Unemployment under 5%. Lowest in 8 years. Thanks obama !

"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
2000 to 2015 is 16 years? So a child born in 2000 was 16 in 2015? Mind boggling.
Love how you suddenly equate Obamas shitty labor force with real population too.
View attachment 62506
That's right, a child born 12:00 AM Jan 1, 2000 is 15 years old Jan 1 2015 and completes their 16th year by midnight Dec 31, 2015
Leftward New Math!

Midnight Dec 31 is just that, midnight Dec 31.

Go hang your head in shame. Hang it even lower since youre white, it's black history month.
What's wrong with minimum wage? I thought the republican stance was that those people should be happy to have those jobs. Now they're to be mocked? Which is it?
I have ALWAYS said that minimum wage jobs are jobs for KIDS and not adults with any self respect or ambition. Problem is those are the only jobs growing in Obama's economy.

Adults working minimum wage jobs deserve to be mocked

Just for kids you say? So minimum wage jobs around the country ALL start after 3pm when school lets out? Never knew that.
There are plenty of losers to fill the pre 3 pm slots. Changes nothing
Losers? I thought people struggling should do whatever they have to, to make ends meet...thats what I've heard consistently from your buddies about taking responsibility. If minimum wage jobs are the "only thing Growing in Obamas economy" as you've told us...what should these people do? Not take those jobs? But then you'd call them a moocher because they aren't working, yet they are a "loser" according to you, because they took a minimum wage job.

So which is it?

Weird how Grampa just stopped responding right in the middle of our conversation when I pointed out his raging hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is not mine. I am not responsible for the positions or opinions others hold.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
2000 to 2015 is 16 years? So a child born in 2000 was 16 in 2015? Mind boggling.
Love how you suddenly equate Obamas shitty labor force with real population too.
View attachment 62506
That's right, a child born 12:00 AM Jan 1, 2000 is 15 years old Jan 1 2015 and completes their 16th year by midnight Dec 31, 2015
Leftward New Math!

Midnight Dec 31 is just that, midnight Dec 31.

Go hang your head in shame. Hang it even lower since youre white, it's black history month.
Yeah, it is the last day of the SIXTEENTH year completing the 16th year. Jan 1 starts the 17th year.
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Let's here (or hear? you should sue your skool for passing another idiot into society :lmao: ) conservatives make up shit like the numbers aren't true .

that is really great news.., but, but, but what about this??

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart

i believe O'Husseinbumer is lying. :up:
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
2000 to 2015 is 16 years? So a child born in 2000 was 16 in 2015? Mind boggling.
Love how you suddenly equate Obamas shitty labor force with real population too.
View attachment 62506
That's right, a child born 12:00 AM Jan 1, 2000 is 15 years old Jan 1 2015 and completes their 16th year by midnight Dec 31, 2015
Leftward New Math!

Midnight Dec 31 is just that, midnight Dec 31.

Go hang your head in shame. Hang it even lower since youre white, it's black history month.
Yeah, it is the last day of the SIXTEENTH year completing the 16th year. Jan 1 starts the 17th year.
Leftard math. Just make up shit as you go along

2015-2000=17 in Leftard math.
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
2000 to 2015 is 16 years? So a child born in 2000 was 16 in 2015? Mind boggling.
Love how you suddenly equate Obamas shitty labor force with real population too.
View attachment 62506
That's right, a child born 12:00 AM Jan 1, 2000 is 15 years old Jan 1 2015 and completes their 16th year by midnight Dec 31, 2015
Leftward New Math!

Midnight Dec 31 is just that, midnight Dec 31.

Go hang your head in shame. Hang it even lower since youre white, it's black history month.
Yeah, it is the last day of the SIXTEENTH year completing the 16th year. Jan 1 starts the 17th year.
Leftard math. Just make up shit as you go along

2015-2000=17 in Leftard math.
Geez, even after a calendar is explained to you you still don't understand one, no wonder you are a RightTard!!!
Jan 1, 2016 is the first day of the seventeenth year after completing 16 full years with the last day of 2015 having started at Jan 1, 2000.
IOW, a child born Jan 1, 2000 completes their first year Dec 31, 2000 and starts their 2nd year on the first anniversary of their birth Jan 1, 2001.
Get it???
I have ALWAYS said that minimum wage jobs are jobs for KIDS and not adults with any self respect or ambition. Problem is those are the only jobs growing in Obama's economy.

Adults working minimum wage jobs deserve to be mocked

Just for kids you say? So minimum wage jobs around the country ALL start after 3pm when school lets out? Never knew that.
There are plenty of losers to fill the pre 3 pm slots. Changes nothing
Losers? I thought people struggling should do whatever they have to, to make ends meet...thats what I've heard consistently from your buddies about taking responsibility. If minimum wage jobs are the "only thing Growing in Obamas economy" as you've told us...what should these people do? Not take those jobs? But then you'd call them a moocher because they aren't working, yet they are a "loser" according to you, because they took a minimum wage job.

