Unemployment Rate Explained...

Looks like a battle of semantic hair splitting.
Oh and the higher percentage doesn't just represent those who have stopped looking, it includes Marginally Attached Workers and Part-Time Workers looking for full time employment.
It's really simple. Republicans and wall street crashed the economy in 2008. There's no money for subsidies for business, so no added jobs.

And Obama, regardless of what bullshit he promised in order to win 2 elections, has been completely incompetent of fixing it

Recovering from the worst financial crash in history is going to take some time.


Fannie and Freddie, the binary financial black holes at the center of the meltdown have record profits

Bear Stearns is gone these 5 Christmases past

Merrill Lynch has been part of BofA for 5 years

Exactly what the fuck are you talking about?
After being caught lying that the unemployed plus the discouraged was 14.7% when it is actually 8.2%, you simply move the goal posts and include people who are working as unemployed and people who are not looking for work for at least 1 year. Even then it comes to 14.3% not 14.7%.
The numbers change daily, moron, almost as often as you pick your nose.

From the link I posted...


Clearly the facts show that the TRUE unemployment rate is far higher than the fairy tail number you keep spewing, without link. Have they even been higher, like perhaps when the OP was written? Well, in fact, YES, yes they have.

Perhaps if you read that article, you won't embarrass yourself anymore in this thread.
In your OP You claimed the unemployed plus the discouraged, the U-4 rate, was 14.7% when it is 8.2%. Then you dishonestly try to use the UNDERemployment U-6 rate, which includes people who are working, to support your original lie. You fool no one but yourself.

ABBOTT: 7.8% are unemployed. 14.7% are out of work.

ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
And there you have, edtheidiot is trying to pass off the high percentage of people without a job as government is, with a false premise, even though he's been presented with hard facts three times in this thread proving him wrong. He also can't find one link to back up his obfuscation. A prime example of how bubble headed people follow bubble headed logic. It's amazing.

The bottom line is... there are 14.3% of Americans OUT OF WORK, not matter HOW YOU SLICE IT, or WHAT YOU CALL IT, they DON'T - HAVE - A - JOB.

Get that through your THICK, IGNORANT SKULL eddy.
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Remember, Democrats say that unemployment stimulates the Obama economy

Oh absolutely... pretty sure that was the ALWAYS GOOD FOR A LINE OF SHIT, bubble headed old hippie from kullyfornia... NANCY GIRL...

The numbers change daily, moron, almost as often as you pick your nose.

From the link I posted...


Clearly the facts show that the TRUE unemployment rate is far higher than the fairy tail number you keep spewing, without link. Have they even been higher, like perhaps when the OP was written? Well, in fact, YES, yes they have.

Perhaps if you read that article, you won't embarrass yourself anymore in this thread.
In your OP You claimed the unemployed plus the discouraged, the U-4 rate, was 14.7% when it is 8.2%. Then you dishonestly try to use the UNDERemployment U-6 rate, which includes people who are working, to support your original lie. You fool no one but yourself.

ABBOTT: 7.8% are unemployed. 14.7% are out of work.

ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
And there you have, edtheidiot is trying to pass off the high percentage of people without a job as government is, with a false premise, even though he's been presented with hard facts three times in this thread proving him wrong. He also can't find one link to back up his obfuscation. A prime example of how bubble headed people follow bubble headed logic. It's amazing.

The bottom line is... there are 14.3% of Americans OUT OF WORK, not matter HOW YOU SLICE IT, or WHAT YOU CALL IT, they DON'T - HAVE - A - JOB.

Get that through your THICK, IGNORANT SKULL eddy.
As I have shown so many tines before, when the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

The 14.3% includes people who ARE working, as well as people who haven't looked for a job in at least a year. The rate for people unemployed plus discouraged, the U-4 rate, is 8.2%

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
In your OP You claimed the unemployed plus the discouraged, the U-4 rate, was 14.7% when it is 8.2%. Then you dishonestly try to use the UNDERemployment U-6 rate, which includes people who are working, to support your original lie. You fool no one but yourself.

ABBOTT: 7.8% are unemployed. 14.7% are out of work.

ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
And there you have, edtheidiot is trying to pass off the high percentage of people without a job as government is, with a false premise, even though he's been presented with hard facts three times in this thread proving him wrong. He also can't find one link to back up his obfuscation. A prime example of how bubble headed people follow bubble headed logic. It's amazing.

The bottom line is... there are 14.3% of Americans OUT OF WORK, not matter HOW YOU SLICE IT, or WHAT YOU CALL IT, they DON'T - HAVE - A - JOB.

Get that through your THICK, IGNORANT SKULL eddy.
As I have shown so many tines before, when the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

The 14.3% includes people who ARE working, as well as people who haven't looked for a job in at least a year. The rate for people unemployed plus discouraged, the U-4 rate, is 8.2%

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Sorry eddy, you're wrong, your lying, you're obfuscating and full of shit, you lose.
And there you have, edtheidiot is trying to pass off the high percentage of people without a job as government is, with a false premise, even though he's been presented with hard facts three times in this thread proving him wrong. He also can't find one link to back up his obfuscation. A prime example of how bubble headed people follow bubble headed logic. It's amazing.

