University tells students, staff to stop using 'he' and she'

Only a special person would say that at this juncture in the thread....after it has been clearly established that the title is dishonest. Fool.
There's "dishonest", and then there's "tweaked for the sake of provocation", which, I suspect, is the case here. I dunno.

In any event, it was an amusing device, by which to draw a crowd, to talk about the Hyper-Liberal Idiot(s) in the University of Tennessee 'Diversity Office', who dreamed up this particular Cupcake Caterwauling. isn't a disagreement. You are simply wrong. It won't hurt if you admit it. It might even feel good. Give it a try.
Oh, hell, I 'fess-up to being wrong, all the time - sometimes, even around here; I'm far too lazy to either (1) lie or (2) try to bullshit my way out of a lost position.

Trouble is, I have no idea what you're talking about, when you claim that I'm "wrong" .

Having said that the thread-title is inaccurate, and that it would benefit from some tweaking (I, myself, served-up [one semi-sincere and one for-fun] alternatives).

I do, however, stand by those 'alternatives' that I served-up, if that's where you're going with this - although I don't think that's the case.

Talk about boring.
Does anyone know why these people are so terrified of the differences between men and women?

Has that psychosis ever been explored?
...No. You began the bullshit fest. You quoted me and challenged my comment. You were wrong. Now go put someone else to sleep.
If memory serves correctly, I asked a question, along the lines of: "Inaccurate? How so?"

Which you failed to answer; preferring, instead, to accuse me of declaring the title to be accurate, when, in fact, nothing of the kind had occurred.

This was all much ado about nothing, and it was your inability to interact on the level required to put the thing to rest quickly, which served to drag the thing out.

If you have a pressing need to find the Boring Party on this one, I suggest you take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Nice try at attempting to weasel out of the admission that you went off on a tangent to no purpose, even if it did fail.

I suspect that you're entirely capable of taking me down, from time to time, in an interactive exchange.

This was, however, not one of those times.

That happens, when your keyboard gets ahead of your brain, and you've got to backpedal, without appearing to backpedal.

"No soup for you, tonight."

"Thus endeth the lesson."
Last edited:

Getting back to the topic...

Have we figured out yet, that these lamebrain fruit-loops and cupcakes in the Diversity Office, of the University of Tennessee, just made fools of themselves, and their school?

Getting back to the topic...

Have we figured out yet, that these lamebrain fruit-loops and cupcakes in the Diversity Office, of the University of Tennessee, just made fools of themselves, and their school?
Compared to what? Compared to whom?

This is a college campus we're talking about. Hyper-PC, Hyper-Identity Politics, Hyper-sensitive, Hyper-intimidation, Hyper-control.

I'll guarantee you we haven't hit rock bottom yet.

New regime: Pictured above is a conversion table given to staff and students at the University of Tennessee's Knoville campus to instruct them in the use of non-gendered pronouns

University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
...I'll guarantee you we haven't hit rock bottom yet..
Take heart.

January 20, 2017, is not all that far away, now.

With any luck, things start to take a turn for the better, immediately thereafter.
These idiots deserve to be mocked off the face of the planet.
It's understandable that the faculty and administration of these colleges go off the deep end like this. They're completely enclosed in this ideological vacuum with like-minded zealots, 24/7.

What I wonder is what happens to the kids when they get into the real world.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.
As crazy as this sounds it does make a bit of sense. "He or she" is just plain awkward in many contexts.
He or she is NEVER awkward to rational human beings.

When using them together for gender neutrality they are. That's why traditionally the male pronoun has been used when gender is unknown or inapplicable. Sometime in the 70s, this situation started to give certain people yeast infections of righteous outrage. I refer of course to far-left liberal males.
University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using 'he' and 'she' - and switch to 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead
  • Gay rights official at Knoxville campus wrote new language instructions
  • Tells students and staff to use unusual, gender-neutral pronouns like 'xe'
  • Donna Braquet said that the new regime would make campus 'inclusive'
  • University clarified that guidelines are not compulsory after critics called them 'absurd'

The University of Tennessee has told its staff and students to stop calling each other 'he', 'she', 'him' and 'her' - and to start referring to one another with terms like 'xe', 'zir' and 'xyr' instead.

The Knoxville branch of the public university, which has 27,400 students, sent a memo round to its members filled with unusual new parts of speech to avoid referring to anybody's gender.

According to a gay rights official at the university, the new language regime will make the university 'welcoming and inclusive' and stop people feeling 'marginalized'.



She also advises staff members not to call roll in class, and to instead greet every student by asking them to announce their name and pronoun of preference.

Instead of 'he' and 'she', Braquet suggests four alternatives.

One is the commonplace strategy of using 'they', 'them' and 'their' for individuals rather than groups.
She also suggests 'ze' and 'xe' - both pronounced 'zhee' - and a variety of secondary conjugations to be used for anybody who rejects the traditional gender binary.

Barquet argues that if everybody follows her instructions, campus will become 'more inclusive'.

Read more: University of Tennessee: Use 'xe', 'zir', 'xyr' instead of he or she
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oooops, did I copy and paste facts again?


Yes folks, this is where it is going. They have already convinced the useless idiots that the word "waitress" is offensive.

Now pronouns are offensive.

Look at the fat lesbian kuuunt with her thick dark rimmed glasses.

Just in case you all needed another legitimate reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday. They, are such a scourge on human liberty.
As crazy as this sounds it does make a bit of sense. "He or she" is just plain awkward in many contexts.
He or she is NEVER awkward to rational human beings.

When using them together for gender neutrality they are. That's why traditionally the male pronoun has been used when gender is unknown or inapplicable. Sometime in the 70s, this situation started to give certain people yeast infections of righteous outrage. I refer of course to far-left liberal males.
In short, fuck "certain" people.
I honestly think the right should learn to have some fun with politics instead of getting all angry about it. Instead of being enraged we should play around with the teacher. Whenever we have to describe an illegal alien we just say blank alien and leave legal alien alone. This way we comply with all the rules and the teacher still knows what we are referring to.

To do that is to lump foreign nationals who are in this country legally and properly with invading foreign criminals. This is an entirely unjustifiable and unwarranted insult against those who are here legally.

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