University tells students, staff to stop using 'he' and she'

What the fuck???

Screw that.

You got a dick and balls? You're a damn HE.
You got a vagina? You're a damn SHE.

Where does that put Obama? He seems to act like he has both. His entire body seems to become a dick when he talks to Americans but the opposite happens when he talks to Iran.
The people that thought this up should be rounded up and deported.....back to the sanitarium.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

When I first saw this on Facebook, I was sure it as just a hoax, because it appeared in a publication that is known for its satire. Now I find out this is actually legitimate. I'm pretty open minded about things, and I support the LGBT community completely, but this? This has got to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of. These people have lost their minds. If I had a child enrolled at the University of Tennessee, I believe I would be pulling him/her out as quick as possible.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

So they do something that is designed to raise awareness, seems to be done in good humor, and isn't compulsory, and people slam them for it.

Hmmm.... you have to wonder what non-PC thing people will do next that will be slammed by people who claim to hate PC stuff.
I dont understand that cultural gay marxist mania, its insane, im tolerant and all and not racist, homophobic or sexist or any type of chauvinist, i respect and treat all humans beings well, but thats just insane
I dont understand that cultural gay marxist mania, its insane, im tolerant and all and not racist, homophobic or sexist or any type of chauvinist, i respect and treat all humans beings well, but thats just insane

It is the psychosis brought on by victimology. We have all been beaten down by this notion that everyone is a "victim" of right wing conservative Christians.

It has become such a part of our vernacular that the utterly brainwashed see things that are not there. Like shapes in the clouds.

It will not stop. Not at any level. Look at how things are with race relations in this country. Blacks in this country, have never had it better at any time in history, anywhere in the world than they have it now in this country. They have a black fucking president. Ask if that would have ever happened during the days of Booker T Washington who said back when there were actual problems (Jim Crow south, no United Negro College fund, no, very few if any black millionaires, no black neurosurgeons like Carson.)


That was then, yet you would think based on the rallies made by blacklivesmatter that they have never had it worse!

The public buys into it. Not me, but you know who. It is an effective way to do things if your goal is political expediency. People need to believe in fairy tales. The democrats have been pushing robin hood on us for decades. Yes, the ignorant buy into it every time. They need someone to blame for their suffering.

This is all very related to this bullshit that is going on about pronouns. Gays have made us believe that they have been so mistreated in this country. Yet, gays have never been executed for being gay (not by an official legal constitutional court.) They have not been imprisoned for being gay. It is not illegal to be gay.

Pronouns, is now the big thing. More proof that they do not have it bad at all. Not in this country. When they need to reach for issues. The utterly brainwashed will buy into it. Especially those that blame and hate conservative white Christians.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

When I first saw this on Facebook, I was sure it as just a hoax, because it appeared in a publication that is known for its satire. Now I find out this is actually legitimate. I'm pretty open minded about things, and I support the LGBT community completely, but this? This has got to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of. These people have lost their minds. If I had a child enrolled at the University of Tennessee, I believe I would be pulling him/her out as quick as possible.
Gender neutral pronouns were first proposed in 1789. Since then grammarians have been arguing over the use of plural pronouns to indicated gender neutrality. These discussion had nothing to do with any gay lesbian movement but rather the use of the language to clearly convey meaning. With the sexual revolution in 20th century followed by the LGBT movements, these grammatical quirks in our language have taken a whole new meaning. I suppose in a couple hundred years, people will be using gender neutral pronouns because they clearly express the intent of the writer concisely without being offense.
Last edited:
It is the psychosis brought on by victimology.

You poor baby. I hope you get help for that.

You are talking about yourself, right? You work so very hard at feeding your psychosis. You actively seek out anything you can find about blacks, gays, Muslims, and Mexicans that confirms your bias.

You poor, dumb, pants-shitting bastard.

What a waste of a life.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

When I first saw this on Facebook, I was sure it as just a hoax, because it appeared in a publication that is known for its satire. Now I find out this is actually legitimate. I'm pretty open minded about things, and I support the LGBT community completely, but this? This has got to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of. These people have lost their minds. If I had a child enrolled at the University of Tennessee, I believe I would be pulling him/her out as quick as possible.
Gender neutral pronouns were first proposed in 1789. Since then grammarians have been arguing over the use of plural pronouns to indicated gender neutrality. These discussion had nothing to do with any gay lesbian movement but rather the use of the language to clearly convey meaning. With the sexual revolution in 20th century followed by the LGBT movements, these grammatical quirks in our language have taken a whole new meaning. I suppose in a couple hundred years, people will be using gender neutral pronouns because they clearly express the intent of the writer concisely without being offense.

