Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

I do know that before liberals started tampering with private healthcare, America paid a lot less, like it was for College Education. But once the Government started getting involved, prices of education and now medical services, have skyrocketed through the roof. But sure I am glad that a few who sit on their asses not providing anything to this country, can get FREE stuff.
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
So it did what all poorly run states do when the money runs out: It printed some more. And by "some," I mean a lot, a lot more. That, in turn, became more "a lots" than you can count once oil started collapsing in mid-2014. The result of all this money-printing, as you can see below, is that Venezuela's currency has, by black market rates, lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years.
QE 1,2 ,3 , forever..... Yep when everyone is finally equal(liberalism) we will all be equally poor and equally miserable. Such dumbasses who vote liberal.

So you have no comment on this?

House passes ‘Jimmy Carter’ bill to help Georgia cancer... | www.ajc.com
I did comment, but you didn't like my answer. Sure give people FREE healthcare, but when the country goes broke, then there will be nothing for anyone. That is when liberalism wins, but everyone loses. But then you can be happy that you voted for the total collapse of the once greatest country in the world.
I do know that before liberals started tampering with private healthcare, America paid a lot less, like it was for College Education. But once the Government started getting involved, prices of education and now medical services, have skyrocketed through the roof. But sure I am glad that a few who sit on their asses not providing anything to this country, can get FREE stuff.
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
So it did what all poorly run states do when the money runs out: It printed some more. And by "some," I mean a lot, a lot more. That, in turn, became more "a lots" than you can count once oil started collapsing in mid-2014. The result of all this money-printing, as you can see below, is that Venezuela's currency has, by black market rates, lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years.
QE 1,2 ,3 , forever..... Yep when everyone is finally equal(liberalism) we will all be equally poor and equally miserable. Such dumbasses who vote liberal.

So you have no comment on this?

House passes ‘Jimmy Carter’ bill to help Georgia cancer... | www.ajc.com
I did comment, but you didn't like my answer.

Your answer had nothing to do with the question.

Just as this thread has nothing to do with the PPACA.
I do know that before liberals started tampering with private healthcare, America paid a lot less, like it was for College Education. But once the Government started getting involved, prices of education and now medical services, have skyrocketed through the roof. But sure I am glad that a few who sit on their asses not providing anything to this country, can get FREE stuff.
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
So it did what all poorly run states do when the money runs out: It printed some more. And by "some," I mean a lot, a lot more. That, in turn, became more "a lots" than you can count once oil started collapsing in mid-2014. The result of all this money-printing, as you can see below, is that Venezuela's currency has, by black market rates, lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years.
QE 1,2 ,3 , forever..... Yep when everyone is finally equal(liberalism) we will all be equally poor and equally miserable. Such dumbasses who vote liberal.

So you have no comment on this?

House passes ‘Jimmy Carter’ bill to help Georgia cancer... | www.ajc.com
I did comment, but you didn't like my answer.

Your answer had nothing to do with the question.

Just as this thread has nothing to do with the PPACA.
Your answer is irrelevant while "unintended consequences" is what Obamacare had FORCED upon the poor of America. I guess you are just an old white guy, who wont have to worry about the future except that maybe when there is rationing of healthcare, like what is happening in Britian, you will be sent home with 2 aspirin, because you as an old foggie, wont be of value to the party. Once again though, if you don't like what is being said here, then don't bother to look in. Liberals have to butt in on others people comments, that makes them feel superior, while to those in debate, the liberals look like spoiled little girls who don't get their way.
I do know that before liberals started tampering with private healthcare, America paid a lot less, like it was for College Education. But once the Government started getting involved, prices of education and now medical services, have skyrocketed through the roof. But sure I am glad that a few who sit on their asses not providing anything to this country, can get FREE stuff.
Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
So it did what all poorly run states do when the money runs out: It printed some more. And by "some," I mean a lot, a lot more. That, in turn, became more "a lots" than you can count once oil started collapsing in mid-2014. The result of all this money-printing, as you can see below, is that Venezuela's currency has, by black market rates, lost 93 percent of its value in the past two years.
QE 1,2 ,3 , forever..... Yep when everyone is finally equal(liberalism) we will all be equally poor and equally miserable. Such dumbasses who vote liberal.

So you have no comment on this?