So which is it?

Weird how Grampa just stopped responding right in the middle of our conversation when I pointed out his raging hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is not mine. I am not responsible for the positions or opinions others hold.

Others?? I quoted YOU!

Just be a man for once and admit you might be wrong.

I've already highlighted that you're an utter hypocrite. Why else would you bail on the thread mid conversation and then only return with your pathetic response when you got called out for being the chump that you are.
These thread reminds me of the cult of Jim Jones. He was able to lead 900 people to drink cyanide laced cool-aid to their deaths. dead bodies laying all over the place.

you call this one, the CULT of Oboze, adults mind you, who worships SOME man who is no different than they are, but has some TITLE of President attached to him. and they believe he has "magical" powers.

CREEPY as hell

And lets all just overlook the fact that man won, LIE OF THE YEAR. so they wouldn't be fudging these numbers, oh no no no
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These thread reminds me of the cult of Jim Jones. He was able to lead 900 people to drink cyanide laced cool-aid to their deaths. dead bodies laying all over the place.

you call this one, the CULT of Oboze, adults mind you, who worships SOME man who is no different than they are but has some TITLE of President attached to him. and they believe he has "magical" powers.

CREEPY as hell
You remind me of the town idiot, since the Jonestown massacre was done by injecting poison into those that resisted....
These thread reminds me of the cult of Jim Jones. He was able to lead 900 people to drink cyanide laced cool-aid to their deaths. dead bodies laying all over the place.

you call this one, the CULT of Oboze, adults mind you, who worships SOME man who is no different than they are but has some TITLE of President attached to him. and they believe he has "magical" powers.

CREEPY as hell

And lets all just overlook the fact that man won, LIE OF THE YEAR. so they wouldn't be fudging these numbers, oh no no no

Ok, we are below 5% unemployment and things are wonderful.

Now we should expect Hillary and Bernie to start campaigning upon removing some of the safety net spending, since it is soooooo easy to get a job, yes?

If not, why not?
The unemployment numbers released by the left wing is bullshit. The economy is limping along by any source I've seen and know it first hand. People are complaining about low pay and working conditions because the job market sucks. The same libs that bitch about jobs are the same libs that praise Lord obama for the excellent work.

Further evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
These thread reminds me of the cult of Jim Jones. He was able to lead 900 people to drink cyanide laced cool-aid to their deaths. dead bodies laying all over the place.

you call this one, the CULT of Oboze, adults mind you, who worships SOME man who is no different than they are but has some TITLE of President attached to him. and they believe he has "magical" powers.

CREEPY as hell

And lets all just overlook the fact that man won, LIE OF THE YEAR. so they wouldn't be fudging these numbers, oh no no no

Ok, we are below 5% unemployment and things are wonderful.

Now we should expect Hillary and Bernie to start campaigning upon removing some of the safety net spending, since it is soooooo easy to get a job, yes?

If not, why not?
That was undone long ago..
The unemployment numbers released by the left wing is bullshit. The economy is limping along by any source I've seen and know it first hand. People are complaining about low pay and working conditions because the job market sucks. The same libs that bitch about jobs are the same libs that praise Lord obama for the excellent work.

Further evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Then why has real wages increased 2.5%?
The unemployment numbers released by the left wing is bullshit. The economy is limping along by any source I've seen and know it first hand. People are complaining about low pay and working conditions because the job market sucks. The same libs that bitch about jobs are the same libs that praise Lord obama for the excellent work.

Further evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Then why has real wages increased 2.5%?

Then the "rich" debate point no longer has any weight, Americans paychecks are again on the rise. Thanks for clarifying that.
The unemployment numbers released by the left wing is bullshit. The economy is limping along by any source I've seen and know it first hand. People are complaining about low pay and working conditions because the job market sucks. The same libs that bitch about jobs are the same libs that praise Lord obama for the excellent work.

Further evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Then why has real wages increased 2.5%?

Then the "rich" debate point no longer has any weight, Americans paychecks are again on the rise. Thanks for clarifying that.
You don't get an increase in real wages without a lowered unemployment pool..
These thread reminds me of the cult of Jim Jones. He was able to lead 900 people to drink cyanide laced cool-aid to their deaths. dead bodies laying all over the place.

you call this one, the CULT of Oboze, adults mind you, who worships SOME man who is no different than they are but has some TITLE of President attached to him. and they believe he has "magical" powers.

CREEPY as hell

And lets all just overlook the fact that man won, LIE OF THE YEAR. so they wouldn't be fudging these numbers, oh no no no

Ok, we are below 5% unemployment and things are wonderful.

Now we should expect Hillary and Bernie to start campaigning upon removing some of the safety net spending, since it is soooooo easy to get a job, yes?

If not, why not?

yep, they should be calling for the ending of welfare, food stamps etc, since everything is just so hunky dory. then they'll have more money for their NEW entitlements (like ObozoNoCare) to stick on all the little people " peons" backs and Free free free college, cable, phones, housing, etc

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