University of Virginia declines Obama request to speak on campus


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011

University of Virginia declines Obama request to speak on campus

The University of Virginia has declined President Obama’s request to speak on campus next week, citing security costs and the disruption of classes.

University spokesperson Carol Wood confirmed to the TV station that President Obama will not be speaking at the university.

And the university’s communications office said Friday, school officials offered John Paul Jones Arena, but were told it "was not academic enough" by the Obama for America campaign.
This is what he asked for...



And this is what he was offered, and turned down...

Interesting. They offer the Obama campaign the largest facility on campus, and they say no, we want these much smaller venues.

Didn't Obama fill Mile High stadium once upon a time? My, how the mighty have fallen. Afraid he can't even fill a university arena.

Care to address the topic, Dickless? I know it's difficult for you not to be a pansy ass, libtard troll who cannot think for himself, but make an effort.

What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?
What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?

Obama wanted the smaller venues, because he KNEW he would not fill up the arena, and he'd look like a pathetic loser... a pale ghost of what he was in 2008

Address that, Dickless.

Care to address the topic, Dickless? I know it's difficult for you not to be a pansy ass, libtard troll who cannot think for himself, but make an effort.

What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?

Ah, dick jokes. The cornerstone of any good internet debate. :D

Still, the topic IS President "size doesn't matter" Obama and his shrinking venues. Why can't Obama make anyone come?

It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:

Photo by alexnbcnews • Instagram

Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a "deliberate" desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we've all come to know and grow tired of.

Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side's crowds.

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing
Care to address the topic, Dickless? I know it's difficult for you not to be a pansy ass, libtard troll who cannot think for himself, but make an effort.

What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?

Ah, dick jokes. The cornerstone of any good internet debate. :D

Still, the topic IS President "size doesn't matter" Obama and his shrinking venues. Why can't Obama make anyone come?

It's 8:21 on a Saturday morning and according to this photo snapped by Sharon Broadie, this is the size of the crowd that showed up in Powell, Ohio, (just outside of Columbus) to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan:

Photo by alexnbcnews • Instagram

Meanwhile, President FailureTeleprompter is relegated to rationalizing his lack of turnout into a "deliberate" desire for smaller, more intimate crowds. Yeah, that sounds like the Mr. Greek Column we've all come to know and grow tired of.

Meanwhile, the media refuses to report on the size of either side's crowds.

2012's Great Untold Media Story: Obama Is Losing

I see what you did there ;)
What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?

Obama wanted the smaller venues, because he KNEW he would not fill up the arena, and he'd look like a pathetic loser... a pale ghost of what he was in 2008

Address that, Dickless.

Pure speculation assmonkey. His advance team probably liked the look of the amphitheater, and when the University didn't want to let them use it, the deal fell through.

I still recall McCain drawing bigger crowds than this:

It is questionable if President Obama can fill an outhouse with people that want to see him.


PS to all you offended Democrats out there... that was just a joke.

University of Virginia declines Obama request to speak on campus

The University of Virginia has declined President Obama’s request to speak on campus next week, citing security costs and the disruption of classes.

University spokesperson Carol Wood confirmed to the TV station that President Obama will not be speaking at the university.

And the university’s communications office said Friday, school officials offered John Paul Jones Arena, but were told it "was not academic enough" by the Obama for America campaign.
This is what he asked for...



And this is what he was offered, and turned down...

Interesting. They offer the Obama campaign the largest facility on campus, and they say no, we want these much smaller venues.

Didn't Obama fill Mile High stadium once upon a time? My, how the mighty have fallen. Afraid he can't even fill a university arena.

The "we want smaller spaces for the president" story is simply spin from the White House.
The fact is the president is not filling large spaces for his speeches.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Dumbazz dupe OP. How many have there been, taken directly from the gigantic BS Pub propaganda machine. STUPID hater dupes!
What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?

Obama wanted the smaller venues, because he KNEW he would not fill up the arena, and he'd look like a pathetic loser... a pale ghost of what he was in 2008

Address that, Dickless.

Pure speculation assmonkey. His advance team probably liked the look of the amphitheater, and when the University didn't want to let them use it, the deal fell through.