Coming up with a gender neutral pronoun for generic use when we do not know the sex is one thing. Wanting to use gender neutral pronouns in place of his and her and so forth is just idiotic. If I'm talking about my sister's car, it's her car, not zir car or hir car.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

When I first saw this on Facebook, I was sure it as just a hoax, because it appeared in a publication that is known for its satire. Now I find out this is actually legitimate. I'm pretty open minded about things, and I support the LGBT community completely, but this? This has got to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of. These people have lost their minds. If I had a child enrolled at the University of Tennessee, I believe I would be pulling him/her out as quick as possible.
Gender neutral pronouns were first proposed in 1789. Since then grammarians have been arguing over the use of plural pronouns to indicated gender neutrality. These discussion had nothing to do with any gay lesbian movement but rather the use of the language to clearly convey meaning. With the sexual revolution in 20th century followed by the LGBT movements, these grammatical quirks in our language have taken a whole new meaning. I suppose in a couple hundred years, people will be using gender neutral pronouns because they clearly express the intent of the writer concisely without being offense.

Can you actually find an example of any discussion about gender neatral pronouns that occurred in 1789?

I personally don't see the big deal behind using he or she even when it is wrong. We just assume that in some cases a profession is dominated by either male or female? We then use he or she based on those assumptions.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

When I first saw this on Facebook, I was sure it as just a hoax, because it appeared in a publication that is known for its satire. Now I find out this is actually legitimate. I'm pretty open minded about things, and I support the LGBT community completely, but this? This has got to be one of the most stupid things I have ever heard of. These people have lost their minds. If I had a child enrolled at the University of Tennessee, I believe I would be pulling him/her out as quick as possible.
Gender neutral pronouns were first proposed in 1789. Since then grammarians have been arguing over the use of plural pronouns to indicated gender neutrality. These discussion had nothing to do with any gay lesbian movement but rather the use of the language to clearly convey meaning. With the sexual revolution in 20th century followed by the LGBT movements, these grammatical quirks in our language have taken a whole new meaning. I suppose in a couple hundred years, people will be using gender neutral pronouns because they clearly express the intent of the writer concisely without being offense.

Coming up with a gender neutral pronoun for generic use when we do not know the sex is one thing. Wanting to use gender neutral pronouns in place of his and her and so forth is just idiotic. If I'm talking about my sister's car, it's her car, not zir car or hir car.

Yes. It is stupid. IS NOT happening.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead


She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Well, in their defense, looking at that photograph I can't tell what that thing is.
How about fathog.
How about how ships and boats are always referred to as "she."

I will bet the fat demented hag with her typical dark rimmed glasses that so many lesbian butch dykes and liberal faggots wear, does not have a real problem with that. Right? Right?

I don't.

Is this era of demented kuuunts prove that penis envy is true?

Oh wait. Bruce. Wait, HE still has a penis and can never be a woman. However the same types of left wing asswipes get all offended if we refer to Bruce as a HIM, even though HE in fact is still a HE.


This is the world we live in, run by left wing morons, who think they are oh so smart. All while being so ridiculously absurd and dumb.
How about how ships and boats are always referred to as "she."

I will bet the fat demented hag with her typical dark rimmed glasses that so many lesbian butch dykes and liberal faggots wear, does not have a real problem with that. Right? Right?

I don't.

Is this era of demented kuuunts prove that penis envy is true?

Oh wait. Bruce. Wait, HE still has a penis and can never be a woman. However the same types of left wing asswipes get all offended if we refer to Bruce as a HIM, even though HE in fact is still a HE.


This is the world we live in, run by left wing morons, who think they are oh so smart. All while being so ridiculously absurd and dumb.
Oh, I don't know about "dumb". The PC Police have been extremely successful in controlling the conversation and dividing people.

Further, this thread has illustrated another very smart technique of theirs: Isolation.

