Unequivocal Proof That It's The Right That Constantly Engages In Voter Repression

DNC v. RNC Consent Decree | Brennan Center for Justice

Read what they did to voters and quit pretending it never happened

Your link does not specify what "they" did to voters. Can you be more specific?

Look, misconduct occurs. People get carried away...and yet, Americans have one of the most open, secure and reliable voting systems in the world. To compare the cases that arise today to the Terror after the Voting Rights Act passed is to trivialize what happened then.

And does not happen now.
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Voter supression is NOT LEGAL you idiot

This is what YOU posted in response to my post on the fact that CAGING is not only legal but practiced in MANY States.

Explain what you mean with this response to a simple statement that Caging is legal and practiced in MANY STATES.
"where it appeared to have a racial component it has been declared illegal under the Voting Rights Act."

it is not legal to keep legal voters from voting ANYWHERE in the USA

OBVIOUSLY it is illegal to deliberately purge legal voters, and to do so for racial bias is evil. But that's far from suggesting all caging is illegal...and it is not.

A fact that she will probably NEVER be able to comprehend.

DNC v. RNC Consent Decree | Brennan Center for Justice

Read what they did to voters and quit pretending it never happened

Your link does not specify what "they" did to voters. Can you be more specific?


It has a link to the text of the consent decree

2008? All you have are mere allegations. Provide the court documents where the RNC has admitted guilt and you may have a case. But until then, you have nothing,
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

With a little searching on your own, you can find that acorn helped dead people vote.

You can see a video of Black panthers, in full uniform and holding weapons standing outside a voting ofc.

And your all pissed off that there was an open to all add run?

damn dude, if this wasn't so petty, it would be funny.

Black Panthers? Not Nation Of Islam?

I saw the video, on FOX. They looked like Black Panthers to me. The black leather trench coats, black barrets, one carrying a small bat. The nation usually dresses in suits, the more militant, have tannish uniforms and red barrets (I think)
Your link does not specify what "they" did to voters. Can you be more specific?


It has a link to the text of the consent decree

2008? All you have are mere allegations. Provide the court documents where the RNC has admitted guilt and you may have a case. But until then, you have nothing,


The consent decree that the republican party entered into on their own decision means nothing huh?

The court decisions over the years of holding them in violation of the consent decree means nothing?

You see this is why black Americans hate your party.

Your party works for decades to keep poor people from voting (mostly black districts) and you claim they have done nothing.

Your party has good reason to be hated by people of color.
Any more of you want to explain how your party can not be racist yet repell the vast majority of black voters?

It has a link to the text of the consent decree

2008? All you have are mere allegations. Provide the court documents where the RNC has admitted guilt and you may have a case. But until then, you have nothing,


The consent decree that the republican party entered into on their own decision means nothing huh?

The court decisions over the years of holding them in violation of the consent decree means nothing?

You see this is why black Americans hate your party.

Your party works for decades to keep poor people from voting (mostly black districts) and you claim they have done nothing.

Your party has good reason to be hated by people of color.

This is childish drivel, TM. You sound like rdean, ranting about how everyone in the GOP is a racist. The Dems are just as venial and have been known to violate election laws as well.

Neither party is full of angels.
I purposefully waited days and days to see if anyone picked up on this story.

Seems no one did, but are any of you aware of that new Political Ad directed at Latinos in Nevada admonishing them NOT to vote?

The scums claim their angry Democrats, or suggest that they are by the use of "we" in the ad, and tell the viewer NOT to vote, because you're fed up with Obama NOT doing what you voted him to do.

Hey, before the RW Nutjob brigade comes in looking for sources...FOX themselves reported it: Nevada Ad Urging Latinos 'Don't Vote' Is Pulled - FoxNews.com

You can see the actual ad here.

I dare one of you CON$ to produce proof like this of the Left engaging in such despicable, unAmerican and unPatriotic acts. I DARE you!

With a little searching on your own, you can find that acorn helped dead people vote.

You can see a video of Black panthers, in full uniform and holding weapons standing outside a voting ofc.

And your all pissed off that there was an open to all add run?

damn dude, if this wasn't so petty, it would be funny.

Black Panthers? Not Nation Of Islam?

The NBPP and the Nation of Islam are not the same organization, almost every African American know this and the Nation of Islam has never engaged in any voter intimidation, apparently all "scary" black men look alike to you.
Here's the damn video again, listen to the words, at the 20 second mark the guy shooting the video asks the white guy in the suit was everything alright and the guy replies everything is fine


Only one of the guys is carrying a nightstick, you monkeys need to get over your scary black man obsession.

It has a link to the text of the consent decree

2008? All you have are mere allegations. Provide the court documents where the RNC has admitted guilt and you may have a case. But until then, you have nothing,


The consent decree that the republican party entered into on their own decision means nothing huh?

The court decisions over the years of holding them in violation of the consent decree means nothing?

You see this is why black Americans hate your party.

Your party works for decades to keep poor people from voting (mostly black districts) and you claim they have done nothing.

Your party has good reason to be hated by people of color.

No it doesn't mean guilt. If it does then the DNC admitted guilt when they entered into the decree.

Republicans drafted the Constitutional amendments that, for the first time, gave African-Americans the right to vote, access to the justice system and equality under the law. It should be noted that these constitutionally guaranteed rights and privileges were curtailed by the Democrats and their allies on the federal and state judicial benches. Many Democrats and liberals of today love to whitewash the history of the Republican Party or they speak of the Republican Party betraying its history. Nothing could be further from the truth, the Republican Party continues to fight for equality and played a key role in the African American community’s struggle for real freedom in the twentieth century and beyond.

