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United States and Israel Partners in War Crimes

Game, set, and match.........

vBulletin Message
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GunnyL again.
Since America is not about anything in your post supported by actual fact, I would say it isn't, nor was it ever. Your links are lame, and the fact that you attempt to pass opinions off as fact dishonest.

So, if you wish to engage in actual debate by presenting facts and documentation that is based on fact, go find some first.

You're in denial, gun-gun. Everything is out in the open and well documented. I guess the easy answers of being a staunch (insert R or D) are just too appealling to you to do any research.


Globalization promotes regional and global government, a one-world economic system of trade and a form of fascism where global corporations and their elite control the policies and directives of individual governments.

The original and primary perpetrators of modern-day globalization number only in the 100's, representative of which, but not exclusively, are members of The Trilateral Commission.
As United Nations Resolution 1701 is passed the Israelis have tripled the number of Israeli military forces in Southern Lebanon. This is clearly in violation of the spirit of United Nation Resolution 1701. There is no other nation in the world that is in violations of so many United Nations Resolutions and other International Laws as State of Israel. The Israeli will use so-called “legal loopholes” in the laws and resolutions saying they did not have to comply.

To compound things even more the United Nation passes Resolution 1701 saying they will send up to 15,000 United Nations Troops to keep the peace along side 15,000 Lebanese soldiers. Neither of who are battle trained nor ready to fight like the Israeli and Hezbollah forces. The Israeli the military in control of the region will make it near to impossible for the United Nations to carry out its mandate. Only NATO forces have the clout with Turkey playing a pivotal role in defusing this crisis. The Israeli and the United States are the partners in the war crimes in Lebanon. With the majority of the Israeli heavy military armament made in the United States and a lot of it paid for by American taxpayers.

The truce for how ever long it may last. Will be an open a widow for the outside world to see the horrific damage done to Southern Lebanon by the Israeli military forces. The American people will see how their tax dollars are being spent by Israel. From the very beginning of the War the Israeli made it clear they were not going after the Lebanese government or people. They were going after Hezbollah. The evidence left behind in the destruction of Lebanon will point to the contrary. It will point to collective punishment of the Lebanese people. With the majority of the damage that the Israelis have done in Lebanon was with American made weapons of death and destruction.

The Israeli see no wrong in their actions in Lebanon. For they have been doing it to the Palestinian people for many years. Israel is a nation built and trained to go to war in the name of national security. For every war Israel fights the blowback becomes greater because they are fighting for the unjust occupation of another people land. Yes, there are many problems on both sides. Without us addressing the problems on our side there chance for the other side to address their own problems from within.

Hey... did you hear about the new Palestinian comedy?
Yeah, it's titled "Honey I blew up the kids"
You're in denial, gun-gun. Everything is out in the open and well documented. I guess the easy answers of being a staunch (insert R or D) are just too appealling to you to do any research.

Rather than being in denial, I don't see a conspiracy behind every door, nor do I accept the opinions of think-tanks as fact. Seems to me, the ones in denial here are the ones willing to accept something as fact because it's what they want to hear.
Rather than being in denial, I don't see a conspiracy behind every door, nor do I accept the opinions of think-tanks as fact. Seems to me, the ones in denial here are the ones willing to accept something as fact because it's what they want to hear.

I don't know this romeo person, but he seems to be onto a whole heap of truth.

Which "think tank fact" do you not accept? Please be specific and courteous.
I don't know this romeo person, but he seems to be onto a whole heap of truth.

Which "think tank fact" do you not accept? Please be specific and courteous.

Specifically, vastopol's second link. I have only been discourteous to you when you get all screwy on me with your conspiracy stuff.
Specifically, vastopol's second link. I have only been discourteous to you when you get all screwy on me with your conspiracy stuff.

Not which link. Which fact? Which fact do you disagree with? (word to the wise: disagreeing with facts is a hard row to hoe)
Not which link. Which fact? Which fact do you disagree with? (word to the wise: disagreeing with facts is a hard row to hoe)

If you had read my earlier posts, the FACT I disagreed with was presenting opinion as fact.

If you mean which opinion do I disagree with .... you're pretty-much up on my stance on the topic 'cuz we've done this dance before. So quit working on the suspenseful build-up, cut to the chase and pick your fight.
If you had read my earlier posts, the FACT I disagreed with was presenting opinion as fact.

If you mean which opinion do I disagree with .... you're pretty-much up on my stance on the topic 'cuz we've done this dance before. So quit working on the suspenseful build-up, cut to the chase and pick your fight.

Yes. You're in denial about a lot of things. I wouldn't call that a stance, but whatever.
No. Instead you explain why the PNAC documents are not evidence of a preconceived plan to move into the mideast.

i knew you couldn't do it.

as for your demand....no need....if you believe they are.... then they are.....your perception is all that matters.....facts and truth and reality never trump perception
i knew you couldn't do it.

as for your demand....no need....if you believe they are.... then they are.....your perception is all that matters.....facts and truth and reality never trump perception

Maybe in the obscene little false world you've constructed in your mind. If slavery makes you money, go for it. If you can silence your detractors, you win, right?
Maybe in the obscene little false world you've constructed in your mind. If slavery makes you money, go for it. If you can silence your detractors, you win, right?

You'd know, it's one of your favorite tactics. Seems one of your heroes employed it, so well in fact, that even a Kos Kid can't ignore it:


In His Own Words - David Duke on CNN
by jhritz
Wed Dec 13, 2006 at 05:08:02 PM PST

Wolf Blitzer's interview with David Duke today was very revealing as to how a hatemonger will mix popular positions on current issues with his grand-ol' racism.