The bottom line is... there are 14.3% of Americans OUT OF WORK, not matter HOW YOU SLICE IT, or WHAT YOU CALL IT, they DON'T - HAVE - A - JOB.

Get that through your THICK, IGNORANT SKULL eddy.
As I have shown so many tines before, when the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

The 14.3% includes people who ARE working, as well as people who haven't looked for a job in at least a year. The rate for people unemployed plus discouraged, the U-4 rate, is 8.2%

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Sorry eddy, you're wrong, your lying, you're obfuscating and full of shit, you lose.
You prove my point.
Thank you.
It's really simple. Republicans and wall street crashed the economy in 2008. There's no money for subsidies for business, so no added jobs.

Actually it was Democrats and Democrat policies that exploded the economy.

Pick up a book once in a while....here's one:

"‘Reckless Endangerment’ by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner

1. By Gretchen Morgenson, one of America’s best business journalists who is currently at The New York Times, and noted financial analyst Joshua Rosner, Reckless Endangerment gives the best available account of how the growing chaos in the mortgage and personal finance markets and the rampant bundling of dubious loans into exotically toxic securities plunged the world, and millions of American families, into the gravest financial crisis since World War Two.

2. The villains? An unholy alliance between Wall Street, the Democratic establishment, community organizing groups like ACORN and La Raza, and politicians like Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and Henry Cisneros. (Frank got a cushy job for a lover, Pelosi got a job and layoff protection for a son, Cisneros apparently got a license to mint money bilking Mexican-Americans of their life savings in cheesy housing developments.)
Fanniegate: Gamechanger For The GOP? | Via Meadia
  • Thanks
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The higher number means nothing, until you use the higher number for all past Presidents who used the same formula for reporting unemployment @ the lower number - and then and only then do you have a rate for comparison.
As I have shown so many tines before, when the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

The 14.3% includes people who ARE working, as well as people who haven't looked for a job in at least a year. The rate for people unemployed plus discouraged, the U-4 rate, is 8.2%

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Sorry eddy, you're wrong, your lying, you're obfuscating and full of shit, you lose.
You prove my point.
Thank you.

No, I proved my point, you proved nothing.
The higher number means nothing, until you use the higher number for all past Presidents who used the same formula for reporting unemployment @ the lower number - and then and only then do you have a rate for comparison.

The higher number, as anyone with half a brain can see by the FACTS, is the ACTUAL percentage of people WITHOUT A JOB. Who the president is, is irrelevant. However, it just so happens that obama has been one of the worst job killing presidents in history.
The higher number means nothing, until you use the higher number for all past Presidents who used the same formula for reporting unemployment @ the lower number - and then and only then do you have a rate for comparison.

The higher number, as anyone with half a brain can see by the FACTS, is the ACTUAL percentage of people WITHOUT A JOB. Who the president is, is irrelevant. However, it just so happens that obama has been one of the worst job killing presidents in history.
Again we see no matter how many times the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood are exposed to the truth, they just keep on lying.

You were repeatedly shown that the U-6 14.3% includes people who are working, yet you continue to claim it represents people without a job.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force
The higher number means nothing, until you use the higher number for all past Presidents who used the same formula for reporting unemployment @ the lower number - and then and only then do you have a rate for comparison.

The higher number, as anyone with half a brain can see by the FACTS, is the ACTUAL percentage of people WITHOUT A JOB. Who the president is, is irrelevant. However, it just so happens that obama has been one of the worst job killing presidents in history.

No, it is the percent of the LABOR FORCE PLUS MARGINALLY ATTACHED who are UNEMPLOYED, MARGINALLY ATTACHED, or WORKING PART TIME FOR ECONOMIC REASONS." Not all of those without a job and not all Americans.

The funny thing is that for what you think the number means, it's way too low. The percent of those age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution who do not have jobs is 41.3%

The Unemployed are those who are available and looking for work, and the Marginally Attached are those who want to work, are available to work, and looked sometime in the previous year but not the previous month.

Most people without a job don't want one. And even of those who say they want one, they're not available or haven't looked in over a year (which makes the likelihood of them starting to look very low)
007 you missed my point. Here it is. People are always yelling when the unemployment numbers are released about how theyre deceiving, its way worse!! Yarrr!! But what you fail to conjur in your brain is that the formula has BEEN the same. So if youre to take the bigger number, in order to compare it to the historical trends to even SAY HOW GOOD OR BAD IT IS, you must ALSO take the bigger number for our other Presidents, the ones whom you werent complaining about when the same formula was used. Its like a partisan okie doke you pull on your own brain.
In other words if your like "gee hey gazz obamas unemployment number is really much bigger and its horrible!! ..... and then they say: "horrible compared to what?!?!?"...........do you give them the historic unemployment rate for comparison? Well....no....cuz thats using the formula that excludes the same ppl obamas numbers excludes
...so then you need to go back in history and find out the bigger number to EVEN SEE what it IS, typically. And then try to have some bone to pick. Mebbe its then relevant. Prolly not tho...

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