House passes ‘Jimmy Carter’ bill to help Georgia cancer... | www.ajc.com
I did comment, but you didn't like my answer.

Your answer had nothing to do with the question.

Just as this thread has nothing to do with the PPACA.
Your answer is irrelevant...

Well, there you are.

Another loony rightard who thinks the Nazis were socialist because they had "socialist" in their name. Meanwhile, despite their name, there was nothing socialist about them; and in fact, they were at war with socialists.
You Faun are a pitiful piece of excrement who poses as a human being.
Debunking Liberal Myths About Timothy McVeigh and Profiling | Human Events
These comments are a classic example of what Goebbels meant when he said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The “Timothy McVeigh eluded police because white people are not profiled” mantra is not true. It is a myth propagated by ideologues who want to discredit law enforcement.
Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend


Bill Ayers Has Ties to At Least Ten People in The White House Administration

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis.

Are there more?
The difference between a conservative person who doesn't like the government(peaceful protest) and a liberal who doesn't like the government(Radical nutjob BOMBER) is just as was explained. Problem with you dumbasses(and I apologize to dumbasses for comparing your intelligence to a liberal) is you wont take RESPONSIBILITY for the actions of your RADICALS. We the People know better and we are going to take America back, which is why you are ranting and raving like shrill little girls, who cant get your sorry ass ways. I laugh at you and your radical lies.
WTF does Bill Ayers have to do with Nazis or McVeigh?? Your brain is totally disconnected from reality.
A liberal like Bill Ayers , Bernadine Dorn and McVeigh all were liberals who hated the government and took the most extreme leftist action and blew up Federal Buildings killing people.
Conservatives believe in Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, which is hard for you to understand, which is why you didn't know McVeigh is an extreme leftist radical. You are such a stupid person.
McVeigh was not a Liberal. You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo:
I just showed you that FASCISM, which is a far right socialist is still a liberal who has to HURT other people. Why do you deny that liberals hate other humans, born or unborn, and want them to be eradicated off the planet. Just because you say is not a liberal, doesn't mean he isn't. Just proves that you are as uneducated as the guy you voted for not once but twice.
This is nothing but more evidence that you are completely batshit insane. McVeigh was no fascist. Fascists love totalitarian government headed by a dictator. Whereas McVeigh was anti-government. McVeigh was a conservative anti-government terrorist.

Another loony rightard who thinks the Nazis were socialist because they had "socialist" in their name. Meanwhile, despite their name, there was nothing socialist about them; and in fact, they were at war with socialists.
You Faun are a pitiful piece of excrement who poses as a human being.
Debunking Liberal Myths About Timothy McVeigh and Profiling | Human Events
These comments are a classic example of what Goebbels meant when he said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The “Timothy McVeigh eluded police because white people are not profiled” mantra is not true. It is a myth propagated by ideologues who want to discredit law enforcement.
Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend


Bill Ayers Has Ties to At Least Ten People in The White House Administration

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis.

Are there more?
The difference between a conservative person who doesn't like the government(peaceful protest) and a liberal who doesn't like the government(Radical nutjob BOMBER) is just as was explained. Problem with you dumbasses(and I apologize to dumbasses for comparing your intelligence to a liberal) is you wont take RESPONSIBILITY for the actions of your RADICALS. We the People know better and we are going to take America back, which is why you are ranting and raving like shrill little girls, who cant get your sorry ass ways. I laugh at you and your radical lies.
WTF does Bill Ayers have to do with Nazis or McVeigh?? Your brain is totally disconnected from reality.
Nazi Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), abbreviated NSDAP), commonly referred to in English as the Nazi Party (/ˈnɑːtsi/), was a political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that practised Nazism. Its predecessor, the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920.

Part of a series on

The party emerged from the German nationalist, racist and populist Freikorps paramilitary culture, which fought against the communist uprisings in post-World War I Germany.[6] The party was created as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism.[7] Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in the 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes.[8
Shame you don't understand that the FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST OF SOCIALISM is Nazi. Maybe you need to stop going to public school and get a REAL education, but then being a welfare recipient , you cant afford the high costs of that education.
Again, there was nothing socialist about the Nazis. And again, they were killing socialists.
You just keep putting up your sorry ass comment, but don't put anything up that PROVES your point as typical of a loony liberal(redundant statement). Put up or shut up.