The interview with Duke is halfway down this transcript:

Excerpt from the setup video:

DUKE: The time is coming when the American majority will find its way to its rights and its heritage.​

* jhritz's diary :: ::

Some excerpts:

BLITZER: Mr. Duke, thanks very much for coming in. What do you say to those who say -- who charge, and there are many, that you're there in Tehran at this Holocaust conference simply because you hate Jews?​

DUKE: Well, first off, Mr. Blitzer, I resent the introduction you made of me. You mentioned the Ku Klux Klan 11 times... I think you're biased because you're a former lobbyist for AIPAC. You're a Jewish extremist, supporter of Israel, so you want to bias anyone who criticizes Zionism.
BLITZER: Well, do you hate Jews?​

DUKE: No, I don't. Do you hate people who don't want to be controlled? Do you hate Americans who don't want the Israeli lobby ...Pearl and people like Wolfowitz, Feith, Wurmser, Kristol, Abrams -- we can go on and on. It sounds like a Jewish wedding...​

BLITZER: Well, let me interrupt for a moment, Mr. Duke. As far as I know, the president of the United States, who is the commander in chief, is not Jewish. The vice president of the United States is not Jewish. The secretary of defense is not Jewish. The national security advisor to the president, not Jewish. The director of the CIA, not Jewish. Are these people simply tools of the Zionist conspiracy?
DUKE: They're not tools of a conspiracy, but they are definitely tools of the Zionist media and political power.​

...BLITZER: But we didn't have to invite you on CNN.​

DUKE: And you want to -- it's an attack mode, always an attack mode when people like myself come on there. But you thought you could handle me with your 11 connotations of the Ku Klux Klan.​

BLITZER: All right, let me...​

DUKE: But you know something? You can't handle me, and you can't handle the truth, and the fact is, you are an agent of Zionism. You work for AIPAC...​

BLITZER: Listen -- all right. Listen.​

DUKE: ... the lobby in this country that controls Israeli policy.​

BLITZER: Listen, Mr. Duke...​

DUKE: You're not an honest broken on television.

BLITZER: ... I am going to read to you what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said...​

DUKE: You're an Israeli agent.​

Now try this:


My response:

* Not everyone who finds David Duke a repugnant ass (or who are equally disgusted by those who spout the same tripe) is an Israeli agent.

* Not everyone who supports a two-state solution (as I do) is an Israeli agent.

* Not everyone who does not support Hamas is an Israeli Agent (or even Jewish, for that matter).

* Not everyone who does not support Iran's regime -- but whom also does not want to see war with Iran (I prefer diplomacy) is an Israeli agent.

* Not everyone who disagrees with some of the revisionist comments posted in response to this thoughtful diary, is an Israeli agent.

* Not everyone who is discussed on threads between like-minded individuals (see David Duke above) is an Israeli agent (or holds any resemblance to the assumptions being made about them).

Sometimes the person they're talking about is simply a person of conscience who feels they can't sit by and let the David Dukes of the world win.
That was a good discussion. Blitzer looked like an idiot. We are controlled by jews. Your thorough brainwashing is only more evidence of that.

Jewish influence can't be discussed "because of the holocaust". Why are you a zionist agent, Kathianne? Because of the warped version of christianity you believe in, where jews are to be worshipped as god's chosen? I don't know if you heard, but there was a new testament, that's what christians study.
Maybe in the obscene little false world you've constructed in your mind. If slavery makes you money, go for it. If you can silence your detractors, you win, right?

my perception of you is fact for me and there is nothing you can do to change my mind if i do not want you to....

the world i describe is the one you live.

prove me wrong show us all that you will accept "facts" that are opposed to the ones you hold.

in the years i have watched you preach your views on everything i have never seen you change your mind on any topic....or even tollerate the views of others....
my perception of you is fact for me and there is nothing you can do to change my mind if i do not want you to....

the world i describe is the one you live.

prove me wrong show us all that you will accept "facts" that are opposed to the ones you hold.

in the years i have watched you preach your views on everything i have never seen you change your mind on any topic....or even tollerate the views of others....

blah blah blah. cram it, richie rich.
That was a good discussion. Blitzer looked like an idiot. We are controlled by jews. Your thorough brainwashing is only more evidence of that.

Jewish influence can't be discussed "because of the holocaust". Why are you a zionist agent, Kathianne? Because of the warped version of christianity you believe in, where jews are to be worshipped as god's chosen? I don't know if you heard, but there was a new testament, that's what christians study.

Absurd and unsupported by any REAL fact and/or logic.

DO try to comprehend that not agreeing with one extremism -- Jewish conspiracy theories -- does not automatically relegate one to the "Zionist agent" heap.

The biggest, most basic flaw to your pet theory, and most other conspiracy theories is: you can't have a conspiracy that would entail the number of people such a conspiracy would without the usual blabbermouthes selling out to Hollywierd and/or the MSM.
So, if you wish to engage in actual debate by presenting facts and documentation that is based on fact, go find some first.

I'm still waiting for you to refute the facts I have presented so far.

The biggest, most basic flaw to your pet theory, and most other conspiracy theories is: you can't have a conspiracy that would entail the number of people such a conspiracy would without the usual blabbermouthes selling out to Hollywierd and/or the MSM.

There have been many whistleblowers that have come forward and had the PATRIOT act(s) provisions used to gag them from speaking publically. Refute some of the facts I have presented so far in a logical manner fact for fact instead of the usual strawmen and regurgitated cliches and I'll provide you a list of them.;)

Who owns and controls Hollywood and the MSM btw?

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