Unity Opportunity for Democrats and Republicans?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
One GOOD thing that could come of this Trump'ed up impeachment movement
and the countermovement to Stop the Madness

1. Republicans can finally unite around something instead of being so divided over Trump
they don't get anything done

2. Democrats (who are either for or against Trump) can unite with each other
and both invest in what they see as the priority, as long as they leave the other group to do the same!

I just spoke with the first FELLOW DEMOCRAT who AGREES with me that
health care can't be run through federal govt, and it is a waste of resources
to focus on that or trying to impeach Trump if it isn't going to go through anyway.

I said we need to focus on working WITH Trump's admin to create JOBS for all 20
Democratic candidates doing the work to FIX all the problems and CREATE the programs promised,
but doing it the RIGHT way through local and state levels NOT FEDERAL GOVT.

He AGREES with me, and he's a precinct chair. So we will try to map out a plan
and pitch to all our fellow Dems to stop the nonsense and waste.

Now I see, if we're ever going to get D and R to work together on separate priorities
(domestic social programs done internally, vs. security and foreign policy done through federal govt)
FIRST step is to get the TWO FACTIONS within the D party to agree to work "equally but separately"
A. Let the progressive socialists work on the health care benefits for the party members INTERNALLY
B. Let the Conservative traditional Democrats who think more like Republicans to work on Constitutional
duties of govt that Conservatives agree belong on federal levels (not the socialist programs that don't)

Once the Democrats can organize these two separate groups to work on their own agenda,
and only push where they AGREE into public govt (and keep the rest internal not for federal govt)
then we can set up the same with Democrats and Republicans handling internal programs/external policies.

This is a chance for parties to unite and organize, not divide and attack each other.
There is no unity with democrats. I'm shocked that you would suggest unity with satanic forces.
Whenever we hear the word unity, the electorate gets screwed.

This is what makes the moderate vote the most dangerous faction to Individual liberty in America today. They're routinely just okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming out of both theoretical sides of the party of one in D.C.

Unity is also the most common excuses of the RNC/DNC bosses for keeping Independent/third party candidates out of the debates, even after they've won the right to debate.

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