View attachment 65411
again, and this is the most salient aspect of this... You are completely and totally fucking insane. Your arguments aren't even a lucid response to my posts. For example, about your accusation that I'm playing by your imaginary Liberal argument playbook ... a) I'm not avoiding any facts because you're not citing any facts; and b) I didn't blame any of this o Bush; and c) I never called you a racist nor am I running away.

Complete idiocy on your part. QED

All you do is demonstrate how completely divorced from reality you are.
You Faun are a pitiful piece of excrement who poses as a human being.
Debunking Liberal Myths About Timothy McVeigh and Profiling | Human Events Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend The difference between a conservative person who doesn't like the government(peaceful protest) and a liberal who doesn't like the government(Radical nutjob BOMBER) is just as was explained. Problem with you dumbasses(and I apologize to dumbasses for comparing your intelligence to a liberal) is you wont take RESPONSIBILITY for the actions of your RADICALS. We the People know better and we are going to take America back, which is why you are ranting and raving like shrill little girls, who cant get your sorry ass ways. I laugh at you and your radical lies.
WTF does Bill Ayers have to do with Nazis or McVeigh?? Your brain is totally disconnected from reality.
A liberal like Bill Ayers , Bernadine Dorn and McVeigh all were liberals who hated the government and took the most extreme leftist action and blew up Federal Buildings killing people.
Conservatives believe in Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, which is hard for you to understand, which is why you didn't know McVeigh is an extreme leftist radical. You are such a stupid person.
McVeigh was not a Liberal. You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo:
I just showed you that FASCISM, which is a far right socialist is still a liberal who has to HURT other people. Why do you deny that liberals hate other humans, born or unborn, and want them to be eradicated off the planet. Just because you say is not a liberal, doesn't mean he isn't. Just proves that you are as uneducated as the guy you voted for not once but twice.
This is nothing but more evidence that you are completely batshit insane. McVeigh was no fascist. Fascists love totalitarian government headed by a dictator. Whereas McVeigh was anti-government. McVeigh was a conservative anti-government terrorist.
and again you are a fucking moron, Conservatives don't go out of their way to kill other people, only batshit liberals(like Bill Ayers) blow up government buildings killing not only innocent people but innocent children. Conservatives don't carve out baby body parts and sell them off either. Shame you are too stupid to know this, but once you can get through the goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed useful idiotic brainwashing then you might understand. But not in your lifetime.
WTF does Bill Ayers have to do with Nazis or McVeigh?? Your brain is totally disconnected from reality.
A liberal like Bill Ayers , Bernadine Dorn and McVeigh all were liberals who hated the government and took the most extreme leftist action and blew up Federal Buildings killing people.
Conservatives believe in Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, which is hard for you to understand, which is why you didn't know McVeigh is an extreme leftist radical. You are such a stupid person.
McVeigh was not a Liberal. You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo:
I just showed you that FASCISM, which is a far right socialist is still a liberal who has to HURT other people. Why do you deny that liberals hate other humans, born or unborn, and want them to be eradicated off the planet. Just because you say is not a liberal, doesn't mean he isn't. Just proves that you are as uneducated as the guy you voted for not once but twice.
This is nothing but more evidence that you are completely batshit insane. McVeigh was no fascist. Fascists love totalitarian government headed by a dictator. Whereas McVeigh was anti-government. McVeigh was a conservative anti-government terrorist.
and again you are a fucking moron, Conservatives don't go out of their way to kill other people, only batshit liberals(like Bill Ayers) blow up government buildings killing not only innocent people but innocent children. Conservatives don't carve out baby body parts and sell them off either. Shame you are too stupid to know this, but once you can get through the goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed useful idiotic brainwashing then you might understand. But not in your lifetime.

Sure, fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Conservatives don't commit murder.

Too bad for you Timothy McVeigh proves you're batshit insane.

