UNION THUGS Destroy & Trample AFP Tent – Rough Up Conservatives in Lansing

ya, and stupidity is stupidity. No way anyone should be cheering for weaker unions. And secondly, what the heck did a conservative hack think would happen at a rally full of Union member's who feel slighted? lol. I mean really, this reporter was sort of asking for an ass whooping. He got one.

It wasn't a rally for unions, it was showing support for your cause. Both sides showed up for obivous reasons, but as is typical of unoin thugs, only their side has standing. Any wonder why normal people (84% of society is nonunion) want things changed?
Seriously, you all just dont get it. And thats fine. Remember that feeling you felt when Obama won for a second time, ya, you might want to get use to that as once again you all are way off.

Im just being honest here, you keep acting like spoiled rotten sore losers, we will treat you as such.
Seriously, you all just dont get it. And thats fine. Remember that feeling you felt when Obama won for a second time, ya, you might want to get use to that as once again you all are way off.

Im just being honest here, you keep acting like spoiled rotten sore losers, we will treat you as such.

Are you saying violence is okay in the political process, then?
Only for Lefty's.

If he got knocked on his ass he'd be crying for justice.

Seriously, you all just dont get it. And thats fine. Remember that feeling you felt when Obama won for a second time, ya, you might want to get use to that as once again you all are way off.

Im just being honest here, you keep acting like spoiled rotten sore losers, we will treat you as such.

Are you saying violence is okay in the political process, then?
Can you imagine the headlines if a conservative group "roughed up" some liberal gathering?

I wonder how long this man would have lived had he not been escorted to safety? Watch the whole thing, listen to the horrific "commie" comments and tell me conservatives are somehow not as dangerous as any mob to provoke.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q7XH8lfGMc]Teabaggers can't handle a little dissent - YouTube[/ame]
Are you saying violence is okay in the political process, then?

nope. Im am saying that if a conservative hack feels the need to kick the nasty bee hive, he might get stung. Its common sense here people. These unions fellas have their back to a wall, do you think its a good idea to try and antagonize them?

This conservative could have just as easily written his op-ed piece and been done. He was sort of asking for it.

Its like if I were to invade a anti Obama rally with Obama gear on while talking shit the entire time. I might get hit.
Are you saying violence is okay in the political process, then?

nope. Im am saying that if a conservative hack feels the need to kick the nasty bee hive, he might get stung. Its common sense here people. These unions fellas have their back to a wall, do you think its a good idea to try and antagonize them?

This conservative could have just as easily written his op-ed piece and been done. He was sort of asking for it.

Its like if I were to invade a anti Obama rally with Obama gear on while talking shit the entire time. I might get hit.

okay, thanks for clarifying for me and I have nothing else to ask on the subject. You know others will take it to extremely absurd levels, though.
Can you imagine the headlines if a conservative group "roughed up" some liberal gathering?

I wonder how long this man would have lived had he not been escorted to safety? Watch the whole thing, listen to the horrific "commie" comments and tell me conservatives are somehow not as dangerous as any mob to provoke.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q7XH8lfGMc]Teabaggers can't handle a little dissent - YouTube[/ame]

I watched the entire thing I heard a lot of booing a lot of no public option chanting a few people try to grab his banner but I never saw a single punch thrown at him. The police escorted him through and keep order kind of makes me ask where were the police in Michigan when the tent was being torn down and the guy attacked.
Are you saying violence is okay in the political process, then?

nope. Im am saying that if a conservative hack feels the need to kick the nasty bee hive, he might get stung. Its common sense here people. These unions fellas have their back to a wall, do you think its a good idea to try and antagonize them?

This conservative could have just as easily written his op-ed piece and been done. He was sort of asking for it.

Its like if I were to invade a anti Obama rally with Obama gear on while talking shit the entire time. I might get hit.

okay, thanks for clarifying for me and I have nothing else to ask on the subject. You know others will take it to extremely absurd levels, though.