Read back over this thread and you'll see how they have consistently pointed at this one example alone and essentially said it's no big deal. In a vacuum, sure, it's just one event. And what they're doing is very deftly avoiding the fact that this is just the latest in a long, long line of examples of the cowardice and dishonesty of PC that has so polluted and divided our culture.

If they can successfully do that, and they can, they once again control the conversation and deflect for their own PC strategy.

That's not the tactic of dumb people. This is how a group of nasty, narcissistic people have made so many inroads in intimidating and controlling others.

Maybe I'll start a thread on that one of these days if I get around to it. :laugh:
How about how ships and boats are always referred to as "she."

I will bet the fat demented hag with her typical dark rimmed glasses that so many lesbian butch dykes and liberal faggots wear, does not have a real problem with that. Right? Right?

I don't.

Is this era of demented kuuunts prove that penis envy is true?

Oh wait. Bruce. Wait, HE still has a penis and can never be a woman. However the same types of left wing asswipes get all offended if we refer to Bruce as a HIM, even though HE in fact is still a HE.


This is the world we live in, run by left wing morons, who think they are oh so smart. All while being so ridiculously absurd and dumb.
Oh, I don't know about "dumb". The PC Police have been extremely successful in controlling the conversation and dividing people.

Further, this thread has illustrated another very smart technique of theirs: Isolation.

Read back over this thread and you'll see how they have consistently pointed at this one example alone and essentially said it's no big deal. In a vacuum, sure, it's just one event. And what they're doing is very deftly avoiding the fact that this is just the latest in a long, long line of examples of the cowardice and dishonesty of PC that has so polluted and divided our culture.

If they can successfully do that, and they can, they once again control the conversation and deflect for their own PC strategy.

That's not the tactic of dumb people. This is how a group of nasty, narcissistic people have made so many inroads in intimidating and controlling others.

Maybe I'll start a thread on that one of these days if I get around to it. :laugh:

You have to understand who I am referring to in regards to the idiots. There are two types of leftists. There are the communists and the communists pawns. All of the pawns are too STUPID to know they are pawns.

They just go right along in lock step with their democrat masters. Who, are pretty much full blown marxists and they are doing far fewer things to even hide what they are. Refer to Gruber and how he refers to the democrat voting base. Like ALL of the leftists that post here for example.

The ones you are referring to are those Ivy leaguers who know all too well how to control the masses and how important rhetoric is. Meanings of words and how it shapes thought. Once you shape thought, the mind by definition is thoroughly scrubbed. Those of us that can see through their games are referred to as mouth breathers or flat earthers. Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb. Look at how we have somehow been convinced that the word "waitress" or "Stewardess" is offensive. They have somehow shaped minds to believe that if you are NOT offended by those words then it is you that is the idiot.

So, yeah you are right. However there are morons too. All of the ones that post here and somehow agree or can the see the "merits" of what this deranged fat dyke is saying are indeed nothing more than the communist pawns. Morons.
Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.

i have never needed another or any reason to hate liberals, to me they always have been on my most despised list since "Jimma Kotta", then when Pres. Reagan was defiled so badly by the demoscum media, i have them.., any and ALL democraps as the #1 enemy of The United States of America. :up:
How about how ships and boats are always referred to as "she."

I will bet the fat demented hag with her typical dark rimmed glasses that so many lesbian butch dykes and liberal faggots wear, does not have a real problem with that. Right? Right?

I don't.

Is this era of demented kuuunts prove that penis envy is true?

Oh wait. Bruce. Wait, HE still has a penis and can never be a woman. However the same types of left wing asswipes get all offended if we refer to Bruce as a HIM, even though HE in fact is still a HE.


This is the world we live in, run by left wing morons, who think they are oh so smart. All while being so ridiculously absurd and dumb.
Oh, I don't know about "dumb". The PC Police have been extremely successful in controlling the conversation and dividing people.

Further, this thread has illustrated another very smart technique of theirs: Isolation.

Read back over this thread and you'll see how they have consistently pointed at this one example alone and essentially said it's no big deal. In a vacuum, sure, it's just one event. And what they're doing is very deftly avoiding the fact that this is just the latest in a long, long line of examples of the cowardice and dishonesty of PC that has so polluted and divided our culture.

