Underdog? Gary Johnson


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!


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Oh, HEY NOW!!!

Despite our best efforts at enforcement, education and interdiction, people continue to use and abuse illegal drugs.

The parallels between drug policy today and Prohibition in the 1920’s are obvious, as are the lessons our nation learned. Prohibition was repealed because it made matters worse. Today, no one is trying to sell our kids bathtub gin in the schoolyard and micro-breweries aren’t protecting their turf with machine guns. It’s time to apply that thinking to marijuana. By making it a legal, regulated product, availability can be restricted, under-age use curtailed, enforcement/court/incarceration costs reduced, and the profit removed from a massive underground and criminal economy.

By managing marijuana like alcohol and tobacco – regulating, taxing and enforcing its lawful use – America will be better off. The billions saved on marijuana interdiction, along with the billions captured as legal revenue, can be redirected against the individuals committing real crimes against society. Harder drugs should not be legalized, but their use should be dealt with as a health issue – not a criminal justice issue.

From the site cited above.

More specifically;

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He doesn't appear to be afraid to rein in a bloated military and bloated military involvements like Afghanistan.
That's one plus.
Is this the bloated government " my neighbors dogs make more shovel ready jobs" thread

Come on, left or right, that was funny.
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Oh, look. Another Nazi heard from.

I understand you are actually literally physically incapable of staying on topic. They have drugs for that.

You're welcome.
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Oh! And P.S. DEAR Cali Girl. Thanks SO MUCH for showing me how a Christian actually acts.

You surely do know how to set that standard.

Don't forget to tell your priest, so he can commend you on it.
Gary Johnson isn't anywhere close to being an underdog.

I don't have the latest poll numbers, but my guess is he is one of the last. That doesn't mean he should be the last. If the field was twenty, Ron Paul should be the last. Since Johnson is supposedly on the libertarian fringe I wouldn't even give him a dog designation.

My best choice is Gingrich. Realistically, no chance as the nominee. That will clearly be Romney. And, deservedly so. I hope Romney picks Gingrich as his running mate. Although Rubio would probably be the best, politically speaking.

Gary Johnson is a good candidate much better than all other except Dr. Ron Paul IMO. He is going through what Ron Paul had to go through in 2008, except Ron Paul was getting kicked out of debates when he was polling better than some of the other candidates that were included.

Gary Johnson is not polling as high, because Ron Paul is the main candidate of the grassroots.

I do like GJ
How do people get so easily dismissed? And why?

Usually because they are insignificant, or palpably wrong.

In actuality, it is because they stand against the status quo, big business, big pharma, the warfare, and welfare state. They are true statesman and care about the country, constitution, and care about our freedom and liberty.

The media are opinion molders, the free press is the internet and that is why they are fighting so hard to regulate it.
How do people get so easily dismissed? And why?

Usually because they are insignificant, or palpably wrong.

In actuality, it is because they stand against the status quo, big business, big pharma, the warfare, and welfare state. They are true statesman and care about the country, constitution, and care about our freedom and liberty.

The media are opinion molders, the free press is the internet and that is why they are fighting so hard to regulate it.

Wow....sounds like your talking about Obama when he was campaigning.
I gotta wonder about folks like Boob who keep making threads that confirm over and over again how truly stupid they are.

Is she a masochist?
Gary Johnson, Like Ron Paul's nutty ass, has no chance but, he' definitely had the best line in all of the debates thus far:

"My neighbors dog provides more shovel ready jobs then Obama!"
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