A liberal like Bill Ayers , Bernadine Dorn and McVeigh all were liberals who hated the government and took the most extreme leftist action and blew up Federal Buildings killing people.
Conservatives believe in Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, which is hard for you to understand, which is why you didn't know McVeigh is an extreme leftist radical. You are such a stupid person.
McVeigh was not a Liberal. You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo:
I just showed you that FASCISM, which is a far right socialist is still a liberal who has to HURT other people. Why do you deny that liberals hate other humans, born or unborn, and want them to be eradicated off the planet. Just because you say is not a liberal, doesn't mean he isn't. Just proves that you are as uneducated as the guy you voted for not once but twice.
This is nothing but more evidence that you are completely batshit insane. McVeigh was no fascist. Fascists love totalitarian government headed by a dictator. Whereas McVeigh was anti-government. McVeigh was a conservative anti-government terrorist.
and again you are a fucking moron, Conservatives don't go out of their way to kill other people, only batshit liberals(like Bill Ayers) blow up government buildings killing not only innocent people but innocent children. Conservatives don't carve out baby body parts and sell them off either. Shame you are too stupid to know this, but once you can get through the goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed useful idiotic brainwashing then you might understand. But not in your lifetime.

Sure, fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Conservatives don't commit murder.

Too bad for you Timothy McVeigh proves you're batshit insane.

Timothy McVeigh was no conservative, once again, you are too stupid to know that. I am done with you, as you can change the outside of a man to be a woman(but still be a man) but you cant make stupid people smart, too much shit between the ears.

McVeigh was not a Liberal. You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo:
I just showed you that FASCISM, which is a far right socialist is still a liberal who has to HURT other people. Why do you deny that liberals hate other humans, born or unborn, and want them to be eradicated off the planet. Just because you say is not a liberal, doesn't mean he isn't. Just proves that you are as uneducated as the guy you voted for not once but twice.
This is nothing but more evidence that you are completely batshit insane. McVeigh was no fascist. Fascists love totalitarian government headed by a dictator. Whereas McVeigh was anti-government. McVeigh was a conservative anti-government terrorist.
and again you are a fucking moron, Conservatives don't go out of their way to kill other people, only batshit liberals(like Bill Ayers) blow up government buildings killing not only innocent people but innocent children. Conservatives don't carve out baby body parts and sell them off either. Shame you are too stupid to know this, but once you can get through the goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed useful idiotic brainwashing then you might understand. But not in your lifetime.

Sure, fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Conservatives don't commit murder.

Too bad for you Timothy McVeigh proves you're batshit insane.

Timothy McVeigh was no conservative, once again, you are too stupid to know that. I am done with you, as you can change the outside of a man to be a woman(but still be a man) but you cant make stupid people smart, too much shit between the ears.

View attachment 65559

As if more evidence that you're batshit insane was needed. :lol:
WTF does Bill Ayers have to do with Nazis or McVeigh?? Your brain is totally disconnected from reality.
A liberal like Bill Ayers , Bernadine Dorn and McVeigh all were liberals who hated the government and took the most extreme leftist action and blew up Federal Buildings killing people.
Conservatives believe in Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, which is hard for you to understand, which is why you didn't know McVeigh is an extreme leftist radical. You are such a stupid person.
McVeigh was not a Liberal. You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo:
I just showed you that FASCISM, which is a far right socialist is still a liberal who has to HURT other people. Why do you deny that liberals hate other humans, born or unborn, and want them to be eradicated off the planet. Just because you say is not a liberal, doesn't mean he isn't. Just proves that you are as uneducated as the guy you voted for not once but twice.
This is nothing but more evidence that you are completely batshit insane. McVeigh was no fascist. Fascists love totalitarian government headed by a dictator. Whereas McVeigh was anti-government. McVeigh was a conservative anti-government terrorist.
and again you are a fucking moron, Conservatives don't go out of their way to kill other people, only batshit liberals(like Bill Ayers) blow up government buildings killing not only innocent people but innocent children. Conservatives don't carve out baby body parts and sell them off either. Shame you are too stupid to know this, but once you can get through the goosestepping, koolaid drinking, low information, mindnumbed useful idiotic brainwashing then you might understand. But not in your lifetime.
Don't conflate conservative with the GOP in Washington. They are far from the same thing.
America's million-doctor shortage is right around the corner
The shortage is one that’s been stewing for decades but of late was exacerbated by passage of the Affordable Care Act, which increased the number of insured people and along with that the demand for doctor access, experts say.
Obamacare advisor thinks voters are 'stupid' (Opinion) - CNN.com
The guy who thinks Liberal voters are 'stupid'
Liberal good intentions ALWAYS ends in disaster. Just more unintended consequences when stupid people vote.
America's million-doctor shortage is right around the corner
The shortage is one that’s been stewing for decades but of late was exacerbated by passage of the Affordable Care Act, which increased the number of insured people and along with that the demand for doctor access, experts say.
Obamacare advisor thinks voters are 'stupid' (Opinion) - CNN.com
The guy who thinks Liberal voters are 'stupid'
Liberal good intentions ALWAYS ends in disaster. Just more unintended consequences when stupid people vote.
That's old news but he's right, American voters are stupid.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.
The Unaffordable Care Act was created by then Nancy Pelosi(behind closed doors) and not one Republican voted for it(Democrats only with a simple majority) then it was ratified by Dirty Harry Reid and the liberal scumbags in the Senate, then signed into law by B.O.(Stinky) to save healthcare. To make it more affordable, saving everyone $2,500 and people be allowed to keep their doctors and hospitals. This was done before 2010, and after these traitors FORCED upon us(what ever happened to choice) this Obamination of a disaster, all it did was expedite the doom of healthcare. Nothing is FREE, someone has to pay for it, the government TAKES from US and gives it to those not DESERVING. You sir are insane.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
And if you DONT give the liberal FREE stuff they burn the cities down.

