Understanding End-time Events Through The Hebrew Prophets

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This study is on understanding End-time events through the Hebrew Prophets. In this study Rabbi K.A. Shneider will be the teacher. Rabbi K.A. Shneider is a Messianic Jew and a wonderful teacher. This is the first video of the series on understanding End-times events through the Hebrew Prophets:

Just out of curiosity, if a Baptist minister had a vision and began preaching Hinduism, would you still consider him a minister?
Just out of curiosity, if a Baptist minister had a vision and began preaching Hinduism, would you still consider him a minister?

No. That would be not be a minister of God because even Ghandi admitted he had been deceived by Hinduism and on his death bed repented and admitted Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and that he had damned his own soul. ( that was just prior to his death and as those are not his exact words but my paraphrasing what he said I would advise you to look up Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - you'll find his exact words.

If you need me to post the link for Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - I'll be happy to do that for you later on - but right now I am in the middle of getting this teaching out in a timely manner, PratchettFan.

Some people like to watch the videos one after another and I do not want to hold that up. Thank you for your consideration.
This next video is of Messianic Rabbi R.A. Shneider doing a recap of what he will be teaching in the upcoming series and also he will cover in this video that hell is mentioned numerous times in the Torah - that he is going to explain how the Hebrew prophets were giving us the keys to understanding end time events and what is happening right now. It is a short video but will recap a few points and set up what is coming next. thanks for watching. He's a wonderful teacher, isn't he? Enjoy!

Alright this series now goes to the time of Jacobs trouble - which we know to be the Great Tribulation. Here is part 1 to that teaching -
Just out of curiosity, if a Baptist minister had a vision and began preaching Hinduism, would you still consider him a minister?

No. That would be not be a minister of God because even Ghandi admitted he had been deceived by Hinduism and on his death bed repented and admitted Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and that he had damned his own soul. ( that was just prior to his death and as those are not his exact words but my paraphrasing what he said I would advise you to look up Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - you'll find his exact words.

If you need me to post the link for Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - I'll be happy to do that for you later on - but right now I am in the middle of getting this teaching out in a timely manner, PratchettFan.

Some people like to watch the videos one after another and I do not want to hold that up. Thank you for your consideration.

What did Gandhi say on his death bed?
It's is on the famous last words of atheists on their death beds thread, Moonglow. I will go find you the link in a about 2 minutes. I have to finish this up with a different lesson from Rabbi Shneider as I cannot find his other vids on youtube. I will be right with you.
I was looking for the next lesson in this series and I will have to contact his ministry and ask him what happened to the rest of them as I cannot find the vids on Youtube. The concluding vids to this series are Armageddon, return of the Messiah, Marriage Supper The Millenial Reign, The Judgment seat of Elohim, The final Judgment, and the last one is the New heavens and the New earth. Until then - here is the series I did find and it is 1 - 3 parts and is on having courage - do not be afraid. That link requires registration - never mind! I'll have to find out what happened to the other videos. I'll update later. ( God willing )
It's is on the famous last words of atheists on their death beds thread, Moonglow. I will go find you the link in a about 2 minutes. I have to finish this up with a different lesson from Rabbi Shneider as I cannot find his other vids on youtube. I will be right with you.
Poor old Gandhi was assassinated when walking...
Just out of curiosity, if a Baptist minister had a vision and began preaching Hinduism, would you still consider him a minister?

No. That would be not be a minister of God because even Ghandi admitted he had been deceived by Hinduism and on his death bed repented and admitted Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and that he had damned his own soul. ( that was just prior to his death and as those are not his exact words but my paraphrasing what he said I would advise you to look up Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - you'll find his exact words.

If you need me to post the link for Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - I'll be happy to do that for you later on - but right now I am in the middle of getting this teaching out in a timely manner, PratchettFan.

Some people like to watch the videos one after another and I do not want to hold that up. Thank you for your consideration.

What did Gandhi say on his death bed?