If they can successfully do that, and they can, they once again control the conversation and deflect for their own PC strategy.

That's not the tactic of dumb people. This is how a group of nasty, narcissistic people have made so many inroads in intimidating and controlling others.

Maybe I'll start a thread on that one of these days if I get around to it. :laugh:

You have to understand who I am referring to in regards to the idiots. There are two types of leftists. There are the communists and the communists pawns. All of the pawns are too STUPID to know they are pawns.

They just go right along in lock step with their democrat masters. Who, are pretty much full blown marxists and they are doing far fewer things to even hide what they are. Refer to Gruber and how he refers to the democrat voting base. Like ALL of the leftists that post here for example.

The ones you are referring to are those Ivy leaguers who know all too well how to control the masses and how important rhetoric is. Meanings of words and how it shapes thought. Once you shape thought, the mind by definition is thoroughly scrubbed. Those of us that can see through their games are referred to as mouth breathers or flat earthers. Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to see the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb. Look at how we have somehow been convinced that the word "waitress" or "Stewardess" is offensive. They have somehow shaped minds to believe that if you are NOT offended by those words then it is you that is he idiot.

So, yeah you are right. However there are morons too. All of the ones that post here and somehow agree or can the see the "merits" of what this deranged fat dyke is saying are indeed nothing more than the communist pawns. Morons.
"Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to see the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb."

Do you really think that's being dumb? I think it's being smart, because it works, it effectively advances their goals, and that's the bottom line here. They just scream "KKK" and they've got their target on the defensive.

This is where these people have a complete advantage over their opposition: They have honed their messaging skills to the point where they know which words to use, which strings to pull, how to use simplistic repetition to win. Their use of the term "racist" is a great example, THE great example. They'll take a racial comment and scream "racist", and off goes the conversation in that direction, away from the original point. That's pretty goddamn smart, if you ask me.

I wouldn't confuse nasty dishonesty with stupidity. They know better.
How about how ships and boats are always referred to as "she."

I will bet the fat demented hag with her typical dark rimmed glasses that so many lesbian butch dykes and liberal faggots wear, does not have a real problem with that. Right? Right?

I don't.

Is this era of demented kuuunts prove that penis envy is true?

Oh wait. Bruce. Wait, HE still has a penis and can never be a woman. However the same types of left wing asswipes get all offended if we refer to Bruce as a HIM, even though HE in fact is still a HE.


This is the world we live in, run by left wing morons, who think they are oh so smart. All while being so ridiculously absurd and dumb.
Oh, I don't know about "dumb". The PC Police have been extremely successful in controlling the conversation and dividing people.

Further, this thread has illustrated another very smart technique of theirs: Isolation.

Read back over this thread and you'll see how they have consistently pointed at this one example alone and essentially said it's no big deal. In a vacuum, sure, it's just one event. And what they're doing is very deftly avoiding the fact that this is just the latest in a long, long line of examples of the cowardice and dishonesty of PC that has so polluted and divided our culture.

If they can successfully do that, and they can, they once again control the conversation and deflect for their own PC strategy.

That's not the tactic of dumb people. This is how a group of nasty, narcissistic people have made so many inroads in intimidating and controlling others.

Maybe I'll start a thread on that one of these days if I get around to it. :laugh:

You have to understand who I am referring to in regards to the idiots. There are two types of leftists. There are the communists and the communists pawns. All of the pawns are too STUPID to know they are pawns.

They just go right along in lock step with their democrat masters. Who, are pretty much full blown marxists and they are doing far fewer things to even hide what they are. Refer to Gruber and how he refers to the democrat voting base. Like ALL of the leftists that post here for example.

The ones you are referring to are those Ivy leaguers who know all too well how to control the masses and how important rhetoric is. Meanings of words and how it shapes thought. Once you shape thought, the mind by definition is thoroughly scrubbed. Those of us that can see through their games are referred to as mouth breathers or flat earthers. Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to see the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb. Look at how we have somehow been convinced that the word "waitress" or "Stewardess" is offensive. They have somehow shaped minds to believe that if you are NOT offended by those words then it is you that is he idiot.

So, yeah you are right. However there are morons too. All of the ones that post here and somehow agree or can the see the "merits" of what this deranged fat dyke is saying are indeed nothing more than the communist pawns. Morons.
"Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to see the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb."

