UNPRECEDENTED: Sen Shelby is placing a hold on ALL Nominees FOR WHAT? TO GET PORK!

As posted earlier in the thread:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

"Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center."

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

and the part paperview insists on leaving out...from the same link....

Though a Shelby spokesperson would not confirm that these programs were behind the blanket hold
Show me WHERE in that link there is that statement you said I "left out"
Show me.


Click it. Where?

""Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center."

Go head. Show me in that link where it is.

I'll wait.
Wait for it boys and girls...a deflection from PP boy is coming, then a run back to shift the goal posts with a comment about National security, then another personal insult.

We Give Senator Richard Shelby’s Blanket Hold on Federal Nominees the Catchy Name It Requires


"When Democratic senator Ben Nelson made a deal for the federal government to forever pay for Nebraska's expanded Medicaid program in exchange for his vote on health-care reform, Republicans gleefully referred to the agreement as the "Cornhusker Kickback." When Democratic senator Mary Landrieu secured $300 million in Medicaid payments for Louisiana in exchange for her support for the bill, it was deemed the "Louisiana Purchase." Now Republican senator Richard Shelby of Alabama has single-handedly held up the confirmations of 70 federal nominees with something called a "blanket hold." It's a move we humbly propose become forever known as ... the Cotton State Cockblock.
As posted earlier in the thread:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

"Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center."

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

and the part paperview insists on leaving out...from the same link....

Though a Shelby spokesperson would not confirm that these programs were behind the blanket hold
Show me WHERE in that link there is that statement you said I "left out"
Show me.


Click it. Where?

""Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center."

Go head. Show me in that link where it is.

I'll wait.

No need to wait.....all you have to do is click on the links that say "READ MORE"....something that you rarely, if ever, do. Dishonest hacks like you cherry pick one story, make a dishonest argument out of it to make the other side seem like the bad guys all the while knowing your party is just as fucked up as the rest....dishonesty and hypocrisy for all to see...THIS, people, is why this country's politics are so messed up right now...no one party is responsible for it. It's dishonest hack arguments that are completely without any merit that cause problems.
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Wait for it boys and girls...a deflection from PP boy is coming, then a run back to shift the goal posts with a comment about National security, then another personal insult.


Once again you prove yourelf to be an idiot. :clap2:
OH. So it's NOT at that link is it?

It's on another link after that page...one that would be THE NEWS REPORT THE DAY EARLIER.

You see, this one here is a DAY AFTER that report. I know the concept of chronology baffles you some, but it's rather simple, chuckles.


You know, one where he explicitly says through his spokesman the reasons.

The same reasons you continually deny.

It's OK. Every one here who is reading this can see your duplicity and dishonesty.
I don't have to say anything more.

You expose yourself with each post.
No need to wait.....all you have to do is click on the links that say "READ MORE"....something that you rarely, if ever, do. ...

And for the extra kicker laugh-o-rama, when one clicks on that link PeePee just told me contained the statement he said I "left out." and where I "rarely" "read more" ---

Here it is, the links on that page for "Read More."

"Read More Blanket Holds, Richard Shelby"

Anybody can see it for themselves, it's not there:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

:rofl: Too funny.
No need to wait.....all you have to do is click on the links that say "READ MORE"....something that you rarely, if ever, do. ...

And for the extra kicker laugh-o-rama, when one clicks on that link PeePee just told me contained the statement he said I "left out." and where I "rarely" "read more" ---

Here it is, the links on that page for "Read More."

"Read More Blanket Holds, Richard Shelby"

Anybody can see it for themselves, it's not there:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

:rofl: Too funny.

Browse over to the related stories and click a couple of hyyper links.

Shelby's Office Confirms Holds, Lashes Out At Obama | TPMDC

That will take you to this one (if you click the hard to find link at the bottom):

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center. This decision impedes the U.S. military, the intelligence community, and federal law enforcement personnel in their missions to exploit and analyze intelligence information critical to fighting terrorism and ensuring American security worldwide. The Obama Administration wants to read terrorists our Miranda rights and try them in U.S. courts but is impeding the processing of evidence that could lead to convictions. If this administration were as worried about hunting down terrorists as it is about the confirmation of low-level political nominations, America would be a safer place.

The administration claims to take a tough stance in fighting terrorism, yet the fiscal year 2011 budget request proposes to rescind these funds, contradicting the concerns of the FBI Director and the commander of the U.S. Army's Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), both of whom are responsible for the safety of soldiers and agents fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is currently a 20-year backlog of forensic evidence that has been extracted from explosive devices, many of which were used to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. JIEDDO projects that submissions to the FBI could reach as high as 1,500 to 2,500 boxes per month when the war-fighting season in Afghanistan resumes in the Spring of 2010.

Evidence from the backlog examined by the FBI has matched the fingerprints of individuals applying for positions with the Iraqi National Police force, as well as individuals who have moved to the United States. The backlog continues to grow, sitting idly filling multiple warehouses, as the administration proposes to cut funding for the FBI that would allow them to more expeditiously process this evidence.