While Republican Presidents, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, were speaking against racial segregation and Jim Crow laws in the very heart of Dixie, the Democrats were marching arm in arm with their brethren in white sheets.

And now the Democrats wish to keep black Americans on the plantation by promising them they will rob from the rich and give to the poor. But what happens when the rich are no longer rich?

The Hall of Justice: The Republican Party and African-Americans
With a little searching on your own, you can find that acorn helped dead people vote.

You can see a video of Black panthers, in full uniform and holding weapons standing outside a voting ofc.

And your all pissed off that there was an open to all add run?

damn dude, if this wasn't so petty, it would be funny.

Black Panthers? Not Nation Of Islam?

The NBPP and the Nation of Islam are not the same organization, almost every African American know this and the Nation of Islam has never engaged in any voter intimidation, apparently all "scary" black men look alike to you.

Well pardon me all to hell and back, Bass. I ain't seen either one since the 1970's.
2008? All you have are mere allegations. Provide the court documents where the RNC has admitted guilt and you may have a case. But until then, you have nothing,


The consent decree that the republican party entered into on their own decision means nothing huh?

The court decisions over the years of holding them in violation of the consent decree means nothing?

You see this is why black Americans hate your party.

Your party works for decades to keep poor people from voting (mostly black districts) and you claim they have done nothing.

Your party has good reason to be hated by people of color.

This is childish drivel, TM. You sound like rdean, ranting about how everyone in the GOP is a racist. The Dems are just as venial and have been known to violate election laws as well.

Neither party is full of angels.

Rdean is a moderate when put up against TM. When it comes to hatred of the other side, Rdean comes off as an angel of peace compared to TM.

2008? All you have are mere allegations. Provide the court documents where the RNC has admitted guilt and you may have a case. But until then, you have nothing,


The consent decree that the republican party entered into on their own decision means nothing huh?

The court decisions over the years of holding them in violation of the consent decree means nothing?

You see this is why black Americans hate your party.

Your party works for decades to keep poor people from voting (mostly black districts) and you claim they have done nothing.

Your party has good reason to be hated by people of color.

No it doesn't mean guilt. If it does then the DNC admitted guilt when they entered into the decree.

Republicans drafted the Constitutional amendments that, for the first time, gave African-Americans the right to vote, access to the justice system and equality under the law. It should be noted that these constitutionally guaranteed rights and privileges were curtailed by the Democrats and their allies on the federal and state judicial benches. Many Democrats and liberals of today love to whitewash the history of the Republican Party or they speak of the Republican Party betraying its history. Nothing could be further from the truth, the Republican Party continues to fight for equality and played a key role in the African American community’s struggle for real freedom in the twentieth century and beyond.

While Republican Presidents, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, were speaking against racial segregation and Jim Crow laws in the very heart of Dixie, the Democrats were marching arm in arm with their brethren in white sheets.

And now the Democrats wish to keep black Americans on the plantation by promising them they will rob from the rich and give to the poor. But what happens when the rich are no longer rich?

The Hall of Justice: The Republican Party and African-Americans

It's not worth it to try and talk sense into Truthdoesn'tmatter. She has her agenda, and nothing is going to derail her from posting her lies.

She doesn't even understand the links that she posts.

Just a word of warning, you're wasting your time.

Illinois, and New York both demonRat states are making sure the military ballots are sent late.

and of course..

there was that story yesterday of demonRats in NY giving DNA, the filled out ballots and voted for citizens.. FOR the citizens, the citizens didn't get to vote..

so cry us a fucking river whydonchya?
POST the story.

Is that so hard for you RW nutjobs to get through your thick skulls?

It's already been posted. Go look for it or learn to ask nicely. You choose.

How about dis....go blow it out your ass! Liar.

Here's the damn video again, listen to the words, at the 20 second mark the guy shooting the video asks the white guy in the suit was everything alright and the guy replies everything is fine


Only one of the guys is carrying a nightstick, you monkeys need to get over your scary black man obsession.

And at the 53 second mark the man say's he thinks the black guys are intimidating. That you stupid monkey is a violation of the law.

The consent decree that the republican party entered into on their own decision means nothing huh?

The court decisions over the years of holding them in violation of the consent decree means nothing?

You see this is why black Americans hate your party.

Your party works for decades to keep poor people from voting (mostly black districts) and you claim they have done nothing.

Your party has good reason to be hated by people of color.

No it doesn't mean guilt. If it does then the DNC admitted guilt when they entered into the decree.

Republicans drafted the Constitutional amendments that, for the first time, gave African-Americans the right to vote, access to the justice system and equality under the law. It should be noted that these constitutionally guaranteed rights and privileges were curtailed by the Democrats and their allies on the federal and state judicial benches. Many Democrats and liberals of today love to whitewash the history of the Republican Party or they speak of the Republican Party betraying its history. Nothing could be further from the truth, the Republican Party continues to fight for equality and played a key role in the African American community’s struggle for real freedom in the twentieth century and beyond.

While Republican Presidents, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, were speaking against racial segregation and Jim Crow laws in the very heart of Dixie, the Democrats were marching arm in arm with their brethren in white sheets.

And now the Democrats wish to keep black Americans on the plantation by promising them they will rob from the rich and give to the poor. But what happens when the rich are no longer rich?

The Hall of Justice: The Republican Party and African-Americans

It's not worth it to try and talk sense into Truthdoesn'tmatter. She has her agenda, and nothing is going to derail her from posting her lies.

She doesn't even understand the links that she posts.

Just a word of warning, you're wasting your time.


Thanks for the head's up Rick.

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