University tells students, staff to stop using 'he' and she'

...Read the article. Nobody was told to do anything by the university. You have been duped again
I read the article in the UK paper, and then I linked to the University's own website, and its Diversity subset, where the 'Voluntary Policy' was outlined.

Strictly speaking, nobody 'told' staff to do anything, but, this 'Voluntary Policy' initiative is being undertaken under the aegis of University leadership.

Just how 'voluntary' do you think that this 'policy initiative' will be viewed, by faculty and staff, whose very tenures and livelihoods depend upon the goodwill of that leadership?

If this is not a direction that University leadership wants to go, they would take down the missive.

To date, they have not.

Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

You failed. But it was a sweet try.

Nobody is being told to do anything....and I expect that nobody will, in fact, do anything regarding this suggestion. It is stupid and won't be taken seriously.

You and your nutbag pals have a phobia when it comes to education. Your hope here is that you can find a university doing something silly. You didn't.
...Read the article. Nobody was told to do anything by the university. You have been duped again
I read the article in the UK paper, and then I linked to the University's own website, and its Diversity subset, where the 'Voluntary Policy' was outlined.

Strictly speaking, nobody 'told' staff to do anything, but, this 'Voluntary Policy' initiative is being undertaken under the aegis of University leadership.

Just how 'voluntary' do you think that this 'policy initiative' will be viewed, by faculty and staff, whose very tenures and livelihoods depend upon the goodwill of that leadership?

If this is not a direction that University leadership wants to go, they would take down the missive.

To date, they have not.

Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

nothing new, KONDOR------I did my professional post graduate training----early 70s ------my school decided that
we NEEDED a whole week of intensive IMPLOSION therapy desensitizing us to <gasp> SEX. ---------a progressive school----they even got MASTERS and JOHNSON in.
We were taught-----"sex is a continuum"----there is no actual
male or female. We are all POINTS ON THE CONTINUUM----and----the reason some four year olds think they are "girls"---
is because we dress them in PINK!!!!!. Of course the biological issues were -----big issues. Developementally----
------all embryos have the potential to develope to ANY POINT
ON THE CONTINUUM. -------------given the right hormones and stimulating factors---------therefore there is no HE or SHE----only POINTS ON THE CONTINUUM-----------of course the lectures led to the obvious question " so when a baby is born I am supposed to tell the family -------your wife (daughter, sister, aunt) just gave birth to a POINT ON THE
Freak-Show stuff, mine good colleague... Freak-Show stuff... macro-level poison-pill stuff, to society-at-large... laughable... and tragic.
...Read the article. Nobody was told to do anything by the university. You have been duped again
I read the article in the UK paper, and then I linked to the University's own website, and its Diversity subset, where the 'Voluntary Policy' was outlined.

Strictly speaking, nobody 'told' staff to do anything, but, this 'Voluntary Policy' initiative is being undertaken under the aegis of University leadership.

Just how 'voluntary' do you think that this 'policy initiative' will be viewed, by faculty and staff, whose very tenures and livelihoods depend upon the goodwill of that leadership?

If this is not a direction that University leadership wants to go, they would take down the missive.

To date, they have not.

Your Honor, the Prosecution rests.

When they say voluntary do they mean voluntary for the students or for the teachers. Because if it is voluntary for the teachers then it means the teacher can enforce that policy in her classroom. How she enforces that is up to her at that point.
What the fuck???

Screw that.

You got a dick and balls? You're a damn HE.
You got a vagina? You're a damn SHE.
You failed. But it was a sweet try. ..
We must agree to disagree.

Is the thread title accurate?

Never said it was, and even conceded the opposite, earlier-on in this thread - modifying the title, both collegially and not-so-collegially. isn't a disagreement. You are simply wrong. It won't hurt if you admit it. It might even feel good. Give it a try.
Just saw a story on TV about a Washington State University professor Rebecca Fowler outright banning the use of the term illegal alien & illegals. If students use the term in class 1 point is deducted from them.

