Ungrateful Stumblebum


Sep 23, 2010
There is nothing right to talk about in HillaryCare II:

Obama Slams Media: You Guys Don't Write About What Goes Right
by John Nolte 14 Nov 2013

Obama Slams Media: You Guys Don't Write About What Goes Right

Talk about being ungrateful! Instead of thanking the MSM for a passionate six year love affair, a petulant president turns on his mistress because she caught him sleeping around.

It’s not all bad. Even today, liberals are defending his indiscretions.

The stumblebum might have a legitimate beef if liberals were banned from the talk shows. That’s not the case. Not only are liberal journalists all over the place —— administration spinmeisters are given a platform that millions watch. The liberal bombardment is taking place for no other reason than to prepare the public for HillaryCare II’s failures after the rollout debacle is over.

The following exchange took place on FOX. Frankly, I do not understand why Megyn Kelly booked Ezekiel Emanuel for a repeat performance:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEaLF3iFiiM&feature=player_detailpage]Megyn Kelly And Ezekiel Emanuel Fight Over Obamacare: 'You Didn't Foresee Mass Cancellations?!' - YouTube[/ame]​

After listening to Emanuel, I can only image what is taking place on liberal shows where nobody stands up to a doublespeaker.

doublespeak (noun)

1. Language that can be understood in more than one way and that is used to trick or deceive people.

2. Language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth.
We got a live one here! He's actually claiming our crazy corporate conservative mainstream media is "liberal"!

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...
Obama lied. He lied often. Obama beat up Hillary Clinton for wanting to mandate Healthcare. Once in office, Obama mandates Healthcare. Obama assured every American that Obamacare was not a tax. How did Obama pass Obamcare through the Supreme Court? By insisting that Obamacare was a tax. Obama assured everyone could keep their current Healthcare. Another lie. My God! Obama just lies. That's all he does. It's really quite fascinating.
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Democrats are only just now recognizing the magnitude of the obama regime's crash. They still think they have a position of some kind left.

In a way, a sympathetic person might feel sorry.
Even today, liberals are defending his indiscretions.

The stumblebum might have a legitimate beef if liberals were banned from the talk shows.

I’m glad Nutty Nancy wasn’t banned:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw3yoyIw3oM]Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises - YouTube[/ame]​

A great column by John Hayward dissects Pelosi’s tap dance around the truth. Hayward’s update at the end of his comments pretty much sums up why I won’t watch Meet the Press to win a bet:

Update: I’ve seen a variety of reactions to David Gregory’s performance during this interview, ranging from criticism that he didn’t challenge her on the obviously false (and in some cases, more than a little cuckoo) things she said, to applause for running a tough interview that “destroyed” her. Judge for yourself by watching the clip, but personally, I don’t think a “journalist” deserves much applause for performing the extremely basic duty of presenting videotaped evidence that his guest has been lying, and asking her about it. He could have destroyed her by following up on any of the points I raised above – she did a pretty good job of destroying herself without much prodding, so just imagine what it would have looked like if Gregory called her on the new nonsense she deployed to escape responsibility for her old nonsense. What you’re watching here is a very friendly interviewer reluctantly presenting his Democrat guest with a truth the media kept buried for as long as it possibly could.

Pelosi: “A lot of hoopdey-doo and ado” about ObamaCare
By: John Hayward
11/18/2013 09:36 AM

Pelosi: "A lot of hoopdey-doo and ado" about ObamaCare | Human Events

Pelosi is a liar in the party of liars; so nobody should be surprised by her lies about HillaryCare II. She did repeat one lie that I’ve heard other Democrats recite as the gospel truth. Go back to the Youtube link and move the cursor to 5:25 and you’ll hear Nutty Nancy say “. . . honoring the values of our Founding Fathers . . . “.

As batty as Pelosi is she has to know that America’s Founders hated big government, hated taxation, and hated misuse of the public purse. They would have loaded their muskets had King George forced the ACA on them. For Pelosi to lie about the values of America’s Founders is more offensive than are all the lies about “Keeping your plan.” When she can lie and get away with it what is to stop her from saying the Founders agree with everything Democrats do. Indeed, when she goes unchallenged she can even say the Founders gave us a totalitarian form of government.

Happily, Pelosi has always been a clumsy liar more absurd than effective. Obviously, the word stumblebum applies to her, too:

stumblebum (noun)

1. A person regarded as blundering or inept.

2. Sports. A punch-drunk or second-rate prizefighter.
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