Universal Basic Income in Oakland is the first program only for people of color

Well isn't this special. The Dems are redistributing...
Actually the test zone was some 70 miles east of Oakland in Stockton, CA in the last year or two. Oakland is just copying a racist policy that slipped under the radar in Stockton.
So basically Oakland and Stockton are telling "people of color" that we know you can't excel in life so we will give you money. Is there no pride? Did we not learn from Affirmative Action and other 1960's government handout programs that socioeconomic levels will not improve from these giveaways? And the recipients? Is there any self pride?
They are telling them that they are wholly dependant upon the White Man's government.
Relax it is not funded by the taxpayer but from public donation.. Still the race factor is not fair and they really should rethink that qualification. Other similar programs in other areas do not have the race qualification. Still if it raises people of of poverty and out of the cycle of poverty into being self sufficient then it is not a bad idea.
Nope the first all colored program was ended around 1865. Universal work program for all.
If everyone isn't included, "Universal" is a misnomer- so is "income"- it's a grant, a privilege not earned-

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