Sen. Shelby will continue to work with the FBI to give them the capability to coordinate intelligence as well as forensic and technical exploitation related to IEDs, but this administration's coddling of terrorists makes this an uphill effort. He has made the Administration aware of these concerns and is willing to discuss them at any time.
Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire
No need to wait.....all you have to do is click on the links that say "READ MORE"....something that you rarely, if ever, do. ...

And for the extra kicker laugh-o-rama, when one clicks on that link PeePee just told me contained the statement he said I "left out." and where I "rarely" "read more" ---

Here it is, the links on that page for "Read More."

"Read More Blanket Holds, Richard Shelby"

Anybody can see it for themselves, it's not there:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

:rofl: Too funny.

Yeah...you're too funny...and your dishonesty is on display for all to see....but for those who want the full story...not just the bullshit line you're getting from paperview...here is a direct link to all of the storys including the one that paperview says doesn't exist. :lol:

Blanket holds | TPMDC
OH. So it's NOT at that link is it?

It's on another link after that page...one that would be THE NEWS REPORT THE DAY EARLIER.

You see, this one here is a DAY AFTER that report. I know the concept of chronology baffles you some, but it's rather simple, chuckles.


You know, one where he explicitly says through his spokesman the reasons.

The same reasons you continually deny.

It's OK. Every one here who is reading this can see your duplicity and dishonesty.
I don't have to say anything more.

You expose yourself with each post.

Keep digging papertiger...this is quite amusing!!!!!

Damn...got real quiet all of a sudden. :lol: oh wait.....shuffling papers in your multi-national business? Sorry...my bad.
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No need to wait.....all you have to do is click on the links that say "READ MORE"....something that you rarely, if ever, do. ...

And for the extra kicker laugh-o-rama, when one clicks on that link PeePee just told me contained the statement he said I "left out." and where I "rarely" "read more" ---

Here it is, the links on that page for "Read More."

"Read More Blanket Holds, Richard Shelby"

Anybody can see it for themselves, it's not there:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

:rofl: Too funny.

Browse over to the related stories and click a couple of hyyper links.

Shelby's Office Confirms Holds, Lashes Out At Obama | TPMDC

That will take you to this one (if you click the hard to find link at the bottom):

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center. This decision impedes the U.S. military, the intelligence community, and federal law enforcement personnel in their missions to exploit and analyze intelligence information critical to fighting terrorism and ensuring American security worldwide. The Obama Administration wants to read terrorists our Miranda rights and try them in U.S. courts but is impeding the processing of evidence that could lead to convictions. If this administration were as worried about hunting down terrorists as it is about the confirmation of low-level political nominations, America would be a safer place.

The administration claims to take a tough stance in fighting terrorism, yet the fiscal year 2011 budget request proposes to rescind these funds, contradicting the concerns of the FBI Director and the commander of the U.S. Army's Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), both of whom are responsible for the safety of soldiers and agents fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is currently a 20-year backlog of forensic evidence that has been extracted from explosive devices, many of which were used to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. JIEDDO projects that submissions to the FBI could reach as high as 1,500 to 2,500 boxes per month when the war-fighting season in Afghanistan resumes in the Spring of 2010.

Evidence from the backlog examined by the FBI has matched the fingerprints of individuals applying for positions with the Iraqi National Police force, as well as individuals who have moved to the United States. The backlog continues to grow, sitting idly filling multiple warehouses, as the administration proposes to cut funding for the FBI that would allow them to more expeditiously process this evidence.

Sen. Shelby will continue to work with the FBI to give them the capability to coordinate intelligence as well as forensic and technical exploitation related to IEDs, but this administration's coddling of terrorists makes this an uphill effort. He has made the Administration aware of these concerns and is willing to discuss them at any time.
Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire
Liab: That is the exact statement I linked to a few pages back and the one where PP boy seems to have his chronology messed up on. (he keeps directing things to a news report THE DAY EARLIER where there was "no confirmation" Shelby did it for this reason.)

Here, see:


And here earlier:


I'm not sure what your point was.

and for fun, to see what kind of person he is, this is how he reacted when I posted it:


:lol: Isn't PeePee cute?
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And for the extra kicker laugh-o-rama, when one clicks on that link PeePee just told me contained the statement he said I "left out." and where I "rarely" "read more" ---

Here it is, the links on that page for "Read More."

"Read More Blanket Holds, Richard Shelby"

Anybody can see it for themselves, it's not there:

Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire

:rofl: Too funny.

Browse over to the related stories and click a couple of hyyper links.

