Unless Obama has successfully "TRANSFORMED" America, Sanders has ZERO chance of being elected.

Surely there are more rational Americans than suckers that understand what Sanders wishful thinking would do to our economy.


He all but won Iowa.
- Since Hillary's ex-employee that runs the DNC there won't release the raw election data proving she own he may very well have won.

He kicked her ass in NH yet still walked away with the BS 'super delegate' 'redistribution' of delegates nonsense.

She did not win any demographic except for the '64+yo' group

...and she is in the midst of 2 investigations right now.

With all due respect, he has more than 'zero chance' of winning the nomination, and, if we are to believe the Liberals on this board, should Bernie win the nomination he will win the election in a landslide because he is 'better than anything that the GOP has to offer'.

Obama sexually assaulted Uncle Sam during his first term. In his second term Obama bent Sam over and anally raped him, repeatedly.

As evidenced by the congressional elections and polls, American support for the Golden Negro has declined tremendously. In addition, it should be clear to all now that Hillary is lower than a piece of cat shit. These assumptions are my Ambien; they allow me to sleep at night. I foresee the pendulum swinging back right. If not, then it may be time to start executing my exit strategy to leave and take up residence in New Zealand.

If Hillary or Bernie is elected I am going to get out of here like a Nazi fleeing Germany in 1945.
Sanders appeal is with the lazy, the free stuff crowd, those who are clueless that Socialism is a failed concept that has never worked and never will.

Speaking of lazy, you still think what he is advocating is socialism.
Surely there are more rational Americans than suckers that understand what Sanders wishful thinking would do to our economy.

Consider the public school system these last five decades. I am not confident your wishful statement is true.
Surely there are more rational Americans than suckers that understand what Sanders wishful thinking would do to our economy.


Don't blame me. Blame whoever created this stupid auto correct program on phones. I can barely see the damn keys to be bothered with trying to go back and fix it

Wow. Way to let the point sail way over your head.

There was nothing amiss with your spelling. Try again.
Sanders appeal is with the lazy, the free stuff crowd, those who are clueless that Socialism is a failed concept that has never worked and never will.

Speaking of lazy, you still think what he is advocating is socialism.
He thinks that what he is advocating, is socialism. (yawn)

Most normal people merely think it's destructive, and won't have anything to do with him.

Only the ones who aren't paying attention, think anything else.
Sanders appeal is with the lazy, the free stuff crowd, those who are clueless that Socialism is a failed concept that has never worked and never will.

Speaking of lazy, you still think what he is advocating is socialism.
He thinks that what he is advocating, is socialism. (yawn)

Most normal people merely think it's destructive, and won't have anything to do with him.

Only the ones who aren't paying attention, think anything else.

No, he doesn't. If you changed the channel away from Fox News you'd know what he's advocating and it's nothing close to true socialism.
The Democrat party has been moving to the left at an increasing pace, for many years now. They are getting closer and closer to socialism, as exemplified by such programs as Obamacare.

Now a number of people are actually voting for an admitted socialist, Bernie Sanders.

Myopia and outright ignorance can go little further.

The failure of the U.S. educational system is becoming more and more obvious with every vote for Clinton, Sanders, and their ilk.
Surely there are more rational Americans than suckers that understand what Sanders wishful thinking would do to our economy.

Let's hope. The far left only needed to dumb down just over half of the likely voters. There are so many with their hands out waiting for the freebies to pour in. They will vote.
Election is not about the economy, or foreign policy, or equality, its over whether you want to be ruled by fiat. Both dem candidates have proclaimed they will be more aggressive than Obama in this regard. It is happening alrdy, laws are being discarded by fiat thru unenforcement, its small step to writing whatever Mcruler wants.

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