View attachment 52045
Nice rant, but you're derailing your own topic. Not a wise move, unless all you really wanted to do was release this rant.

Again, hospital closures didn't magically start in January 2014. They've occurred for decades and for a variety of reasons - shifting demographics, financial mismanagement, local politicians slashing or failing to deliver funding, etc.

Now, do you actually want to discuss hospital closures, or just rant?
And typical of the idiocy of liberals, when not enough people can pay into the hospitals that Ted Kennedy put the screws into, someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients. Typical of people like you(probably sitting in your parents basements getting welfare and FREE healthcare till your 26) you don't give a rats ass, how detrimental ObamaUnHealthcare is going to affect people. When the FREE stuff runs out, like it did in Detroit, the only ones left are the poor, because they were too poor to leave. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

Name calling + character assassination and trolling is your game. Your written opinion is more informative than you might think, and not what you would hope. The syntax is mindful of a petulant child, lacks lacks perspective and takes a complex issue and draws a conclusion without considering many of the elements and variables inherent in the topic.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.
The Unaffordable Care Act was created by then Nancy Pelosi(behind closed doors) and not one Republican voted for it(Democrats only with a simple majority) then it was ratified by Dirty Harry Reid and the liberal scumbags in the Senate, then signed into law by B.O.(Stinky) to save healthcare. To make it more affordable, saving everyone $2,500 and people be allowed to keep their doctors and hospitals. This was done before 2010, and after these traitors FORCED upon us(what ever happened to choice) this Obamination of a disaster, all it did was expedite the doom of healthcare. Nothing is FREE, someone has to pay for it, the government TAKES from US and gives it to those not DESERVING. You sir are insane.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
And if you DONT give the liberal FREE stuff they burn the cities down.

View attachment 52045
Nice rant, but you're derailing your own topic. Not a wise move, unless all you really wanted to do was release this rant.

Again, hospital closures didn't magically start in January 2014. They've occurred for decades and for a variety of reasons - shifting demographics, financial mismanagement, local politicians slashing or failing to deliver funding, etc.

Now, do you actually want to discuss hospital closures, or just rant?
And typical of the idiocy of liberals, when not enough people can pay into the hospitals that Ted Kennedy put the screws into, someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients. Typical of people like you(probably sitting in your parents basements getting welfare and FREE healthcare till your 26) you don't give a rats ass, how detrimental ObamaUnHealthcare is going to affect people. When the FREE stuff runs out, like it did in Detroit, the only ones left are the poor, because they were too poor to leave. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

Name calling + character assassination and trolling is your game. Your written opinion is more informative than you might think, and not what you would hope. The syntax is mindful of a petulant child, lacks lacks perspective and takes a complex issue and draws a conclusion without considering many of the elements and variables inherent in the topic.
Liberals have been name calling and character assassination since liberals got into politics. It is the only way you guys debate, since you cannot compete in the realm of ideas. When you liberals believe in Death to unborn babies, taxing people into poverty, and complete subjugation to 2 bit dictators is your mantra, then only name calling is left.

