"Unintended Consequences"... millions losing their insurance!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
You would think Congress would learn!

In the social sciences, unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences)
are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action. A perverse effect contrary to what was originally intended (when an intended solution makes a problem worse)
1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Consequences? ACA!
As the death spiral of more hospitals that did as the hospital CEO said when asked how hospitals recover these "uninsured" costs?
"How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured? Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers.”

PASS IT ON to paying customers, i.e. insurance companies/Medicare!
Proof of his statement???

Florida Hospital Tampa 3100 East Fletcher Avenue Tampa, FL 33613
In 2011 Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 1,362 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged $3,463, i.e. what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $57 a mark up 5,975.44%

Consequently the billing of Medicare because of EMTALA of 6,000% over costs makes up their uncompensated expenses!
It became a increasing cost i.e. seeing the uninsured and so the hospitals bill Medicare/insurance companies which in turn increase premiums which
in turn reduce the number of insured!

HOW DUMB and now because the MAJORITY of people trying to do a "NICE" thing by covering the "46 million uninsured".. ARE CAUSING MILLIONS more to lose their coverage!
Income redistribution and government control of individuals are not unintended.
Always remember : Obama said"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Unintended consequences:
destruction of a tax base that pays $100 billion/year in Federal/State/local and property taxes and
destruction would put 400,000+ people out of work.
So once again ignorant people thinking "ah we can do some good"...
Create more destruction!
It's not unintended, and Republicans are fools if they think that the Dems and Obama will be held politically culpable. It will be the insurance companies and then by extension the R's without any actual reporting of who, what, when, and "why" by the GOONS (Govt Owned Obama News Sycophants) squad...
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It's not unintended, and Republicans are fools if they think that the Dems and Obama will be held politically culpable. It will be the insurance companies and then by extension the R's without any actual reporting of who, what, when, and "why" by the GOONS (Govt Owned Obama News Sycophants) squad...

The ONLY way Dems will be politically liable will be if MSM honestly reports the facts... aw... who am I kidding!
With 85% of print/TV executives contributed to Dems... ???
And yea.. McCain and other RINOs thinking they are "good friends" with the press.. are so duped! McCain thinks Feinstein solution!!
These "unintended consequences" while large themselves, are still small in relation to the havoc and pain this bill will create in its entirety. Its all part of Comrade Barack's plan to bestow an unending stream of ever newer and ever more shiny free stuff on his supporters. They may never have been able to read or write at their high school graduations but they were still able to vote. As such, Obama's "Fundamental Transformation Of America" will continue unabated. The Left Media will never see through and report on his lies, untruths, mistatements, and cons because (1) Obama's African American and (2) they agree with his political outlook entirely, the colleges and universities nationwide are simply places to inculcate the Communist philosophies and beliefs into the young. In order to turn that around you'd need to start by bringing a hundred or so D-9 Caterpillar tractors to the site of the Columbia University School of Journalism on the first day of classes when all the faculty, staff, and students are inside and bulldozing it to the ground.
These "unintended consequences" while large themselves, are still small in relation to the havoc and pain this bill will create in its entirety. Its all part of Comrade Barack's plan to bestow an unending stream of ever newer and ever more shiny free stuff on his supporters. They may never have been able to read or write at their high school graduations but they were still able to vote. As such, Obama's "Fundamental Transformation Of America" will continue unabated. The Left Media will never see through and report on his lies, untruths, mistatements, and cons because (1) Obama's African American and (2) they agree with his political outlook entirely, the colleges and universities nationwide are simply places to inculcate the Communist philosophies and beliefs into the young. In order to turn that around you'd need to start by bringing a hundred or so D-9 Caterpillar tractors to the site of the Columbia University School of Journalism on the first day of classes when all the faculty, staff, and students are inside and bulldozing it to the ground.

You wrote:
"In order to turn that around you'd need to start by bringing a hundred or so D-9 Caterpillar tractors to the site of the Columbia University School of Journalism on the first day of classes when all the faculty, staff, and students are inside and bulldozing it to the ground."

I 100% agree and it is OUT of personal experience from my JOURNALISM classes in the 60s and a Big Ten University!
I was on the fringe of the Students for Democratic Society (SDS) the spawners of the Weathermen..http://www.sds-1960s.org/books/weatherman.pdf

And several of my journalism class mates were ALSO SDS members.

THIRTY-FOUR YEARS AGO this fall, a small band of well-educated young Americans hell-bent on storming heaven steeled themselves to commit an act of spectacularly gratuitous violence. A militant breakaway faction of Students for a Democratic Society, they called themselves the Weathermen. Their strategy, such as it was, blended theatrical bravado with puritanical zeal -- Bonnie and Clyde meet John Brown. Wearing crash helmets and wielding baseball bats, ululating like the revolutionaries they had studied on screen in "The Battle of Algiers," they would run wild in the streets of Chicago, lashing out at any available symbol of privilege and power: police, parked cars, affluent bystanders.

...The Weathermen's 1969 melee in Chicago, billed "The Days of Rage," was meant to inspire working-class youth to commit similarly gratuitous acts, and to prove the group's revolutionary macho to the Black Panthers. But the Panthers spurned them, and there was no evidence that working-class youth were ready to run wild in the streets. So the group changed its tactics, with deadly results. Early in 1970, a group of Weathermen inadvertently blew up three of their members along with a townhouse on Eleventh Street in New York's Greenwich Village. The group was trying to build an anti-personnel bomb, in order to give Americans a taste of the kind of cruel weaponry their government was using in Vietnam.

Now the object of a national manhunt, and rechristened the Weather Underground, the fugitives -- several dozen militants in a handful of American cities -- established guerilla "focos," secret cells in which members learned how to build bigger and better bombs, to be detonated in acts of "strategic sabotage." Besides issuing a stream of turgid communiques denouncing racism and sexism and proclaiming sympathy for fellow revolutionaries such as Ho Chi Minh, the group succeeded in bombing several symbolic targets, including the Pentagon and the Capitol building. Though the group issued warnings to evacuate their targets, inevitably some bystanders were injured. Against all odds, the most notorious Weathermen -- Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd, Kathy Boudin -- all managed to elude the FBI.
Weather Underground Documentary Counters MSM Claim That Ayers Merely a Benign '60s Radical' | NewsBusters

Now flash forward to a comment by Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek..
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic,
they have for a long time. There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure,
there is a liberal bias. There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -most of the people who work at Newsweek live on the upper West Side in New York and they have a liberal bias"...Editor Newsweek Evan Thomas

THESE Editors/etc. were LIKE the same people in my journalism classes in the 60s and now are the gate-keepers of the news!!!
Just the insurers' last chance to screw the dupes...with help from their bought off Pub cronies. Everything you know about it is BS- KEEP DEFENDING THE MOST UNFAIR HEALTH SYSTEM IN THE MODERN WORLD, HATER DUPES...COSTS TWICE AS MUCH, cutoffs and caps, 45k deaths and 750k bankruptcies- 2/3 of them HAVE insurance, crappe insurance that is illegal after Jan. 1. You're welcome, dingbats- change the channel.
Actually they aren't losing their coverage, apparently they are just too stupid to understand they are going through a "conversion" to better coverage whether they want it or not. For their own good of course.
Yup, real journalists are Dems, because they know what they're talking about- but the bought off owners and their corporate tools only care about ratings and ginning up controversies, treating politics like a horse race with no journalism, fact checking or explanation of POLICY...A DISGRACE...
There is nothing unintentional about it. They were told this would be the result. They knew it would be the result. They wanted power

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