Unequivocal Proof That It's The Right That Constantly Engages In Voter Repression

DiveCon wrote:

way off what we were talking about

there is no such thing as "reverse racism"
what you might want to call it, the acts are still RACISM
no "reverse" needed

I agree, it is off-topic. I suggested a new thread myself, remember?

The difference between "regular racism" and "reverse racism" is the timing; one is chronic, and becomes the background noise to (almost) every convo. The other is so out of the ordinary, it startles.

Both can harm, even kill....I'm not soft-peddling anyone's pain.
Well, might be worth its own thread, DiveCon. I hate to hijack this one...but I disagree with you.
the word racism covers it all
its discrimination based on race or ethnic background
it covers it no matter what direction it is coming from, either from a majority member or a minority member of society

Well, two things.

If you yourself are not a minority person, you cannot know the quality of that experience....I'd agree things are fine as frogs legs today compared to 1960, but that dun mean a man or woman my age has forgotten those experiences, or that no black American has them nowadays.

Remember this horrifying crime?

Business | Black Man Dragged To Death Behind Truck; Three Arrested | Seattle Times Newspaper

If you were black and this news made you anxious, there is nowhere in the US you could live as a middle class or wealthy person and avoid all whites. Many, possibly most, whites with similar fears could very easily find all-white communities to live in.

Second thing. Racism against a minority person is not merely in-your-face hatred, it is also subtle. Children of all races are still reporting negative feelings about blacks as compared to whites.

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. - Newsweek

I am not saying reverse racism cannot be painful. I am saying the quality of the experience is different.....racism is an everyday experience for most minorities, but a once in a lifetime thing for most whites.
That's a copout. In your posts I see the implication that black people are victims in perpetuity. How shameful that you have bought into the liberal black mantra of victim status. Instead of dwelling on our similarities, you immerse yourself in our differences.
You cowtow to the notion of groupism.
Qyuite frankly the race card has worn out it's welcome. Because of the overuse of the rsace card, it has lost all meaning.
Sadly, when real racism occurs, the wrong message and the wrong result is typical.
I crnge at eevry racial slur, every racially motivated crime. I hate it.
When a total stranger makes a racial slur I want to punch them.
DiveCon wrote:

way off what we were talking about

there is no such thing as "reverse racism"
what you might want to call it, the acts are still RACISM
no "reverse" needed

I agree, it is off-topic. I suggested a new thread myself, remember?

The difference between "regular racism" and "reverse racism" is the timing; one is chronic, and becomes the background noise to (almost) every convo. The other is so out of the ordinary, it startles.

Both can harm, even kill....I'm not soft-peddling anyone's pain.
maddy, racism is racism, it doesnt matter who does it

This tripe ended up in the conspiracy section, right where subjects that lack solid facts belong.

I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

No its NOT over

Oh but it is..We said so and that's that. You'll just have to accept the facts.
Little doggie...We're voting en masse in November. We're going kick out the elected king.
Your messiah will be sent to the private sector.
everybody votes en masse the rest is just wishfully thinking...you forget only about 50% of eligible voters vote(I'm being generous with that number) then there is that little thing called the electoral college .
No its NOT over

Oh but it is..We said so and that's that. You'll just have to accept the facts.
Little doggie...We're voting en masse in November. We're going kick out the elected king.
Your messiah will be sent to the private sector.
everybody votes en masse the rest is just wishfully thinking...you forget only about 50% of eligible voters vote(I'm being generous with that number) then there is that little thing called the electoral college .

your point is?
Oh but it is..We said so and that's that. You'll just have to accept the facts.
Little doggie...We're voting en masse in November. We're going kick out the elected king.
Your messiah will be sent to the private sector.
everybody votes en masse the rest is just wishfully thinking...you forget only about 50% of eligible voters vote(I'm being generous with that number) then there is that little thing called the electoral college .

your point is?

Over 10 years of telling Republicans the same thing...

"Stop. Suppressing. Our. Damn. Vote."


Well, one thing's changed, we finally have been able to galvanize our votes and beat back their evil voter suppression tactics.

Thanks Stacey Abrams!

Over ten years of this wicked treatment, and Republicans ignore, laugh and scoff at us, but in comes some white supremacist, fat, white bastard whispering sweet lies in their ear of a "stolen election" and these same Republican people lose their cotton-pickin' minds.

So much so they storm the damn Capital and lay siege to it for a couple hours, killing a cop in the process and injuring many others.

But these are the people we're supposed to view as moralistic, you see.

Yeah, right. God don't like ugly.

Note: the rightwing MODs threw this legitimate thread in the conspiracy theory section, although everything's factual.


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