I wore an Obama shirt to a teaparty rally once. Mostly I got disgusting looks.
who cares what others will say. These Union people feel threatened by a bill that was passed nearly overnight. I liken it to Conservative outrage over the passing of Obama care. Both sides have a good point however, I would suggest not antagonizing either crowd in their fervor to protest.
The below is Copied from here http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/...t-of-high-tension-Lancing-protest-punches-fly

Fox "News" is trumpeting a new story on violence of the pro-union protesters in front of Michigan's Capital. But it appears to me that Fox News went fishing for some violence at the Lancing protests against the Right to Work (for less) Bill being railroaded through the Michigan Legislature. When they couldn't find any it looks like Fox News' Steven Crowder crossed the line from observer and reporter to antagonist. An antagonist that repeatedly kept going back into the crowd and getting in people's faces asking hostile questions.
[ame=http://youtu.be/u_F3oev06i0]UNIONS ASSAULT ON CAMERA!! - YouTube[/ame]

That looks to me like Fox News reporter Steven Crowder was going out of his way to be provocative and confrontational in the middle of a tension filled protest. Note that the prelude to the punches being thrown were edited out of the video we are being shown. Why was the union guy on the ground when he jumps up and punches Chowder the first time??
[ame=http://youtu.be/FijlT06qwf0]Mark Schauer - YouTube[/ame]
Earlier there was the possibility of police on horseback confronting the protesters that was defused successfully and a number of protesters had been pepper-sprayed. So tensions and emotions were running very high, and the Fox News crew had to sense that.
[ame=http://youtu.be/aRcmeA1k-ik]Lies on the Bill O'Reilly Show-Palm Trees in Madison - YouTube[/ame]

We all remember how Fox used a video clip filmed in Southern California to characterize the pro union protesters in Madison Wisconsin as being violent, with telltale palm trees in the background.

The most alarming thing on Fox's video is the guy charging out of the Americans for Prosperity booth with a hunting rifle? Was Americans for Prosperity's people planning violence as well?
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who cares what others will say. These Union people feel threatened by a bill that was passed nearly overnight. I liken it to Conservative outrage over the passing of Obama care. Both sides have a good point however, I would suggest not antagonizing either crowd in their fervor to protest.

There was an attempt at some balance on your part. So the union protesters get outside AND inside the capital? That is balanced?
In the old days the police or National Guard would have come, shot up a few union people and been done with it.
The below is Copied from here Daily Kos: Fox News' Steven Crowder becomes a provocateur in mist of high tension Lansing protest - punches fly

Fox "News" is trumpeting a new story on violence of the pro-union protesters in front of Michigan's Capital. But it appears to me that Fox News went fishing for some violence at the Lancing protests against the Right to Work (for less) Bill being railroaded through the Michigan Legislature. When they couldn't find any it looks like Fox News' Steven Crowder crossed the line from observer and reporter to antagonist. An antagonist that repeatedly kept going back into the crowd and getting in people's faces asking hostile questions.

That looks to me like Fox News reporter Steven Crowder was going out of his way to be provocative and confrontational in the middle of a tension filled protest. Note that the prelude to the punches being thrown were edited out of the video we are being shown. Why was the union guy on the ground when he jumps up and punches Chowder the first time??
Mark Schauer - YouTube
Earlier there was the possibility of police on horseback confronting the protesters that was defused successfully and a number of protesters had been pepper-sprayed. So tensions and emotions were running very high, and the Fox News crew had to sense that.
Lies on the Bill O'Reilly Show-Palm Trees in Madison - YouTube

We all remember how Fox used a video clip filmed in Southern California to characterize the pro union protesters in Madison Wisconsin as being violent, with telltale palm trees in the background.

The most alarming thing on Fox's video is the guy charging out of the Americans for Prosperity booth with a hunting rifle? Was Americans for Prosperity's people planning violence as well?

The union supporters lost the vote and the high ground by turning violent. Particularly insightful as they CLAIM that is what happens to them and they are innocent parties.
All I'm hearing is the "SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE WORN THOSE SKIMPY CLOTHES" excuses from the left...

Pathetic bunch

Not the same thing, not at all, you suck at comparison.

It is indeed the same thing. Bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of why it occured. Most of you are trying to excuse this away and that is also indeed pathetic.
In the old days the police or National Guard would have come, shot up a few union people and been done with it.

In the old days (1920s) these people would have been beaten like dogs and jailed. People and their children were paid chicken feed.

In the not as old days (1960s) these people were too powerful to antagonize and America had a golden age of working class prosperity.

Today (the bad new days) these people are angrily grieving for the loss of a lifestyle that made us the envy of the world.

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