Universal Background checks are nothing more than a gateway to gun registration...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Telling us any different means you are either naive, or lying...... the only reason the anti-gunners are pushing universal background checks is to prepare the way for gun registration.....and gun registration is the next to the last step they want. The final step will be gun banning by model or class of weapon, once they get the political control they need to do it....

Hawkins: Universal Background Checks Unenforceable Without Gun Registry

While universal background checks are pushed as a response to the El Paso and Dayton shooting attacks, it should be remembered that such checks are unenforceable without a gun registry.
In other words, once such checks are in place, it is only a matter of time before lawmakers — in one party or the other — suggest a loose registration scheme. They will most likely do this in the days after the first mass public attack that occurs once universal background checks are the law of the land.

Think about it — universal background checks presume that the government knows about every gun sale, everywhere, at every time. That is the very meaning of the “universal” system — that all sales are covered by one background check.

The problem is that the government does not know where the vast majority of guns are at this very moment. Thus, as mass public attacks and/or high-profile shootings continue, they will claim we need a registry so the government knows where every gun is and can, therefore, know if any gun is changing hands without a background check.

We saw this scenario play out in California where universal background checks were adopted in the early 1990s. That state now has firearm registration requirements and a confiscation law as well. Moreover, California has a ten-day waiting period on gun purchases, a requirement that would-be gun buyers first get a gun safety certificate from the state, a one-handgun-a-month purchase limit, a minimum firearm purchase age of 21 years, a ban on campus carry, gun controls on ammunition sales, and more.

The lesson: It is all downhill once gun controllers secured universal background checks.

Another important point is that universal background checks will not stop mass public attacks. After all, Democrats pushed such checks in the wake of the Orlando Pulse shooting, but that shooter passed a background check for his guns. Gun controllers made the same push after the Las Vegas shooting, but that shooter passed a check for all his firearms as well. And the same goes for the Aurora movie theater attacker, the Parkland high school attacker, the Virginia Beach shooter, the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter, and on and on.
They will seize any ground they can. I've only met a few that are honest enough to admit that the push won't end until guns are heavily regulated like in Europe.
2a, you don't even have a plan to reduce gun violence in the US. And FYI, locking people up for longer AFTER the fact isn't going to get it done.
They will seize any ground they can. I've only met a few that are honest enough to admit that the push won't end until guns are heavily regulated like in Europe.
Ya, because having almost no mass shootings is so TOTALLY WRONG!!!:aargh:
2a, you don't even have a plan to reduce gun violence in the US. And FYI, locking people up for longer AFTER the fact isn't going to get it done.

You are an idiot....I have the only plan that actually works...but because it doesn't include new laws that target normal gun owners, you aren't interested.

Japan implemented this and ended their Yakuza using fully automatic weapons and grenades.....

This plan is simple, and only targets criminals...which loses people like you right there....you don't care about stopping actual crime...it simply drives you insane when you think normal people own guns...

If you want to dry up 95% of gun crime in this country, this is what you actually do...

1) If you use a gun for an actual crime, rape, robbery, murder, etc.......... life in prison, no parole.

2) If you are a prohibited person....a felon, and you are caught simply buying, owning or carrying a gun....15-30 years, no parole.

And by "actual crime" I don't mean a nurse, with a concealed carry permit and a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania to New Jersey with her legal gun......and becoming a felon because New Jersey laws don't allow her to carry her gun with her Pennsylvania permit.....

If you lock up actual gun criminals for life...you stop criminals from carrying guns in the first place....they will switch to knives, clubs and anything else.......it won't dry up gun crime completely....you know, that favorite thing anti-gunners say about their laws that won't do anything at all......because gangs will hand over their killing with guns to 15-16 year olds in greater numbers.....

But...it will dry up 95% of our gun crime.
But going from a massive heaping mound of turds down to a huge heaping mound of turds will still smell like a whole lotta shit.

The situation is improving. You don't have justification to start intruding upon my rights.
2a, you don't even have a plan to reduce gun violence in the US. And FYI, locking people up for longer AFTER the fact isn't going to get it done.

2018... mass public shootings 12. Total killed 93.

Gun murder in 2017.... 10,982

My plan....Life in prison for using a gun for an actual crime....and a 15-30 year sentence if a criminal is caught in possession of a gun, will cut the actual gun murder and gun crime number by about 95%........can you see which number is bigger and which number my plan will actually reduce?

You don't like the plan because it doesn't include confiscating guns........you would rather those 10,982 people die with your laws that don't work, vs my plan which stops gun crime over night.....because criminals will stop using guns and will switch to knives and clubs.....
The second amendment encourages gun registration

It is needed for well regulated militias
2a, you don't even have a plan to reduce gun violence in the US. And FYI, locking people up for longer AFTER the fact isn't going to get it done.

You are an idiot....I have the only plan that actually works...but because it doesn't include new laws that target normal gun owners, you aren't interested.

Japan implemented this and ended their Yakuza using fully automatic weapons and grenades.....

This plan is simple, and only targets criminals...which loses people like you right there....you don't care about stopping actual crime...it simply drives you insane when you think normal people own guns...

If you want to dry up 95% of gun crime in this country, this is what you actually do...

1) If you use a gun for an actual crime, rape, robbery, murder, etc.......... life in prison, no parole.

2) If you are a prohibited person....a felon, and you are caught simply buying, owning or carrying a gun....15-30 years, no parole.

And by "actual crime" I don't mean a nurse, with a concealed carry permit and a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania to New Jersey with her legal gun......and becoming a felon because New Jersey laws don't allow her to carry her gun with her Pennsylvania permit.....

