Unhappy with prices, ranchers look to build own meat plants

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I'm gonna share this story in the economics sub-firum. Mainly because I believe what they're actually trying to do here is fight against centralization of the meat packing industry.

Though I was going to share it in the Law sub-forum since one doesn't have to wonder very long how quicly the feds will try to stop them in a manner similar to how they send in swat teams t odisrupt markets like raw milk for example.

Certainly most are aware of the consistent attempts by the Biden/Harris administration to centralize everything and to purposefully create instability through political chaos, corruping the standard of living, the food supply, keeping prices high, and just basically functioning in opposition to the concept of self-reliance, free-markets and American prosperity as a whole.


DES MOINES, Iowa — Like other ranchers across the country, Rusty Kemp for years grumbled about rock-bottom prices paid for the cattle he raised in central Nebraska, even as the cost of beef at grocery stores kept climbing.

He and his neighbors blamed it on consolidation in the beef industry stretching back to the 1970s that resulted in four companies slaughtering over 80% of the nation’s cattle, giving the processors more power to set prices while ranchers struggled to make a living. Federal data show that for every dollar spent on food, the share that went to ranchers and farmers dropped from 35 cents in the 1970s to 14 cents recently.

It led Kemp to launch an audacious plan: Raise more than $300 million from ranchers to build a plant themselves, putting their future in their own hands.

Crews will start work this fall building the Sustainable Beef plant on nearly 400 acres near North Platte, Nebraska, and other groups are making similar surprising moves in Iowa, Idaho and Wisconsin. The enterprises will test whether it's really possible to compete financially against an industry trend that has swept through American agriculture and that played a role in meat shortages during the coronavirus pandemic.

Consolidation of meatpacking started in the mid-1970s, with buyouts of smaller companies, mergers and a shift to much larger plants. Census data cited by the USDA shows that the number of livestock slaughter plants declined from 2,590 in 1977 to 1,387 in 1992. And big processors gradually dominated, going from handling only 12% of cattle in 1977 to 65% by 1997.

Currently four companies — Cargill, JBS, Tyson Foods and National Beef Packing — control over 80% of the U.S. beef market thanks to cattle slaughtered at 24 plants. That concentration became problematic when the coronavirus infected workers, slowing and even closing some of the massive plants, and a cyberattack last summer briefly forced a shutdown of JBS plants until the company paid an $11 million ransom.

Continued - Unhappy with prices, ranchers look to build own meat plants
Yes, base products are not fueling inflation it is monopolies that control the processing and distribution of the products..

But hey, why not just make Biden the fall guy?
In fact, I would even contend that the author of that piece doesnlt fully grasp what's going on here.

That's one of the reasons I don't like having to link some other shmuck's link/perspective by rule.
I can tell you are overly defensive of any rebuttal as to the reason why ranchers are not enjoying the inflation the packers and shippers are able to manipulate.

No, I don't even take you seriously any more, moonglow. I just don't. Respectfully speaking. You seem to go out of your way to diminish discussion to triviality.

You're not a complex thinker either.

You know, the funny thing is that I actually defended you when you were in the hole for six months or so for the dumb stuff you do.

In hind sight that was a mistake on my part.
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What I think is going on here is that these ranchers are trying to get in the way of a growing centralized agribusiness industry and the whole 'green' politics gag. I think they're trying to function against the people who are corrupting the food supply via politics. Advocates of synthetic meat and the whole so-called 'green' pimps.

Expect the feds to come down on them hard. They'll find a reason. Because the advocates for this type of agribusiness and the ones pushing this global warming narrative to achieve poitical and economic benefit are some of the ones leading Biden around by puppet strings. You know the ones. It's the same folks pimping out that Thunberg girl to forward their narrarive. And the very last thing they want to allow to happen is for these ranchers to grow to regional distribution through any kind of aliance with each other.
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You have excellent conspiracy threads but your reality is based on an assumption you can't prove, unlike the provable one where independent farmers have been a dying breed because the corporate farmers who want to take over all operations of food production thus you have prices to the farmer that is below par because they can least afford the pressure to sell out. I live it I know all about it...So take yer hate and shove it.
You have excellent conspiracy threads but your reality is based on an assumption you can't prove, unlike the provable one where independent farmers have been a dying breed because the corporate farmers who want to take over all operations of food production thus you have prices to the farmer that is below par because they can least afford the pressure to sell out. I live it I know all about it...So take yer hate and shove it.

Moonglow, you have 172,000 posts.

You're not farming anything. lol.

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