Union Chief: ‘Trump Caused The Charleston Shooting’


Active Member
Apr 8, 2015
One of the protest organizers, John Boardman, executive secretary of the Unite Here Local 25 union of hotel and restaurant workers, said the comments of Donald Trump regarding illegal immigrants led to the shooting in Charleston that left nine people dead.

“Donald Trump, with his hate speech, lends legitimacy to assassins like the young man who walked into a South Carolina church and murdered all those people,” Boardman said. “When crazy people hear hate speech, that’s the response.”

I don’t support Donald Trump’s ideas but I think Mr. Boardman overcoloured Trump’s complicity for the Charleston shooting. Even if Dylan Roof had watched Trump’s performance right before going out of home with his shotgun, why did he choose to go to Methodist church? Searching for illegals?

Union Leader Trump Caused The Charleston Shooting The Daily Caller
wow, they are going to MILK those peoples deaths and dance on their graves for their nasty dirty politics

and you want to belong to party like that

he can go to hell, His rhetoric is going to cause MORE violence
He's also responsible for the name Washington Redskins, and slavery and .....

Politicians on both sides are going to target Trump. He tells the truth and they hate that.

they have NOTHING else. the people couldn't stand them or OBama, so because they couldn't kick Obama ass out of office. they Kicked his nasty party out of Control of Congress instead

so what they do. GO Back to their same old shit. attack, smear, attack, smear

I do hope the people are still so sick of their NASTY tactics they kick them out COMPLETLY come 2016
Trump's allegiance is to this country. And the politicians have nothing to smear him with. He has already been vetted by the public by being in the public eye for years. They aren't going to be able to pull a mistress out from under his desk, or catch him bowing down to a Muslim King.
We need common sense, not common core. Patriotism, not progressivism. Our Constitution, not the UN charter.
Trump isn't a politician, he is a patriot. We haven't had one of those in office since Reagan.
Chump's allegiance is only to himself and his overinflated ego.

And.....................the only reason he's in the race for the Presidency is because he's trying to bolster his brand, and after the last election, the only way to do that is to actually jump into the race rather than just talk about running.

Chump is only doing this to try to keep his fame going.

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