UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives in Lansing

hahahaha Unions are not dead.

I work for the space program and am part of the IBEW union. We are strong as ever.

Stop listening to FOX news you idiots.

It's episodes like what happened yesterday in Michigan that has led to a 10% decline in union membership. Japanese automakers learned their lesson and refused to open plants in non right-to-work states. This is part of the reason that RTW states have almost a full percent lower unemployment than non-RTW states. 6.9% to 7.6%.

I was a union member for over 8 years. All I ever saw was corruption on the part of union leaders.
ya, and stupidity is stupidity. No way anyone should be cheering for weaker unions. And secondly, what the heck did a conservative hack think would happen at a rally full of Union member's who feel slighted? lol. I mean really, this reporter was sort of asking for an ass whooping. He got one.

Kind of puts all of those false claims of Tea Party violence in a new light, doesn't it?
Seriously, you all just dont get it. And thats fine. Remember that feeling you felt when Obama won for a second time, ya, you might want to get use to that as once again you all are way off.

Im just being honest here, you keep acting like spoiled rotten sore losers, we will treat you as such.

You sound an awful lot like a sore loser to me.
the Unions showed their asses again and still LOST.

What's that they always tell others? Elections have consequences..:lol:

Democrats are in mourning in that state they just lost a major bulk of their campaign monies

tsk tsk
I thought you big ruff tough right wingers thought all Dems were tree hugging pussies. LOL.
Whatsa matter? Get your ass kicked by some, what was it one poster called them, welfare queens is training.

And are you rethug union haters really so stupid to think that union members don't have guns and won't fight for themselves and their families. ANd the rethugs have to go to those union member police dept members to protect them. Funny funny shit.

You think that only right wing whack jobs want to "take back their country".

Get ready right wingers to reap what you sowed. Fun ny shit.

Oh and mukky your stupidity is showing this AM. Honda has seveal plants in Ohio. Which is not a right to work state. How could that be mukky?
Can you imagine the headlines if a conservative group "roughed up" some liberal gathering?

I wonder how long this man would have lived had he not been escorted to safety? Watch the whole thing, listen to the horrific "commie" comments and tell me conservatives are somehow not as dangerous as any mob to provoke.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q7XH8lfGMc]Teabaggers can't handle a little dissent - YouTube[/ame]

Go ahead and keep wondering.

If you go through a crowd flipping them the bird what can you expect.

I see a difference. I don't condone ether, but it's obvious that asking protesters to explain their positions doesn't deserve an ass-whipping. Walking boldly through a crowd flaunting your disdain for them is another situation.
I thought you big ruff tough right wingers thought all Dems were tree hugging pussies. LOL.
Whatsa matter? Get your ass kicked by some, what was it one poster called them, welfare queens is training.

And are you rethug union haters really so stupid to think that union members don't have guns and won't fight for themselves and their families. ANd the rethugs have to go to those union member police dept members to protect them. Funny funny shit.

You think that only right wing whack jobs want to "take back their country".

Get ready right wingers to reap what you sowed. Fun ny shit.

Oh and mukky your stupidity is showing this AM. Honda has seveal plants in Ohio. Which is not a right to work state. How could that be mukky?

Maybe they'll move.

Btw, I was talking about Toyota. Not all Japanese companies are the same smart-guy.
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hahahaha Unions are not dead.

I work for the space program and am part of the IBEW union. We are strong as ever.

Stop listening to FOX news you idiots.

It's episodes like what happened yesterday in Michigan that has led to a 10% decline in union membership. Japanese automakers learned their lesson and refused to open plants in non right-to-work states. This is part of the reason that RTW states have almost a full percent lower unemployment than non-RTW states. 6.9% to 7.6%.

I was a union member for over 8 years. All I ever saw was corruption on the part of union leaders.

Fuk you mukky. You were not. See above.
So called right to work laws may have the opposite effect as voter suppression had in the presidential election. This could be a good thing as workers come to recognize corporate money wants the power over labor to enforce an acceptable slavery. The best slave is the slave who bows down to his or her master. Those who support right to work laws are knowing and sometimes unknowing corporate pawns. When you consider the states with right to work laws have the lowest wages you understand or puzzle over the power of corporate propaganda on the impressible American of today.

If you are interested in how the transformation of American against the American worker was created the book below is an excellent starting point.

