Unequivocal Proof That It's The Right That Constantly Engages In Voter Repression


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!
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From the article: The Republican group Latinos for Reform had planned to eventually run the commercials in Nevada, Florida, California, Texas and Colorado through the Nov. 2 election.

1. Latinos telling other latinos not to vote.

2. Key phrase: 'had planned'.

Has the ad been run?

What's wrong with latinos advising other latinos not to vote? Are they not entitled to speak freely?

There are ads running supporting Independent conservatives that have not been paid for by those Independent conservatives. They're being paid for by the Democrats, trying to split the vote. Wanna talk dirty tricks, let's have all the cards on the table, not just the ones that suit your agenda.
From the article: The Republican group Latinos for Reform had planned to eventually run the commercials in Nevada, Florida, California, Texas and Colorado through the Nov. 2 election.

1. Latinos telling other latinos not to vote.

2. Key phrase: 'had planned'.

Has the ad been run?

What's wrong with latinos advising other latinos not to vote? Are they not entitled to speak freely?

There are ads running supporting Independent conservatives that have not been paid for by those Independent conservatives. They're being paid for by the Democrats, trying to split the vote. Wanna talk dirty tricks, let's have all the cards on the table, not just the ones that suit your agenda.



ZOMG...you're an even bigger DOPE than I imagined!
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I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

Y'all ain't got time.. You're too damned busy digging up your dead to vote.
From the article: The Republican group Latinos for Reform had planned to eventually run the commercials in Nevada, Florida, California, Texas and Colorado through the Nov. 2 election.

1. Latinos telling other latinos not to vote.

2. Key phrase: 'had planned'.

Has the ad been run?

What's wrong with latinos advising other latinos not to vote? Are they not entitled to speak freely?

There are ads running supporting Independent conservatives that have not been paid for by those Independent conservatives. They're being paid for by the Democrats, trying to split the vote. Wanna talk dirty tricks, let's have all the cards on the table, not just the ones that suit your agenda.



ZOMG...you're an even bigger DOPE than I imagined!

why don't you just make that your avatar?
You know you've hit the truth squarely on the head when not ONE person can refute the evidence.

The thread is IRON-CLAD PROOF of the RepubliCON$ dastardly tactics and you have a couple of CON$ who all they can say is "Well, duhhh, nobody's kissin' Obammer's ass any mo', duhhh!"

Toast I say...TOAST!!!

The thread is IRON-CLAD PROOF of the RepubliCON$ dastardly tactics and you have a couple of CON$ who all they can say is "Well, duhhh, nobody's kissin' Obammer's ass any mo', duhhh!"

Toast I say...TOAST!!!


that's not all I said, dipshit.
Clod...I said present PROOF, not show me your cheap POST.

What a ditz.

Clod...I said present PROOF, not show me your cheap POST.

What a ditz.


You stupid fuckhead. You wanted proof that all was said was "kissing obama's ass....." and I gave it to you, you partisan hack piece of shit racist.
Clod...I said present PROOF, not show me your cheap POST.

What a ditz.


You stupid fuckhead. You wanted proof that all was said was "kissing obama's ass....." and I gave it to you, you partisan hack piece of shit racist.

No...I wanted PROOF of "the left does the same thing."

I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

An ad equals voter repression?

Get back to me when one of these folks stands in front of a poll with a nightstick.
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

An ad equals voter repression?

Get back to me when one of these folks stands in front of a poll with a nightstick.

That's different. Just ask Moronatl.

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