Another professor, John Streamas, asks students to defer to the experiences of people of color & reflect on your own location, PRIVILEGES & POWER

It is true. Political Correctness has run amonk!!It is turning America into a kindly FREAKY woman that lies with too many cats!! We're Doomed!!:alcoholic:
I just wish parents & students would stand up to this kind of bullshit
Just saw a story on TV about a Washington State University professor Rebecca Fowler outright banning the use of the term illegal alien & illegals. If students use the term in class 1 point is deducted from them.

Another professor, John Streamas, asks students to defer to the experiences of people of color & reflect on your own location, PRIVILEGES & POWER

I honestly think the right should learn to have some fun with politics instead of getting all angry about it. Instead of being enraged we should play around with the teacher. Whenever we have to describe an illegal alien we just say blank alien and leave legal alien alone. This way we comply with all the rules and the teacher still knows what we are referring to.
Classrooms are not the place for playing games, especially college
Just saw a story on TV about a Washington State University professor Rebecca Fowler outright banning the use of the term illegal alien & illegals. If students use the term in class 1 point is deducted from them.

Another professor, John Streamas, asks students to defer to the experiences of people of color & reflect on your own location, PRIVILEGES & POWER

It is true. Political Correctness has run amonk!!It is turning America into a kindly FREAKY woman that lies with too many cats!! We're Doomed!!:alcoholic:
I just wish parents & students would stand up to this kind of bullshit

Parents? this is COLLEGE----not nursery school? -----getting back to my childhood----in post graduate school----
you would be amazed at how IMPRESSIONABLE some
students are. One impressed young student asserted that based on "logic" -----teaching a six year old to engage in
FELLATIO (spelling?) seemed ok to him. I sorta got hysterical and shouted at him as to what a jerk he is----willing
to "swallow" (excuse the pun) any nonsense poured into his
head. The profs listened but made no comment----I think I racked up a "neg" on classroom participation that day
This makes Trump look like he's the master. Forget this shit. He, she, it.
Just saw a story on TV about a Washington State University professor Rebecca Fowler outright banning the use of the term illegal alien & illegals. If students use the term in class 1 point is deducted from them.

Another professor, John Streamas, asks students to defer to the experiences of people of color & reflect on your own location, PRIVILEGES & POWER

It is true. Political Correctness has run amonk!!It is turning America into a kindly FREAKY woman that lies with too many cats!! We're Doomed!!:alcoholic:
I just wish parents & students would stand up to this kind of bullshit

Parents? this is COLLEGE----not nursery school? -----getting back to my childhood----in post graduate school----
you would be amazed at how IMPRESSIONABLE some
students are. One impressed young student asserted that based on "logic" -----teaching a six year old to engage in
FELLATIO (spelling?) seemed ok to him. I sorta got hysterical and shouted at him as to what a jerk he is----willing
to "swallow" (excuse the pun) any nonsense poured into his
head. The profs listened but made no comment----I think I racked up a "neg" on classroom participation that day
Yes parents. In many cases we're the ones paying for this indoctrination
As crazy as this sounds it does make a bit of sense. "He or she" is just plain awkward in many contexts.


If you really "think" that, you're a blithering idiot in all context.

Xe instead of He, an Zir instead of Her? Fake words are supposedly "gender neutral" but they still refer to males and females separately.


LOLZ isn't a disagreement. You are simply wrong. It won't hurt if you admit it. It might even feel good. Give it a try.
Oh, hell, I 'fess-up to being wrong, all the time - sometimes, even around here; I'm far too lazy to either (1) lie or (2) try to bullshit my way out of a lost position.

Trouble is, I have no idea what you're talking about, when you claim that I'm "wrong" .

Having said that the thread-title is inaccurate, and that it would benefit from some tweaking (I, myself, served-up [one semi-sincere and one for-fun] alternatives).

I do, however, stand by those 'alternatives' that I served-up, if that's where you're going with this - although I don't think that's the case.

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