Unemployment under 5%. Lowest in 8 years. Thanks obama !

Obama drops unemployment to pre GW #s . As he promised .

Good news for the country . Let's here conservatives make up shit like the numbers aren't true . Real unemployment is 137%! !

Unemployment falls to 4.9%, lowest in 8 years

I think all Americans are celebrating unemployment dropping to 4.9 percent
There is less of the population working now than at point in history of this country, people have just given up looking for work. Or they just don't want to work, when uncle sugar can give out handouts and Obama phones...
Socialism is an disease that eats countries from the inside out, a deterioration of society...
There is less of the population working now than at point in history of this country, people have just given up looking for work. Or they just don't want to work, when uncle sugar can give out handouts and Obama phones...
Socialism is an disease that eats countries from the inside out, a deterioration of society...

I blame a lot of that on Nixon, Reagan, George hw Bush trade policies and policies of transferring the wealth from the small business creating middle class to the most wealthy...

I'd go back to 40's, 50's and 60's policies in which Bernie sanders kind of wants to do. Sorry, but a corporation capable of buying out the rest of the field and closing the door on a new companies ability to compete is bad for our economy...I'll admit that a lot of the better jobs just aint here but you're not clean.

Also, socialism through the unions and regulations built the middle class to begin with. Look at Norway, Britain, Germany, etc to see that it isn't what you say it is.

Here is a little test for you...When did America have the bigger by percentage middle class with higher per capita? 1890 or 1950.
There is less of the population working now than at point in history of this country, people have just given up looking for work. Or they just don't want to work, when uncle sugar can give out handouts and Obama phones...
Socialism is an disease that eats countries from the inside out, a deterioration of society...

I blame a lot of that on Nixon, Reagan, George hw Bush trade policies and policies of transferring the wealth from the small business creating middle class to the most wealthy...

I'd go back to 40's, 50's and 60's policies in which Bernie sanders kind of wants to do. Sorry, but a corporation capable of buying out the rest of the field and closing the door on a new companies ability to compete is bad for our economy...I'll admit that a lot of the better jobs just aint here but you're not clean.

Also, socialism through the unions and regulations built the middle class to begin with. Look at Norway, Britain, Germany, etc to see that it isn't what you say it is.

Here is a little test for you...When did America have the bigger by percentage middle class with higher per capita? 1890 or 1950.
Our dependency on the federal government has been cumulative since at least 1900 or before. Less people want to take responsibilities on themselves, it takes a village mentality has destroyed this country from within.
The middle class is irrelevant when the drivers of the economy(business owners) get overwhelmed by oversized intrusive power hungry federal government. The federal government keeps going back to that well instead of checking their own actions, the well is dry has been for quite some time. Putting your finger up to the wind of political correctness is no way run a government.
That is what socialists/banana republics do...
Hillary and Bernie are also not celebrating Obama's great accomplishments....
They seem to have a lot of problems with his performance over these last 7 years.....
Meanwhile ugh... the deficit keeps growing. And I could bet it's up right now cause obama's ass is leaving this coming January.
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978

You tell em! Now , how many of those 5 year olds are unemployed !? Like All of them! Thanks obama!
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
Last edited:
All those new minimum wage part time jobs are wonderful!

What's wrong with minimum wage? I thought the republican stance was that those people should be happy to have those jobs. Now they're to be mocked? Which is it?
I have ALWAYS said that minimum wage jobs are jobs for KIDS and not adults with any self respect or ambition. Problem is those are the only jobs growing in Obama's economy.

Adults working minimum wage jobs deserve to be mocked

Just for kids you say? So minimum wage jobs around the country ALL start after 3pm when school lets out? Never knew that.
There are plenty of losers to fill the pre 3 pm slots. Changes nothing
Losers? I thought people struggling should do whatever they have to, to make ends meet...thats what I've heard consistently from your buddies about taking responsibility. If minimum wage jobs are the "only thing Growing in Obamas economy" as you've told us...what should these people do? Not take those jobs? But then you'd call them a moocher because they aren't working, yet they are a "loser" according to you, because they took a minimum wage job.

So which is it?

Weird how Grampa just stopped responding right in the middle of our conversation when I pointed out his raging hypocrisy.
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
2000 to 2015 is 16 years? So a child born in 2000 was 16 in 2015? Mind boggling.
Love how you suddenly equate Obamas shitty labor force with real population too.
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978

You tell em! Now , how many of those 5 year olds are unemployed !? Like All of them! Thanks obama!
Another maroon. The issue is population growth.
Obama didn't increase the GOP National Debt by $14 trillion, especially not in one month, and jobs increased by about 8.5 million since Bush left, not 151,000, so the asshole's $93 million per job is so STUPID and moronic only an idiot on the Right could come up with it!

About 10million jobs created at $10T debt is about $1mil/job. This is closer to reality. Not worth the debt for low income jobs. But, it is better than nothing, and better than housing crash BHO inherit.
I wish we could all get on the same page with the debt. The federal reserve is run by private bankers. They took over the federal reserve in 1913. It was given to them during a Christmas break. It was a coup. The debt is exactly what they want. Like a credit card company they love it if you max out the card and only make the minimum payment.

It can't go on forever. Eventually this ponzi scheme is gonna end.

I say we take back the federal reserve and then we don't owe interest to anyone. The bankers can walk away with a billion each. Then they can go make something. They don't produce a product. Nothing wrong with banks if they play by the free market rules.

Anyways, we also need to pay china back but they're going to have to forgive some of it.

Is china in debt?
"The U.S. economy added only 151,000 jobs in January."

US population grows by 200,000 per month.

Math r hard.

It only takes 114,740 jobs to keep up with population growth and maintain the current 4.9% UE rate.

Jobs Calculator
Well, Mr Palomar Observatory, let's do some mathematics.
US Population in 2015 = 320M
US Population in 2000 = 282M
320M - 282M = 38M
38M / 15 years = 2,533,000/year.
2,533,000 / 12 = 211,000 / month population growth.

- Weatherman, educating leftists since 1978
These Right-wing idiot know-it-alls can't count past 10 without taking off their shoes!!! 2000 to 2015 is 16 years, 2001 to 2015 is 15 years.

Not everyone born enters the labor force.
Labor force 2015 = 157,833,000
Labor force 2000 = 140,177,000
Labor force increase over that period = 16,656,000 or 82,279 per month.
2000 to 2015 is 16 years? So a child born in 2000 was 16 in 2015? Mind boggling.
Love how you suddenly equate Obamas shitty labor force with real population too.
View attachment 62506
That's right, a child born 12:00 AM Jan 1, 2000 is 15 years old Jan 1 2015 and completes their 16th year by midnight Dec 31, 2015

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