His last words are on this link, Moonglow. It is important to understand that Hinduism teaches reincarnation which is a lie. The bible declares that it is appointed for a man to live and die once and then comes the judgment. Men do not come back to earth again and again. Interesting that in America when someone tells of their former life they were always a king or a princess or some important person! Never a cow or a tree or a bug! lol.... yet that is what hindus believe and it isn't mentioned here that I know of! You know, another thing that is part of Hinduism and many yoga people practice is astral projection. This is common in the occult - satanists use astral projection ( although it won't work on Christians who live holy unto the LORD) but it is a very dangerous thing to do. If I recall the ex-satanist that was killed by Satan and Jesus rescued him - ( that thread is called Testimony of an Ex - Satanist ) was at the time of his death in astral projection when the cord snapped. Some Christians are not aware that people can do this - it is forbidden in the bible and something that should never be done - nevertheless many Hindus do this and this is because they are seriously deceived by spirits assigned to them by Satan.

Ghandi a year or two prior to his death was at peace but as he drew nearer suddenly the veil was lifted and his peace completely vanished. He knew then Christ was the only way to heaven and he had been seriously deceived. I posted several links to famous last words of atheists on their death beds. His is among them on one of them here. Have a look. @Moonglow

Famous Last Words ........ atheists on their death bed Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Just out of curiosity, if a Baptist minister had a vision and began preaching Hinduism, would you still consider him a minister?

No. That would be not be a minister of God because even Ghandi admitted he had been deceived by Hinduism and on his death bed repented and admitted Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and that he had damned his own soul. ( that was just prior to his death and as those are not his exact words but my paraphrasing what he said I would advise you to look up Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - you'll find his exact words.

If you need me to post the link for Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - I'll be happy to do that for you later on - but right now I am in the middle of getting this teaching out in a timely manner, PratchettFan.

Some people like to watch the videos one after another and I do not want to hold that up. Thank you for your consideration.

What did Gandhi say on his death bed?

He did not say it on his death bed. It was on the thread of Death bed confessions and he said it before his death. In fact some time before his death! Listen to this! I found the link.

Some 15 years before his death, Mohandas K. Gandhi wrote: "I must tell you in
all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being,
and I find a solace in the Bhagavad and Upanishads."

Just before his death, Gandhi wrote: "My days are numbered. I am not likely to
live very long-perhaps a year or a little more. For the first time in fifty years I find myself
in the slough of despond. All about me is darkness; I am praying for light."

____________________What does it matter where he died or how he died? He died without Confessing Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior. He missed his opportunity to be saved. Notice as the time drew closer he no longer had peace. he knew he was going to hell. That is the way that goes, @Moonglow.

How about you? Will you call upon the name of the LORD and be saved or will you believe a lie like Ghandi did until you find out it is too late? Listen to this next testimony of a saved Muslim girl who died.... her own mother knew something was different! This story is also on the link............

"What did you do to our daughter?" asked a Moslem woman, whose child had
died at 16 years of age. "We did nothing," answered the missionary. "Oh, yes, you did,"
persisted the mother. "She died smiling. Our people do not die like that. " The girl had
found Christ and believed on Him a few months before. Fear of death had gone. Hope
and joy had taken its place.
Let us pray that be the testimony of many Muslims in the future - that the receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and die without fear and a smile on their faces! Amen? Amen!
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Just out of curiosity, if a Baptist minister had a vision and began preaching Hinduism, would you still consider him a minister?

No. That would be not be a minister of God because even Ghandi admitted he had been deceived by Hinduism and on his death bed repented and admitted Jesus Christ is the way to heaven and that he had damned his own soul. ( that was just prior to his death and as those are not his exact words but my paraphrasing what he said I would advise you to look up Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - you'll find his exact words.

If you need me to post the link for Famous last words of atheists on their death beds - I'll be happy to do that for you later on - but right now I am in the middle of getting this teaching out in a timely manner, PratchettFan.

Some people like to watch the videos one after another and I do not want to hold that up. Thank you for your consideration.

Then you would agree that someone who preaches Christianity is no longer a Rabbi.

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