Unequivocal Proof That It's The Right That Constantly Engages In Voter Repression

caging (voter suppression) - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there is no greater way to piss on the american dream than to keep legal voters from voting.

a legal practice in many states, dumbass.

it is not legal asshole

So county registrars may not verify voters actually reside where they claim prior to election day?

Always good to have such firm (albeit incorrect) opinions.....it is a matter of state law, TM. Your precious Wikipedia article says that in paragraph one.

Are you suggesting no effort should be made to prevent illegal voters from casting ballots?
Hey taintwallow, lets see your proof that that shows the left has done this type of thing as well as the COURT documents which proove the republican party has had to have a court consent decree to keep them from trying to keep Americans from voting in elections?

I keep thinking about the voter cases in Florida when Bush first got fraudulently elected and a bunch a votes for Gore got thrown out.

You are a RETARD. Gore had no votes thrown out. What he did is claim votes for another candidate should have been counted as his votes, he claimed that if even one tiny piece of the chad was broken on his point it was a vote for him. And of course neither attempt to ILLEGALLY garner votes was approved.

By the way you dumb fuck, 2 of the districts he challenged were run by democrats, the third was half and half. HIS own party made the ballot he tried to claim was to confusing. A ballot used for YEARS before 2000 in those same districts. With no complaints.

You people are beyond stupid. You either out right lied here or are simply to stupid to know the truth about a national incident.

When Gore chose Florida to sue in, it was all over but the cryin'. Thank GOD.
a legal practice in many states, dumbass.

it is not legal asshole

So county registrars may not verify voters actually reside where they claim prior to election day?

Always good to have such firm (albeit incorrect) opinions.....it is a matter of state law, TM. Your precious Wikipedia article says that in paragraph one.

Are you suggesting no effort should be made to prevent illegal voters from casting ballots?

Let me repete.....

it is not legal asshole

so county registrars may not verify voters actually reside where they claim prior to election day?

Always good to have such firm (albeit incorrect) opinions.....it is a matter of state law, tm. Your precious wikipedia article says that in paragraph one.

Are you suggesting no effort should be made to prevent illegal voters from casting ballots?

let me repete.....

It is not legal to use voter purging to keep legal voters from voting!

yes it is.
It is not legal.

That is why the RNC was forced into a consent decree.

It is legal to use voter purging to keep illegal voters from voting.
It is not legal.

That is why the RNC was forced into a consent decree.

It is legal to use voter purging to keep illegal voters from voting.


While this practice is considered legal in many states and is in some cases engaged in by the state's registrar of voters, it has been challenged in the courts and in some cases where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act.

Caging (voter suppression) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YOUR OWN ARTICLE makes it clear it is not only legal , it is the practice of MANY STATES.

Reading comprehension problem?
"where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act."

it is not legal to keep legal voters from voting ANYWHERE in the USA
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

Illinois, and New York both demonRat states are making sure the military ballots are sent late.

and of course..

there was that story yesterday of demonRats in NY giving DNA, the filled out ballots and voted for citizens.. FOR the citizens, the citizens didn't get to vote..

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
POST the story.

Is that so hard for you RW nutjobs to get through your thick skulls?

It's already been posted. Go look for it or learn to ask nicely. You choose.
"where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act."

it is not legal to keep legal voters from voting ANYWHERE in the USA

CAGING IS LEGAL AND IS THE LAW OF THE LAND IN MANY STATES. Your article CLEARLY states that and I quoted it for you.
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

With a little searching on your own, you can find that acorn helped dead people vote.

You can see a video of Black panthers, in full uniform and holding weapons standing outside a voting ofc.

And your all pissed off that there was an open to all add run?

damn dude, if this wasn't so petty, it would be funny.
"where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act."

it is not legal to keep legal voters from voting ANYWHERE in the USA

OBVIOUSLY it is illegal to deliberately purge legal voters, and to do so for racial bias is evil. But that's far from suggesting all caging is illegal...and it is not.
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

With a little searching on your own, you can find that acorn helped dead people vote.

You can see a video of Black panthers, in full uniform and holding weapons standing outside a voting ofc.

And your all pissed off that there was an open to all add run?

damn dude, if this wasn't so petty, it would be funny.

Black Panthers? Not Nation Of Islam?
"where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act."

it is not legal to keep legal voters from voting ANYWHERE in the USA

OBVIOUSLY it is illegal to deliberately purge legal voters, and to do so for racial bias is evil. But that's far from suggesting all caging is illegal...and it is not.

Go get my post where I claim it is.

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