If you lock up actual gun criminals for life...you stop criminals from carrying guns in the first place....they will switch to knives, clubs and anything else.......it won't dry up gun crime completely....you know, that favorite thing anti-gunners say about their laws that won't do anything at all......because gangs will hand over their killing with guns to 15-16 year olds in greater numbers.....

But...it will dry up 95% of our gun crime.
Ok, so you're actually trying to make me believe that you, YOU want gun laws to be like Japan's? :auiqs.jpg:

How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths
But going from a massive heaping mound of turds down to a huge heaping mound of turds will still smell like a whole lotta shit.

The situation is improving. You don't have justification to start intruding upon my rights.
I'm not against people owning guns, just certain kinds, like the ones people tend to use in mass shooting to start with.
2a, you don't even have a plan to reduce gun violence in the US. And FYI, locking people up for longer AFTER the fact isn't going to get it done.

You are an idiot....I have the only plan that actually works...but because it doesn't include new laws that target normal gun owners, you aren't interested.

Japan implemented this and ended their Yakuza using fully automatic weapons and grenades.....

This plan is simple, and only targets criminals...which loses people like you right there....you don't care about stopping actual crime...it simply drives you insane when you think normal people own guns...

If you want to dry up 95% of gun crime in this country, this is what you actually do...

1) If you use a gun for an actual crime, rape, robbery, murder, etc.......... life in prison, no parole.

2) If you are a prohibited person....a felon, and you are caught simply buying, owning or carrying a gun....15-30 years, no parole.

And by "actual crime" I don't mean a nurse, with a concealed carry permit and a legal gun, driving from Pennsylvania to New Jersey with her legal gun......and becoming a felon because New Jersey laws don't allow her to carry her gun with her Pennsylvania permit.....

If you lock up actual gun criminals for life...you stop criminals from carrying guns in the first place....they will switch to knives, clubs and anything else.......it won't dry up gun crime completely....you know, that favorite thing anti-gunners say about their laws that won't do anything at all......because gangs will hand over their killing with guns to 15-16 year olds in greater numbers.....

But...it will dry up 95% of our gun crime.
Ok, so you're actually trying to make me believe that you, YOU want gun laws to be like Japan's? :auiqs.jpg:

How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths

Japan stopped the Yakuza by using a Life Sentence...with a 95% conviction rate...before that, all of their other stupid laws on guns didn't stop criminals from using fully automatic weapons and grenades......

You focus on the wrong laws.....that is why nothing you suggest actually works...


Ryo Fujiwara, long-time writer on yakuza affairs and author of the book, The Three Yamaguchi-Gumi, says that the punishment for using a gun in a gang war or in a crime is now so heavy that most yakuza avoid their use at all – unless it is for an assassination.

“In a hit, whoever fires the gun, or is made to take responsibility for firing the gun, has to pretty much be willing to go to jail for the rest of their life. That’s a big decision. The repercussions are big, too. No one wants to claim responsibility for such acts – the gang office might actually get shut-down.”

The gang typically also has to support the family of the hit-man while he is in prison, which is also a financial burden for the organization.

Japan’s Firearms and Swords Control Laws make it a crime to illegally possess a gun, with a punishment of jail time of up to 10 years.

Illegal possession more than one gun, the penalty goes up to 15 years in prison. If you own a gun and matching ammunition, that’s another charge and a heavier penalty.

The most severe penalty is for the act of discharging a gun in a train, on a bus, or most public spaces, which can result in a life sentence.


A low-ranking member of the Kobe-Yamaguchi-gumi put it this way: “All of the smart guys got rid of their guns a long-time ago. The penalties are way too high. You get life in prison if you just fire a gun. That’s not fun.”
You are an idiot....I have the only plan that actually works...but because it doesn't include new laws that target normal gun owners, you aren't interested.

Japan implemented this and ended their Yakuza using fully automatic weapons and grenades.....
There are bugger all normal gun owners in Japan. That's why they have very little firearm homicide. I agree, the US would definitely reduce its rate of firearm homicide if it followed the Japan model. You're finally talking sense.

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles – no handguns – and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.
Japan has almost completely eliminated gun deaths -- here's how
But going from a massive heaping mound of turds down to a huge heaping mound of turds will still smell like a whole lotta shit.

The situation is improving. You don't have justification to start intruding upon my rights.
I'm not against people owning guns, just certain kinds, like the ones people tend to use in mass shooting to start with.

You mean pistols and shotguns...the most popular guns for mass shooters.....
You are an idiot....I have the only plan that actually works...but because it doesn't include new laws that target normal gun owners, you aren't interested.

Japan implemented this and ended their Yakuza using fully automatic weapons and grenades.....
There are bugger all normal gun owners in Japan. That's why they have very little firearm homicide. Put down the crack pipe.

You don't know the issue you moron.....

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members).

The Gangs That Couldn’t Shoot Straight
The Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai are Kyushu-based yakuza gangs, once part of the same faction founded in 1971 in Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, by Isoji Koga. When the second generation Dojin-kai boss Seijiro Matsuo retired in May 2006, there was a fight over succession, and the group split into two factions, sparking a bloody gang war—where escalation seemed a matter of course.

It started with shootings and bombs being thrown, and before it ended, the two gangs were lobbing grenades and Molotov cocktails, shooting machine guns, and sometimes attacking their own men.
In May, a 9-year-old child found a hand grenade in a rice field in Iizuka, Fukuoka Prefecture, and took it home, to the astonishment of his father, who handed it over to the local police. According to the police, there were no yakuza headquarters where the grenade was found.

The numbers of grenades used and seized in the war became so problematic that by April 2012, the Fukuoka Prefecture Police became the first in Japan to offer cash rewards to anyone who reported finding a hand grenade.

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