United States: Distribution of State General Fund Expenditures (in millions)


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
NOTE: Under President Johnson Social Security money was moved to The General Fund

Elementary & Secondary 35.3% $218,548 35.3% $218,548

Higher Education 11.6% $72,116 11.6% $72,116

Public Assistance 1.9% $11,648 1.9% $11,648

Medicaid 15.8% $97,540 15.8% $97,540

Other Cash Assistance 1.1% $6,806 1.1% $6,806

Corrections 7.3% $45,471 7.3% $45,471

Transportation 0.8% $4,988 0.8% $4,988

All Other 27.3% $168,787 27.3% $168,787
Total 100.0%

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Distribution of General Fund Spending - United States - Kaiser State Health Facts
NOTE: Under President Johnson Social Security money was moved to The General Fund

Well, sure it was...He needed a honey pot to raid, in order to float his idiotic Great Society scam....Between that and his foolishness in Vietnam, by the time we got to Carter the money was all pissed away.

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