Union membership all time low, American worker productivity all time high



Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.

interesting unions on the decline and wages on the decline while productivity soars


Add to that this:


Union membership peaks in the mid-sixties. From there, productivity continues to rise on the same trajectory,

but wages begin to fail to keep up. From that point on, the value of the American worker ceases to be reflected in his wages.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 9%. In that time wages have gone down. No coincidence

What you also see over the last 60 years is the steady increase in two-earner households, those where husband and wife (or the equivalent) both get jobs out of necessity,

not choice. One more blow to American family values.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.

I can't see a better reason we need more and stronger unions to ensure that workers are sharing in that increased wealth


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.

So you regret, in retrospect, that American workers were overpaid (in your view) from the 40's to the 70's?


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.

I can't see a better reason we need more and stronger unions to ensure that workers are sharing in that increased wealth
Agreed, but the unfortunate thing about the history of unions, is they become corrupt and controlled by the D party over time. I suppose in your mind, that is a good thing.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...

I bet you worked in a right to work for less flyover state and love working or less while the owners laughed all the way to the bank while you were getting ripped off





Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 9%. In that time wages have gone down. No coincidence

What you also see over the last 60 years is the steady increase in two-earner households, those where husband and wife (or the equivalent) both get jobs out of necessity,

not choice. One more blow to American family values.
Progressives want to destroy family values, and force everyone to be subjects answering to the career politicians and their federal government.
Political correctness is killing the individual in this country... Orwellian


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.

I can't see a better reason we need more and stronger unions to ensure that workers are sharing in that increased wealth
No such thing as "wealth" in socialism, just drones sharing misery...


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...
I can't agree.

If unions would stick to issues related to worker's benefits and safe workplaces, rather than involvement in politics and one political party promotion, middle class incomes might increase. It is clear many workplaces are very unjust, and not only related to compensation.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...

I bet you worked in a right to work for less flyover state and love working or less while the owners laughed all the way to the bank while you were getting ripped off


Na, been self-employed most of my adult life.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...
I can't agree.

If unions would stick to issues related worker's benefits and safe workplaces, rather than involvement in politics and one political party promotion, middle class incomes might increase. It is clear many workplaces are very unjust, and not only related to compensation.
With Unionization everything is forced...


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...
I can't agree.

If unions would stick to issues related worker's benefits and safe workplaces, rather than involvement in politics and one political party promotion, middle class incomes might increase. It is clear many workplaces are very unjust, and not only related to compensation.
With Unionization everything is forced...
Please explain.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 9%. In that time wages have gone down. No coincidence
So let us hear no more complaints about Unions or high wages that cripple our mega-corporations. Dry those tears, the goal of Republicans since Reagan to destroy Unions is now realized. Hallelujah! In the bad old days, I recall a visit from Kruschev. Seems that on an auto trip on an X-way from one stop to another, he passed an automobile factory in upstate NY and the parking lot was chock full of vehicles, and he asked who the cars and trucks belong to. He was surprised when told they belong to the workers, since in his country only the officials could afford vehicles.
Has anybody passed a manufacturing factory lately? Our corporations have won the war against wages and Union. Productive? Or intimidated?

Has anybody passed a manufacturing factory lately?

Growing up, there were two manufacturing plants a mile or so from my house.

Westinghouse, and General Motors.

Westinghouse is now a Big Lots warehouse, and General Motors is a casino
So true. My Ford Lincoln plant is now a Maynards. LOL


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...
I can't agree.

If unions would stick to issues related worker's benefits and safe workplaces, rather than involvement in politics and one political party promotion, middle class incomes might increase. It is clear many workplaces are very unjust, and not only related to compensation.
With Unionization everything is forced...
Please explain.
In the past you had to join a union to work, and some states of still that way. When you worked for a company
My brother can't even empty his own garbage in his office because it's against the union rules. What a fucking load of shit.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...
I can't agree.

If unions would stick to issues related worker's benefits and safe workplaces, rather than involvement in politics and one political party promotion, middle class incomes might increase. It is clear many workplaces are very unjust, and not only related to compensation.
With Unionization everything is forced...
Please explain.
In the past you had to join a union to work, and some states of still that way. When you worked for a company
True. That is certainly a negative.

However, it is clear the middle class is getting squeezed by the Oligarchy. Something must be done to stop the concentration of wealth to the 10%. Many middle class workers are working very hard to keep their jobs, while getting paid less and less each year. Unionization is one way to stop this.


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.

So you regret, in retrospect, that American workers were overpaid (in your view) from the 40's to the 70's?

When did I say that?


Union membership continues to decline in the United States, falling to an all-time low last year, a government report shows.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics report Friday shows the union membership rate was 11.1 percent last year, down 0.2 percent from the rate seen in 2012 and 2013.

The union membership rate for the public sector was 35.7 percent, and 6.6 percent in the private sector.
As of last year, there were 14.6 million people working in unions, the report shows.

One of the sharpest year-to-year drops in union membership came in Michigan: from 16.3 percent in 2013 to 14.5 percent in 2014. The decrease came in the first full year under the state's right-to-work law.

U.S. Workers World's Most Productive

Each U.S. worker produces $63,885 of wealth per year, more than their counterparts in all other countries, the International Labor Organization said in its report. Ireland comes in second at $55,986, ahead of Luxembourg, $55,641; Belgium, $55,235; and France, $54,609.
Unionization like socialism = slow, unmotivated slothful worker/subject, like a drone with no individually.
Right to work is the only way to go...

I bet you worked in a right to work for less flyover state and love working or less while the owners laughed all the way to the bank while you were getting ripped off




I make more in a RTW state then I did in a blue state, granted 14 years have past but looking at indeed and craigslist today it is around the same for an industrial maintenance tech.

Also like I pointed out a million Times I get more bang for my buck.


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