Unelected Bureaucrat Fauci With Zero Authority Warns In Violation Of The Law: Wear Your Mask Or We’ll Lock You Down Again


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing his tyrannical approach with new warnings. He says that if we want to avoid being locked down again, we should be wearing the ritualist shame muzzles the political parasites keep pushing.

Dr. Fauci says he doesn’t believe the United States will need to go into lockdown to fight the coronavirus scam if people double down on wearing masks and social distancing. The nation’s top infectious disease expert medical tyrant says “the cavalry is coming” in the form of vaccines and that “Help is really on the way.”

Army General In Charge Of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Fears The Public Won’t Take It

Based on statements from Donald Trump that the military will be distributing the vaccine, the use of the word “cavalry” isn’t that surprising. The fact that anyone is lining up for this vaccine after these psychopaths have already told us it won’t return our lives to “normal,” is surprising.

OOOOO you Progs make sure you wear your mask, Mr' Fauci will be angry with you.
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...
Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing his tyrannical approach with new warnings. He says that if we want to avoid being locked down again, we should be wearing the ritualist shame muzzles the political parasites keep pushing.

Dr. Fauci says he doesn’t believe the United States will need to go into lockdown to fight the coronavirus scam if people double down on wearing masks and social distancing. The nation’s top infectious disease expert medical tyrant says“the cavalry is coming” in the form of vaccines and that “Help is really on the way.”

Army General In Charge Of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Fears The Public Won’t Take It

Based on statements from Donald Trump that the military will be distributing the vaccine, the use of the word “cavalry” isn’t that surprising. The fact that anyone is lining up for this vaccine after these psychopaths have already told us it won’t return our lives to “normal,” is surprising.

OOOOO you Progs make sure you wear your mask, Mr' Fauci will be angry with you.

As a retiree, I don't work, and I'm staying out of the public sight. But I keep a mask in my car for my trips to Walmart, moving in and out quickly, but avoiding the waste of money. I don't give a shit what this quack Fauci does or doesn't do. But he should be fired, his failure to stem the coronavirus is a disgrace. That was the only thing that Trump charged him with.
He is such a jerk, since the Governor in my state MANDATE wearing masks in all public and commercial buildings.


Gov Kate Brown of Oregon COMMANDED us to wear masks ... one year jail sentence ... we ignored her ... defund your police and DemoNazi's can't steal your civil rights ...
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...

That is what I have been saying, others want to believe that the President has that authority, I believe they are wrong. And like you the states should have and use that authority.

I'm also losing faith in the mask wearing, it seems everyone I see and everywhere I go, it is all facemasks and we are seeing the virus spread, so something is obviously not right.
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...

That is what I have been saying, others want to believe that the President has that authority, I believe they are wrong. And like you the states should have and use that authority.

I'm also losing faith in the mask wearing, it seems everyone I see and everywhere I go, it is all facemasks and we are seeing the virus spread, so something is obviously not right.

Face Masks don't work, especially indoors.
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...

That is what I have been saying, others want to believe that the President has that authority, I believe they are wrong. And like you the states should have and use that authority.

I'm also losing faith in the mask wearing, it seems everyone I see and everywhere I go, it is all facemasks and we are seeing the virus spread, so something is obviously not right.
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...

That is what I have been saying, others want to believe that the President has that authority, I believe they are wrong. And like you the states should have and use that authority.

I'm also losing faith in the mask wearing, it seems everyone I see and everywhere I go, it is all facemasks and we are seeing the virus spread, so something is obviously not right.

Face Masks don't work, especially indoors.

I'm the first to agree face masks have limited effect ... but what small value they have helps, but then again, none of us have died from SARS ...

As a construction worker, I keep a supply of face masks handy ... so I just grabbed one and it was a couple of weeks later I realized they were 3M N-95 masks ... the gold standard for face masks ... pfffft .. worthless pieces of shit IMEIO ... I have to wear a head sock as well to get any noticeable protection at all ... but then again, if I feel sick, I stay in bed, and refrain from spitting in other people's mouths ... common sense hygene ...
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...

That is what I have been saying, others want to believe that the President has that authority, I believe they are wrong. And like you the states should have and use that authority.

I'm also losing faith in the mask wearing, it seems everyone I see and everywhere I go, it is all facemasks and we are seeing the virus spread, so something is obviously not right.
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...

That is what I have been saying, others want to believe that the President has that authority, I believe they are wrong. And like you the states should have and use that authority.

I'm also losing faith in the mask wearing, it seems everyone I see and everywhere I go, it is all facemasks and we are seeing the virus spread, so something is obviously not right.

Face Masks don't work, especially indoors.

I'm the first to agree face masks have limited effect ... but what small value they have helps, but then again, none of us have died from SARS ...

As a construction worker, I keep a supply of face masks handy ... so I just grabbed one and it was a couple of weeks later I realized they were 3M N-95 masks ... the gold standard for face masks ... pfffft .. worthless pieces of shit IMEIO ... I have to wear a head sock as well to get any noticeable protection at all ... but then again, if I feel sick, I stay in bed, and refrain from spitting in other people's mouths ... common sense hygene ...

The common sense hygiene I have done for decades. Since this began my wife and I have become hermits and stay home and shun public events, such as restaurants, having friends over or meeting with anyone, we go to work come home and that is it. So please don't lecture me about common sense hygiene.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is continuing his tyrannical approach with new warnings. He says that if we want to avoid being locked down again, we should be wearing the ritualist shame muzzles the political parasites keep pushing.

Dr. Fauci says he doesn’t believe the United States will need to go into lockdown to fight the coronavirus scam if people double down on wearing masks and social distancing. The nation’s top infectious disease expert medical tyrant says“the cavalry is coming” in the form of vaccines and that “Help is really on the way.”

Army General In Charge Of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Fears The Public Won’t Take It

Based on statements from Donald Trump that the military will be distributing the vaccine, the use of the word “cavalry” isn’t that surprising. The fact that anyone is lining up for this vaccine after these psychopaths have already told us it won’t return our lives to “normal,” is surprising.

OOOOO you Progs make sure you wear your mask, Mr' Fauci will be angry with you.
Fauci an Cuomo are long time life time buddies....COVID is away to extort federal funds that these crooks can move around and make themselves richer.....
Only State Governors can lock down their State ...

Yes, this has been pointed out to them 50 times, but they'd rather engage in fearful conspiracy theories

You seem to heightened inability to see beyond your nose. You Progs are screaming "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" then turning around and claiming fauci IS the science. It must be tough in that intellectually darkened pointy little head of yours.
Only State Governors can lock down their State ... [shrugs shoulders] ... States that typically have their own virology departments in their tax-payer funded public universities ... I believe the President also has this power, but to date, our current President is allowing each individual State to make their own choices ... as it should be ...

You should call your mother right now and apologize for not starting this thread with "WASH YOUR HANDS" ...
I think you are being naive about the pressure that can be exerted on governors by the Administration.
I think you are being naive about the pressure that can be exerted on governors by the Administration.

I watched in dismay the way Gov Kate Brown caved to The Donald at every turn ... she actually called up the National Guard for a few days last week in Portland ... gibblets on a hook that was ...
I think you are being naive about the pressure that can be exerted on governors by the Administration.

I watched in dismay the way Gov Kate Brown caved to The Donald at every turn ... she actually called up the National Guard for a few days last week in Portland ... gibblets on a hook that was ...
It will be the same with the Biden puppetmasters.
What we are living under is a blatant illegal form of undeclared martial law that is ripping at the fabric of Liberty
States are in rebellion against tyrannical governors now. Law enforcement departments in California are telling Gruesome Newsom to fuck off.

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