And when those you have insulted start throwing insults back at you, then you show FAUX indignation. If you don't like playing in the gutters, because you liberals started it, you can take your sorry cry baby asses and go to CUBA.
According to your article, 58 rural hospitals closed from 2010 to the present. The PPACA was implemented in 2014.
The Unaffordable Care Act was created by then Nancy Pelosi(behind closed doors) and not one Republican voted for it(Democrats only with a simple majority) then it was ratified by Dirty Harry Reid and the liberal scumbags in the Senate, then signed into law by B.O.(Stinky) to save healthcare. To make it more affordable, saving everyone $2,500 and people be allowed to keep their doctors and hospitals. This was done before 2010, and after these traitors FORCED upon us(what ever happened to choice) this Obamination of a disaster, all it did was expedite the doom of healthcare. Nothing is FREE, someone has to pay for it, the government TAKES from US and gives it to those not DESERVING. You sir are insane.
Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
And if you DONT give the liberal FREE stuff they burn the cities down.

View attachment 52045
Nice rant, but you're derailing your own topic. Not a wise move, unless all you really wanted to do was release this rant.

Again, hospital closures didn't magically start in January 2014. They've occurred for decades and for a variety of reasons - shifting demographics, financial mismanagement, local politicians slashing or failing to deliver funding, etc.

Now, do you actually want to discuss hospital closures, or just rant?
And typical of the idiocy of liberals, when not enough people can pay into the hospitals that Ted Kennedy put the screws into, someone else must pay and it usually was insured patients. Typical of people like you(probably sitting in your parents basements getting welfare and FREE healthcare till your 26) you don't give a rats ass, how detrimental ObamaUnHealthcare is going to affect people. When the FREE stuff runs out, like it did in Detroit, the only ones left are the poor, because they were too poor to leave. Dumbasses vote Dumbocrat.

Name calling + character assassination and trolling is your game. Your written opinion is more informative than you might think, and not what you would hope. The syntax is mindful of a petulant child, lacks lacks perspective and takes a complex issue and draws a conclusion without considering many of the elements and variables inherent in the topic.
Liberals have been name calling and character assassination since liberals got into politics. It is the only way you guys debate, since you cannot compete in the realm of ideas. When you liberals believe in Death to unborn babies, taxing people into poverty, and complete subjugation to 2 bit dictators is your mantra, then only name calling is left.

View attachment 70133

I might have added a sentence questioning your level of education, however I decided it would be redundant. Your use of language is telling, and indicates a very retarded level of maturity.
This may be of interest to the curious and mature:


From the Link:

With all the cranes, scaffolding and “authorized personnel only” signs sprouting in San Francisco, it is evident there is a tremendous amount of building underway in the foggy city. The top 10 projects total an estimated $9.3 billion and include hospitals, transportation hubs and office towers.

Health care, however, is by far the most dominant category.

10 photos

This may be of interest to the curious and mature:


From the Link:

With all the cranes, scaffolding and “authorized personnel only” signs sprouting in San Francisco, it is evident there is a tremendous amount of building underway in the foggy city. The top 10 projects total an estimated $9.3 billion and include hospitals, transportation hubs and office towers.

Health care, however, is by far the most dominant category.

10 photos

Man moves to San Francisco, pays $400 a month to sleep in wooden box in friends’ living room
Man moves to San Francisco, pays $400 a month to sleep in wooden box in friends’ living room
There are 2 types of liberals, those that have and those that have not. Those that have , made it almost impossible for those that have not to live. Stupid people will continue to vote for those that with good intention, end up in disaster.
This may be of interest to the curious and mature:


From the Link:

With all the cranes, scaffolding and “authorized personnel only” signs sprouting in San Francisco, it is evident there is a tremendous amount of building underway in the foggy city. The top 10 projects total an estimated $9.3 billion and include hospitals, transportation hubs and office towers.

Health care, however, is by far the most dominant category.

10 photos

Man moves to San Francisco, pays $400 a month to sleep in wooden box in friends’ living room
Man moves to San Francisco, pays $400 a month to sleep in wooden box in friends’ living room
There are 2 types of liberals, those that have and those that have not. Those that have , made it almost impossible for those that have not to live. Stupid people will continue to vote for those that with good intention, end up in disaster.

Yes, the cost of housing in SF is high, and rising. A man must know his limitations, to live in SF, a city of only 49 sq. miles, is expensive.

Of course I'd rather sleep in a box in SF than live in a red state, fortunately I'm one of the haves with good intentions; something I'd never trade to live in a Red State with other callous conservatives.

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