Shelby's Office Confirms Holds, Lashes Out At Obama | TPMDC

That will take you to this one (if you click the hard to find link at the bottom):

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo sent TPM the following statement this morning on Shelby's decision to place holds on a number of Obama's nominees Thursday:

Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns. Among his concerns is that nearly 10 years after the U.S. Air Force announced plans to replace the aging tanker fleet, we still do not have a transparent and fair acquisition process to move forward. The Department of Defense must recognize that the draft Request for Proposal needs to be significantly and substantively changed.

Sen. Shelby is also deeply concerned that the Administration will not release the funds already appropriated to the FBI to build the Terrorist Explosives Devices Analytical Center. This decision impedes the U.S. military, the intelligence community, and federal law enforcement personnel in their missions to exploit and analyze intelligence information critical to fighting terrorism and ensuring American security worldwide. The Obama Administration wants to read terrorists our Miranda rights and try them in U.S. courts but is impeding the processing of evidence that could lead to convictions. If this administration were as worried about hunting down terrorists as it is about the confirmation of low-level political nominations, America would be a safer place.

The administration claims to take a tough stance in fighting terrorism, yet the fiscal year 2011 budget request proposes to rescind these funds, contradicting the concerns of the FBI Director and the commander of the U.S. Army's Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), both of whom are responsible for the safety of soldiers and agents fighting on the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is currently a 20-year backlog of forensic evidence that has been extracted from explosive devices, many of which were used to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. JIEDDO projects that submissions to the FBI could reach as high as 1,500 to 2,500 boxes per month when the war-fighting season in Afghanistan resumes in the Spring of 2010.

Evidence from the backlog examined by the FBI has matched the fingerprints of individuals applying for positions with the Iraqi National Police force, as well as individuals who have moved to the United States. The backlog continues to grow, sitting idly filling multiple warehouses, as the administration proposes to cut funding for the FBI that would allow them to more expeditiously process this evidence.

Sen. Shelby will continue to work with the FBI to give them the capability to coordinate intelligence as well as forensic and technical exploitation related to IEDs, but this administration's coddling of terrorists makes this an uphill effort. He has made the Administration aware of these concerns and is willing to discuss them at any time.
Full Statement From Shelby's Office On The Blanket Hold | TPM LiveWire
Liab: That is the exact statement I linked to a few pages back and the one where PP boy seems to have his chronology messed up on. (he keeps directing things to a news report THE DAY EARLIER where there was "no confirmation" Shelby did it for this reason.)

Here, see:


And here earlier:


I'm not sure what your point was.

and for fun, to see what kind of person he is, this is how he reacted when I posted it:


:lol: Isn't PeePee cute?

Quit being such a dishonest poster and answer the question!!! Remember now...FROM SHELBY OR HIS SPOKES PERSON...A DIRECT QUOTE....NOT AN OPINION FROM THE ARTICLES AUTHOR.
:lol: :lol:

Damn this funny.

Not much more to say. Posters can read the statement directly from Shelby's office for themselves.

I think the readers are enjoying more watching PeePee flail around as I kick his scrawny ass all over the place.

[Too be fair, he's not much of a challenge. lol]
and notice the deflection from the facts I posted....

Though a Shelby spokesperson would not confirm that these programs were behind the blanket hold

just ignoring facts doesn't make your side of this debate any more credible....in fact it makes you look like an idiot because you won't address it.
:lol: :lol:

Damn this funny.

Not much more to say. Posters can read the statement directly from Shelby's office for themselves.

I think the readers are enjoying more watching PeePee flail around as I kick his scrawny ass all over the place.

[Too be fair, he's not much of a challenge. lol]

That's right...and here it is...DIRECTLY FROM A SHELBY SPOKESPERSON!!!!!
Though a Shelby spokesperson would not confirm that these programs were behind the blanket hold

and yes...you're not much of a challenge....in fact you may be a "challenged" person. :lol: Hang in there though......you sure can't be faulted for being a quitter...:lol:
Now, a little more fun.

I've been waiting for Fox news to make a mention of this.
Checking their web page, listening to FNC.


I just checked it again on their website. Did a search for Shelby. NOTHING.

According to this source (in case I missed it on the air) :

"as of Friday night, according to LexisNexis, Fox's major shows had yet to discuss the story..."


One can only imagine the outrage that would ensue over at Fox News if a Democrat were holding up several nominations because of unfulfilled earmarks.

Isn't that revealing?
A fairly significant story like this and not a peep from the "Fair & Balanced" channel.
Now, a little more fun.

I've been waiting for Fox news to make a mention of this.
Checking their web page, listening to FNC.


I just checked it again on their website. Did a search for Shelby. NOTHING.

According to this source (in case I missed it on the air) :

"as of Friday night, according to LexisNexis, Fox's major shows had yet to discuss the story..."


One can only imagine the outrage that would ensue over at Fox News if a Democrat were holding up several nominations because of unfulfilled earmarks.

Isn't that revealing?
A fairly significant story like this and not a peep from the "Fair & Balanced" channel.


YA!!!!!!! Let's turn this into a FoxNews rant!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about shifting the goal posts....:lol:
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