Union membership all time low, American worker productivity all time high

Right to work is much better to the individual...
Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.
Management is partly to blame for the demise of Unions but Unions are CHIEFLY to blame. I tell the story often but when I graduated High School, I was inundated with pamphlets, mailers, letters, etc…stating I should enlist in this branch of the service or consider this college or university or explore the options of the Peace Corps or whatever. Not one peep from the union shop my father worked at. The local IBEW, Iron Workers at Armco Steel, UFCW, Postal Union, etc… all had offices in our neighborhood within bike riding distance and that was in Texas of all places. Never heard a word from any of them. As a result, I doubt many of my classmates joined.

If you want people to join your organization, you’ve got to market to them.
Most of the increase in income for many years now, has flown to the top 10%.

Let's see now...productivity way up, but incomes for 90% of Americans is stagnant. The elites love it.

Maybe unionization isn't so bad.

An (I am certain) uncontrollable carom into the truth!!!!
Not uncontrolled at all my dear Candycane. If you were to pay attention to my thousands of posts on this forum, you would know my post is not uncontrolled at all. You make assumptions about me that are unfounded. Unlike you my sweet pea, I am not a reflexive anything and certainly not a foolish partisan....like you.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...

I bet you worked in a right to work for less flyover state and love working or less while the owners laughed all the way to the bank while you were getting ripped off


Na, been self-employed most of my adult life.

No doubt that means disability.
Na, 100% healthy, not a welfare queen...
Right to work is much better to the individual...
Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
Right to work is much better to the individual...
Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
I have no problem with if the individual wants to join a union, but no one should ever be forced into the union. They should be able to tell The union to fuck off if they want to.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
So you are saying Obama is doing something right?
'Union membership all time low, American worker productivity all time high'

This is awesome news.

Being born into a society where if you want to work you MUST belong to a group that takes part of your pay, uses part of it to support people/agendas you don't agree with and use another part of the money to make themselves rich while you work your ass off - the idea of this being the accepted NORM is a type of 'slavery' at birth.

There should be no 'Right-To-Work' STATES...the entire damn country should automatically be 'Right-to-work'!

"...Land of the FREE, and Home..." - Remember that little bit in the national anthem? At what point did some asshole declare if you want to work in this country / state you HAVE to join a Union, you HAVE to forfeit part of your pay..."

That's sort of like the concept of every person in the US being born a member of the NRA. (If you want to own a gun in this country you MUST be a member of the NRA, you WILL forfeit part of your pay to the NRA, blah, blah, blah'!

If workers want to group together to fight for better conditions, more pay, etc...but they shouldn't be forced to become 'slaves'. That's just some messed up BS run by people with 'control' / 'power' issues.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...

I bet you worked in a right to work for less flyover state and love working or less while the owners laughed all the way to the bank while you were getting ripped off


Na, been self-employed most of my adult life.

No doubt that means disability.
Na, 100% healthy, not a welfare queen...
My bad, you seem to have quite a bit of free time for being self employed.
Right to work is much better to the individual...
Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
I have no problem with if the individual wants to join a union, but no one should ever be forced into the union. They should be able to tell The union to fuck off if they want to.

Then they should be paid the non-union wage and benefits.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 9%. In that time wages have gone down. No coincidence

Not me... never been in a union, never will be. Year in and year out I do progressively better.
Then you are the exception not the norm. I'm not worrying about the Bill Gates and Soggy's of America.

We don't judge countries based on how well their richest citizens are doing. If we did that, all countries would be doing GREAT! Am I right?

Today I was listening to a story about a guy who worked 30 years for GM, got PAID when he retired, then went to work for someone else and has been ever since he retired from GM. Bet his current job doesn't pay as well as that union job did.

And I don't know what you do for a living. And I don't want to know. Your one person antidote does nothing for the conversation. First of all we'd have to believe you are a successful person. That'll take some convincing.
Right to work is much better to the individual...
Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
I have no problem with if the individual wants to join a union, but no one should ever be forced into the union. They should be able to tell The union to fuck off if they want to.

Then they should be paid the non-union wage and benefits.

Why? Does the unions now sign their pay checks?

Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
I have no problem with if the individual wants to join a union, but no one should ever be forced into the union. They should be able to tell The union to fuck off if they want to.

Then they should be paid the non-union wage and benefits.

Why? Does the unions now sign their pay checks?

Because the union negotiated the rate and benefit package. If you don't support them then you shouldn't benefit from their efforts.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...

I bet you worked in a right to work for less flyover state and love working or less while the owners laughed all the way to the bank while you were getting ripped off


Na, been self-employed most of my adult life.

No doubt that means disability.
Na, 100% healthy, not a welfare queen...
My bad, you seem to have quite a bit of free time for being self employed.
I sell firearms, my employee is an awesome salesman....
Right to work is much better to the individual...
Employees unionizing is not socialism or redistribution of wealth. Employees who choose to unionize do so of their free will. This applies only to the private sector. I do not believe government workers should be allowed to unionize.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
I have no problem with if the individual wants to join a union, but no one should ever be forced into the union. They should be able to tell The union to fuck off if they want to.

Then they should be paid the non-union wage and benefits.
Whether they are in an Union or not, they should paid what they are worth... Whatever the business owners see fit.
Unionization should be an absolute choice of the individual, forced unionization is a load of shit.

That contradicts what else you've said because if the business owners AGREE that a union will be the legal representative of the employees,

then it becomes a condition of employment to join the union (or at least pay the appropriate fees).
I have no problem with if the individual wants to join a union, but no one should ever be forced into the union. They should be able to tell The union to fuck off if they want to.

Then they should be paid the non-union wage and benefits.

Why? Does the unions now sign their pay checks?

Because the union negotiated the rate and benefit package. If you don't support them then you shouldn't benefit from their efforts.
Na, not really.

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