United States Imperialism

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LOL. Which is why the poor suffer in chile, why cuba's life expectancy is higher, why cuba has almost 100% literacy, free healthcare, low infant mortality, in fact, the WHO praises cuba's achievements, and let's not forget cuba before and after the revolution I have a thread on this.

“Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”
John Derbyshire
You're truly desperate now, you can ignore the conditions present during the revolution, the times castro let many leave (mariel boatlift) on their own, the time millions of cubans voted and signed to keep socialism.. But fine, keep saying 'stomping on human face' when you support pinochet. Fuck you and your idiocy.

Yes, Cuba is truly a workers paradise.
That's why they keep trying to escape.
Utter bullshit, you're basing this claim off of the losers of the revolution, yes, their was a revolution by the majority of peasants/workers against the rich/land owning capitalists, these are the ones who fled, and class tensions were so high, many in the middle class fled as well, the only other substantial event I can think of is the mariel boatlift, when castro let Cubans leave due to economic crisis, also, cubans are allowed to leave now, but you do realize many more flee capitalist countries like haiti then cuba, and no one is claiming cuba is a workers paradise, it is a struggling state caring for its people to the best of its ability, while trying to deal with capitalist influence.

Yes, the losers from the 60s explain why people are still fleeing today. Moron.
I've already addressed your point, people are still fleeing from cuba/haiti/etc, but the majority are not fleeing from cuba anymore, and you can leave cuba now without fleeing, I've already addressed this.
I agree then we are a plutocracy, where does Israel and the Zionist come into play here. Most of them are in high places as you are aware I'm sure.

Also at this point what would you say Pope Francis is, minus the abortion and SSM issue.
I agree then we are a plutocracy, where does Israel and the Zionist come into play here. Most of them are in high places as you are aware I'm sure.
I don't see the relevance, sounds like a conspiracy theory.
I agree then we are a plutocracy, where does Israel and the Zionist come into play here. Most of them are in high places as you are aware I'm sure.
I don't see the relevance, sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Really , not its not. Who were the writers of Pnac? I am not saying of course its all jews, but come one the chair of the fed reserve the last 35 years and secretary of treasury, Jew, Soros, Adelson , Pm Bibi over here pushing for war with Iran, ACLU, ADL, Jewish runned, all the jewish organizations,

Ok the Jews did a revolution in Russia to get rid of the EO Catholics and CZAR control , and then tried to do the same in Russia, they started the global communism

so no its not a conspiracy theory. 3 Jews on the SCOTUS ,

Head of the atheist org, a Jew. (don't worry they call themselves jews but are atheist which doesn't bother me, I'm, not an evan.

Say one thing they don't like and a journalist, politician , college professor, actor loses their job. I do keep up with as much as I can.
Serve the american pigs.

What is your nationality, asshole?
When I refer to american pigs, I refer to the capitalists, not the average american...

You made no such distinction, you SOB. Once again, you tried to make yourself feel 'sophisticated' by denigrating ALL of America, you low-life piece of shit. Enough parsing and disseminating, you disingenuous fuck, just get the hell out once and for all. You obviously have nothing but disdain for America, and the feeling is entirely mutual.
Another spam thread that doesn't belong in the History Forum, not to mention the U.S. isn't any sort of 'imperialist power', just the opposite, but the OP poster isn;'t going to let reality stand in the way of all the BS propaganda he's read and feels compelled to go forth and spam forums with.
Another spam thread that doesn't belong in the History Forum, not to mention the U.S. isn't any sort of 'imperialist power', just the opposite, but the OP poster isn;'t going to let reality stand in the way of all the BS propaganda he's read and feels compelled to go forth and spam forums with.
Point out one thing that's wrong and I'll believe you, however, facts are facts.
Foreign aid to most of the world..........as they burn our flags...........and we can't pay our own bills.
It s Time to Rethink U.S. Foreign Aid TexasGOPVote

here are 191 countries in the world. The United States gives money to 158 of them. We give money to Venezuela, Egypt, Libya and our Benedict Arnold Ally, Pakistan, just to name a few. We even give money to our good buddies the Chinese even though they hold over $1 trillion of our federal debt. Isn't that lovely? Our national debt is over $16 trillion; we need to stop sending money that we don't have all over the world.

Foreign aid and other US money should only go to nations when it is in the national interest of the United States. That is why I introduced theForeign Aid Accountability Act. Right now, Congress votes on foreign aid for every country all together in one bill. So, if we give aid to Israel, we give aid to Pakistan. This bill would require a country-by-country vote on all U.S. foreign aid. I believe that most of those 158 countries would receive no aid at all. It is the responsibility of Congress to be careful stewards of the people's money. We don't need to pay nations to betray us; they will do it for free (and several already do).

One of the major concerns with U.S. foreign aid is that once we send money to countries, we have no idea where it is spent and how effective it is. To address this, I also introduced the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act along with Howard Berman (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This bipartisan bill brings much needed transparency and accountability to the foreign aid process by informing the American people about where their money is spent and how effective the aid is. If foreign aid is either being wasted, or not going to where and who it is intended, it is the responsibility of Congress to stop this aid immediately.
Hard not to notice that the losers of WW2 are doing very well now, and the winners aren't. It's like by winning the war the victors assumed too much responsibility.

USSR collapsed. British Empire collapsed. American Empire is going to collapse soon.

Meanwhile, Japan and Germany the primary badguys are doing extremely well.
Eagle, america has done some good things, but your ignoring the reality of the OP. Random videos mean nothing to me. Yeah, america certainly cared about those in rwanda. Fuck off.
Eagle, america has done some good things, but your ignoring the reality of the OP. Random videos mean nothing to me. Yeah, america certainly cared about those in rwanda. Fuck off.
You are nothing more than blame everything bad in the world is caused by America. There were horrible leaders in the world before this country even existed................Our influence around the world has done good and bad.

But that doesn't mean we have a responsibility to Rwanda or any other nation.................'
Without the United States the world would have been ruled by Hitler or Stalin, who committed Genocide to the extreme.
Our China that killed or starved over 30 to 40 million of their own people for the Grand Illusion of Communism.

So you can Fuck off.
Say that the U.S. is anything but the kindest, most benevolent nation on earth and the uninformed will rise to bite your head off.

There are a whole bunch of folks who don't know the difference between patriotism and chauvinism. Or have a sense of history.
Say that the U.S. is anything but the kindest, most benevolent nation on earth and the uninformed will rise to bite your head off.

There are a whole bunch of folks who don't know the difference between patriotism and chauvinism. Or have a sense of history.

right -----lots of people are like you........ I never met anyone who claimed that the US was ALWAYS the most benevolent on earth----but then again----I don't spend most of my time in bars
Leprechaun Lasers

What if America is the last empire?

It is the bastion of capitalism. However, there's no reason to pre-suppose it is the hub of greed and power.

When I watch Saturday NBC broadcasts of Notre Dame college football games, I think about how the American media is focused on fortune-themed populism spirit.

Notre Dame boasts its colorful Irish Leprechaun as its team mascot, since the leprechaun represents fortune-magic.

America is either a cheerleader of the leprechaun or the trumpeteer of profiteerism.

Modern networking is marked by profit-driven conveniences (i.e., eTrade). It's easy to imagine that America's 'guardian angel' is the iconic Irish leprechaun (an imp who hides magical pots of gold at the end of rainbows).

When I saw the fortune-paranoia Hollywood (USA) horror film "Leprechaun" (1993) starring the shimmering American actress Jennifer Aniston, I thought that Americans like celebrating 'fortune fingers.'


Leprechaun (Wikipedia)

Leprechaun (Horror Film)

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