"And yet over the course of the decade the old skepticism toward business that had been born in the Great Depression and reawakened for a new generation in the Vietnam era finally began to disappear. The economic transformations of the decade would be interpreted through the framework of the free market vision. The 1970s campaigns to revive the image of capitalism among college students bore fruit in the 1980s. Universities created new centers for the study of business themes such as entrepreneurship. Students in Free Enterprise, a group started in 1975 to bring students together to "discuss what they might do to counteract the stultifying criticism of American business," thrived on small college campuses, funded by companies like Coors, Dow Chemical, and Walmart (as well as the Business Roundtable). The group organized battles of the bands, at which prizes would be doled out to the best pro-business rock anthems, helped silkscreen T-shirts with pro-capitalist messages, and created skits based on Milton Friedman's writings, which college students would perform in local elementary schools. In the workplace, the decline of the old manufacturing cities of [he North and Midwest and the rise of the sprawling suburbs of the Sunbelt metropolises marked the rise of a new economic culture, dominated by companies such as Walmart and Home Depot and Barnes & Noble." Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNLYXSJjSJU]Robert Kennedy Vs. Jimmy Hoffa - YouTube[/ame]

Sound familiar?
Jimmy Hoffa is still in my freezer. :eusa_shhh: But, we had a great dinner at Machus Red Fox that night.
I thought you big ruff tough right wingers thought all Dems were tree hugging pussies. LOL.
Whatsa matter? Get your ass kicked by some, what was it one poster called them, welfare queens is training.

And are you rethug union haters really so stupid to think that union members don't have guns and won't fight for themselves and their families. ANd the rethugs have to go to those union member police dept members to protect them. Funny funny shit.

You think that only right wing whack jobs want to "take back their country".

Get ready right wingers to reap what you sowed. Fun ny shit.

Oh and mukky your stupidity is showing this AM. Honda has seveal plants in Ohio. Which is not a right to work state. How could that be mukky?

Talk is cheap. While your on your knees, you might want to start praying. In the heart of unions you were told to forget it.
ya, and stupidity is stupidity. No way anyone should be cheering for weaker unions. And secondly, what the heck did a conservative hack think would happen at a rally full of Union member's who feel slighted? lol. I mean really, this reporter was sort of asking for an ass whooping. He got one.

Yeah, anyone who disagrees with the left deserves a beating, right?
Not the same thing, not at all, you suck at comparison.

It is indeed the same thing. Bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of why it occured. Most of you are trying to excuse this away and that is also indeed pathetic.

You misunderstand me, I can only speak for myself but I am not really excusing this, I am applauding this. Fucker went there to stir up shit and that is what he got. I somehow doubt many women go out with the intention to get raped so again your comparison sucks balls. If you do not see that asshole's actions as a deliberate provocation then I am not sure you can see anything past your partisan blinders.

The mindset of a common thug. You've captured it perfectly.
hahahaha Unions are not dead.

I work for the space program and am part of the IBEW union. We are strong as ever.

Stop listening to FOX news you idiots.

It's episodes like what happened yesterday in Michigan that has led to a 10% decline in union membership. Japanese automakers learned their lesson and refused to open plants in non right-to-work states. This is part of the reason that RTW states have almost a full percent lower unemployment than non-RTW states. 6.9% to 7.6%.

I was a union member for over 8 years. All I ever saw was corruption on the part of union leaders.

Fuk you mukky. You were not. See above.

Here in TN Toyota refused to move here if the union was going to be involved. You would be right if I had said "All Japanese auto companies", but I didn't.

Also, the point I was making is that unions are causing these companies to move to other states, not that they never had unions.

So basically you're full of crap once again.
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Unions really went down with a whimper in Michigan. All depends how union membership reacts. Do a large chunk of them stop paying dues? What is the history of that in other states? No money, no influence.
Good thing someone had TV camera along as the gentleman sidled up some union people asking questions about why they like the union. But the biggest surprise is that it turned out to be a story that could be used on television. Story wise it was a lucky encounter.
The people in Michigan looked around and saw that the unions weren't helping them. Michigan has an 18% unemployment rate. Detroit has 45% of it's people not in the labor force, 34.5% is on food stamps and under the teacher's union, there is a 7% literacy rate in schools. You can go to some remote village in some third world mountain and find a better than 7% literacy rate. Then, glance across the border to Indiana that has lured almost 100 companies out of Michigan to Indiana because they became a right to work state and it gets pretty clear. The unions, whatever they did that was good in the past, have long since stopped benefiting the people in the states where they exist and have now become harmful.

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