I still recall McCain drawing bigger crowds than this:


I recall that pick I believe. Tell me it's not months old. :razz:

PICKET:Obama camp - We are intentionally limiting crowd size at rallies - Washington Times

New Obama panic: Romney crowd sizes |

The recent frantic email theme to supporters from Team Obama about Mitt Romney's run-away fundraising successes has been expanded to the crowd size gap between the thousands who rushed out over the weekend to see Romney and new running mate Rep. Paul Ryan and the hundreds who cheered on President Obama.

The big worry expressed in a new email from Obama's Chicago HQ: "The Republican base is energized." The reason: Romney attracted 15,000 at a rally over the weekend.

The email:

"Paul --

I just got this disturbing report: Yesterday's Romney-Ryan rally in North Carolina pulled in an overflow crowd of 15,000 people.

There's no spinning that number. It's a LOT of people, and the Republican base in energized.

And that's not all. Since the VP announcement, Romney's campaign has brought in over 70,000 donations from his Tea Party base.

We've got to step up our game and mobilize our supporters -- starting right now.

Donate $3 or right now to help us rally our base around President Obama's agenda >>

Listen to what one Republican supporter said about Paul Ryan: "I love him...He's going to excite the Tea Party and get them on board..."

We can't let the Republicans claim the momentum. Donate $3 or whatever you can:



Brynne Craig

DCCC Field Director"


University of Virginia declines Obama request to speak on campus

The University of Virginia has declined President Obama’s request to speak on campus next week, citing security costs and the disruption of classes.

University spokesperson Carol Wood confirmed to the TV station that President Obama will not be speaking at the university.

And the university’s communications office said Friday, school officials offered John Paul Jones Arena, but were told it "was not academic enough" by the Obama for America campaign.
This is what he asked for...



And this is what he was offered, and turned down...

Interesting. They offer the Obama campaign the largest facility on campus, and they say no, we want these much smaller venues.

Didn't Obama fill Mile High stadium once upon a time? My, how the mighty have fallen. Afraid he can't even fill a university arena.

Yeah--the honeymoon is long over for Barack Obama. Who would get excited about walking into a voting booth in November to vote for 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment standing at 11% if you count those that have run out of benefits. Or 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level-and 46 million Americans on food stamps--with 16 trillion dollars in red ink, and another 5 trillion to be added to this debt in the next 10 years just for the interest on it.

But there are indications that Obama’s supporters aren’t as enthusiastic about him as they once were, and the Democrat no longer is in a fundraising league of his own, with Republican Mitt Romney and GOP-leaning groups raking in the campaign cash.

The Marietta Daily Journal - Obama supporters may not be as enthusiastic
lol, UVA. Beautiful campus with some real winners studying there. For the most part its not the sort of place I can see a rally but then again, VA is a big deal in this election.

I would not look to much into this. UVA's campus is a bit small compared to others, so the fact that school is back in session I can understand UVA telling a campaign to beat feet.

I went to school in Tallahassee, the reason FSU has to travel to UVA, VT and the Carolina schools to play on Thursday night games is because Tallahassee is a state capital and has 80K plus kids going to school, and not to forget FAMU as well. One cant just stop the FL governments business and classes for a college football game. Same goes for a political speech I would think.
Last edited:
What do you want me to address? Obama's people asked for a venue, UVA didn't want to do it, and offered them an alternative venue, and the deal fell through. BFD.

Why does this issue give you a tiny hardon?

Obama wanted the smaller venues, because he KNEW he would not fill up the arena, and he'd look like a pathetic loser... a pale ghost of what he was in 2008

Address that, Dickless.

Pure speculation assmonkey. His advance team probably liked the look of the amphitheater, and when the University didn't want to let them use it, the deal fell through.

I still recall McCain drawing bigger crowds than this:


the thread is about Obama and his inability to draw the same crowds as 2008, not McCain or Romney.

Deflection noted.

University of Virginia declines Obama request to speak on campus

The University of Virginia has declined President Obama’s request to speak on campus next week, citing security costs and the disruption of classes.

University spokesperson Carol Wood confirmed to the TV station that President Obama will not be speaking at the university.

And the university’s communications office said Friday, school officials offered John Paul Jones Arena, but were told it "was not academic enough" by the Obama for America campaign.
This is what he asked for...



And this is what he was offered, and turned down...

Interesting. They offer the Obama campaign the largest facility on campus, and they say no, we want these much smaller venues.

Didn't Obama fill Mile High stadium once upon a time? My, how the mighty have fallen. Afraid he can't even fill a university arena.

Totally within their right. Now...the story in this is.......?

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