Do you really think that's being dumb? I think it's being smart, because it works, it effectively advances their goals, and that's the bottom line here. They just scream "KKK" and they've got their target on the defensive.

This is where these people have a complete advantage over their opposition: They have honed their messaging skills to the point where they know which words to use, which strings to pull, how to use simplistic repetition to win. Their use of the term "racist" is a great example, THE great example. They'll take a racial comment and scream "racist", and off goes the conversation in that direction, away from the original point. That's pretty goddamn smart, if you ask me.

I wouldn't confuse nasty dishonesty with stupidity. They know better.

No, cause the ones that I am referring to do not know they are being used as pawns. They have no clue.

Here, please tell me if you think these idiotsare actually "smart."

Watch the whole piece and see.

How about how ships and boats are always referred to as "she."

I will bet the fat demented hag with her typical dark rimmed glasses that so many lesbian butch dykes and liberal faggots wear, does not have a real problem with that. Right? Right?

I don't.

Is this era of demented kuuunts prove that penis envy is true?

Oh wait. Bruce. Wait, HE still has a penis and can never be a woman. However the same types of left wing asswipes get all offended if we refer to Bruce as a HIM, even though HE in fact is still a HE.


This is the world we live in, run by left wing morons, who think they are oh so smart. All while being so ridiculously absurd and dumb.
Oh, I don't know about "dumb". The PC Police have been extremely successful in controlling the conversation and dividing people.

Further, this thread has illustrated another very smart technique of theirs: Isolation.

Read back over this thread and you'll see how they have consistently pointed at this one example alone and essentially said it's no big deal. In a vacuum, sure, it's just one event. And what they're doing is very deftly avoiding the fact that this is just the latest in a long, long line of examples of the cowardice and dishonesty of PC that has so polluted and divided our culture.

If they can successfully do that, and they can, they once again control the conversation and deflect for their own PC strategy.

That's not the tactic of dumb people. This is how a group of nasty, narcissistic people have made so many inroads in intimidating and controlling others.

Maybe I'll start a thread on that one of these days if I get around to it. :laugh:

You have to understand who I am referring to in regards to the idiots. There are two types of leftists. There are the communists and the communists pawns. All of the pawns are too STUPID to know they are pawns.

They just go right along in lock step with their democrat masters. Who, are pretty much full blown marxists and they are doing far fewer things to even hide what they are. Refer to Gruber and how he refers to the democrat voting base. Like ALL of the leftists that post here for example.

The ones you are referring to are those Ivy leaguers who know all too well how to control the masses and how important rhetoric is. Meanings of words and how it shapes thought. Once you shape thought, the mind by definition is thoroughly scrubbed. Those of us that can see through their games are referred to as mouth breathers or flat earthers. Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to see the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb. Look at how we have somehow been convinced that the word "waitress" or "Stewardess" is offensive. They have somehow shaped minds to believe that if you are NOT offended by those words then it is you that is he idiot.

So, yeah you are right. However there are morons too. All of the ones that post here and somehow agree or can the see the "merits" of what this deranged fat dyke is saying are indeed nothing more than the communist pawns. Morons.
"Look at how the idiot left wingers I refer to see the Tea Party. They are so stupid that they equate that to the KKK. Yes, they are that dumb."

Do you really think that's being dumb? I think it's being smart, because it works, it effectively advances their goals, and that's the bottom line here. They just scream "KKK" and they've got their target on the defensive.

This is where these people have a complete advantage over their opposition: They have honed their messaging skills to the point where they know which words to use, which strings to pull, how to use simplistic repetition to win. Their use of the term "racist" is a great example, THE great example. They'll take a racial comment and scream "racist", and off goes the conversation in that direction, away from the original point. That's pretty goddamn smart, if you ask me.

I wouldn't confuse nasty dishonesty with stupidity. They know better.

No, cause the ones that I am referring to do not know they are being used as pawns. They have no clue.

Here, please tell me if you think these idiotsare actually "smart."

Watch the whole piece and see.

We're talking about two different things. I'm talking about those who are actually doing the damage, not those who just buy into it.

As long as they're allowed to get away with it, people like this will be plentiful.

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