educated in this country that are so unknowledgable about their own nation?

so the general welfare and commerce clauses were just tossed in there because they sounded good?

i don't know, maybe by listening to people like ron paul and rush limbaugh?
The Constitution imposes an obligation on the federal government to guard the country. It is one of the few obligations the government has. Under the necessary and proper clause, we can have a army, navy, airforce and buy weapons.


How did we get people educated in this country that are so unknowledgable about their own nation?

so the general welfare and commerce clauses were just tossed in there because they sounded good?

i don't know, maybe by listening to people like ron paul and rush limbaugh?
No, James Madison...Y'know, the guy primarily responsible for authoring the charter.

But you already knew that.
The Constitution imposes an obligation on the federal government to guard the country. It is one of the few obligations the government has. Under the necessary and proper clause, we can have a army, navy, airforce and buy weapons.


How did we get people educated in this country that are so unknowledgable about their own nation?

so the general welfare and commerce clauses were just tossed in there because they sounded good?

i don't know, maybe by listening to people like ron paul and rush limbaugh?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

This gives congress the power to tax. It does not give congress to do things in the name of general welfare. It does not give the federal government to do anything but tax. It doesn't even give congress the authority to provide for the common defense of the United States, it gives it the authority to tax in order to provide for the common defense of the United States.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

This does not give congress the authority to regulate trade, items traded or any such thing.
The dictionary I have from 1792 in my hands. I cannot give you a link because in 1792 they did not have the internet. said:
Commerce: an interchange of goods or commodities, especially on a large scale between different countries.

To clear up the Commerce clause look into the dispute over the Potomac river. The commerce clause is intended to give congress the authority to set parameters through which you may have interstate trading. It was done so that Congress could prevent one state from setting up tarrifs and taxes for goods as they passed through the state from another. Any other use of the power is a bastardization of the power granted to Congress by the Constitution.

Republican Rep. Paul Broun won his seat in Congress campaigning as a strict defender of the Constitution. He carries a copy in his pocket and is particularly fond of invoking the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

But it turns out there are parts of the document he doesn't care for - lots of them. He wants to get rid of the language about birthright citizenship, federal income taxes and direct election of senators, among others. He would add plenty of stuff, including explicitly authorizing castration as punishment for child rapists.

This hot-and-cold take on the Constitution is surprisingly common within the Republican Party, particularly among those like Broun who portray themselves as strict Constitutionalists and who frequently accuse Democrats of twisting the document to serve political aims.

Republicans have proposed at least 42 Constitutional amendments in the current Congress, including one that has gained favor recently to eliminate the automatic grant of citizenship to anyone born in the United States.

Analysis: GOP Hot, Cold on the Constitution - CBS News

Republicans love the constitution, except for the parts they want to change.
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]
Then Obolshevikcare is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8.

It's the job of the HoR, not the Senate, to originate taxing bills.

By golly you're right.

And there is nothing in the constitution about having the government purchasing military equipment from private firms..either!

Or requiring doctors have licenses!
Or requiring pilots have licenses!
Or authorizing an Air Force!
Or paying for nuclear silos!
Or funding bases outside of our borders!
Or marriage!
Or the CIA!
Or the FBI!
Or guns!

Holy crap..how deep does this rabbit hole go!!!

All the things you listed fall under the power to OPERATE the Government or under Amendments. The Commerce clause does not however authorize the Government to FORCE its citizens to BUY anything. Nor do the articles that legalize taxation.
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]

* Before passing the Universal Health Care Bill, the Senate questioned whether they had constitutional authority to require all citizens to buy Health Insurance. For this reason, in 2009 the Senate Finance Committee asked the Congressional Research Service to render an opinion about the constitutionality of the mandate — can the Fed force citizens to buy a good or service? The Senate Research Service concluded: "Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this Clause to require an individual to purchase a good or a service." In other words, this issue is uniquely "new" and has never been addressed by the Supreme Court. [#15]
Does Federal Government have Authority to Force Citizens to Buy Health Insurance under Penalty of Law?
That's now how rights work. There is no law allowing the government to compel them to purchase a product at the federal level. The government doesn't have that right.
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]

* Before passing the Universal Health Care Bill, the Senate questioned whether they had constitutional authority to require all citizens to buy Health Insurance. For this reason, in 2009 the Senate Finance Committee asked the Congressional Research Service to render an opinion about the constitutionality of the mandate — can the Fed force citizens to buy a good or service? The Senate Research Service concluded: "Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this Clause to require an individual to purchase a good or a service." In other words, this issue is uniquely "new" and has never been addressed by the Supreme Court. [#15]
Does Federal Government have Authority to Force Citizens to Buy Health Insurance under Penalty of Law?
That's now how rights work. There is no law allowing the government to compel them to purchase a product at the federal level. The government doesn't have that right.

Except for car insurance.
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]

* Before passing the Universal Health Care Bill, the Senate questioned whether they had constitutional authority to require all citizens to buy Health Insurance. For this reason, in 2009 the Senate Finance Committee asked the Congressional Research Service to render an opinion about the constitutionality of the mandate — can the Fed force citizens to buy a good or service? The Senate Research Service concluded: "Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this Clause to require an individual to purchase a good or a service." In other words, this issue is uniquely "new" and has never been addressed by the Supreme Court. [#15]
Does Federal Government have Authority to Force Citizens to Buy Health Insurance under Penalty of Law?
That's now how rights work. There is no law allowing the government to compel them to purchase a product at the federal level. The government doesn't have that right.

Except for car insurance.
Feds don't compel the purchase of car insurance, dope.
Under the United States Constitution, Do Individual Citizens
have the Right NOT to purchase a Product or Service?

* The United States Congress lacks the political will to be honest with Americans by taxing citizens directly to pay for Obama Care; but because direct taxation would have been unpopular, such a method for paying for Health Care Reform would have made said Reform un-passable. Thus, requiring citizens to buy health insurance is actually a form of taxation through the back door. [#12]

* Before passing the Universal Health Care Bill, the Senate questioned whether they had constitutional authority to require all citizens to buy Health Insurance. For this reason, in 2009 the Senate Finance Committee asked the Congressional Research Service to render an opinion about the constitutionality of the mandate — can the Fed force citizens to buy a good or service? The Senate Research Service concluded: "Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this Clause to require an individual to purchase a good or a service." In other words, this issue is uniquely "new" and has never been addressed by the Supreme Court. [#15]
Does Federal Government have Authority to Force Citizens to Buy Health Insurance under Penalty of Law?
That's now how rights work. There is no law allowing the government to compel them to purchase a product at the federal level. The government doesn't have that right.

Except for car insurance.

You don't have to own a car either...
The Constitution imposes an obligation on the federal government to guard the country. It is one of the few obligations the government has. Under the necessary and proper clause, we can have a army, navy, airforce and buy weapons.


How did we get people educated in this country that are so unknowledgable about their own nation?

so the general welfare and commerce clauses were just tossed in there because they sounded good?

i don't know, maybe by listening to people like ron paul and rush limbaugh?

Right o queue

Repealing that monstrosity of a healthcare bill will 'contribute' to the general welfare and commerce of America

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