Unvaccinated 47-Year-Old Grandma of 10 Dies From COVID 1 Hour After Going to a Hospital


It is far more accurate than the OP.

Remember, the POTUS is responsible for EVERYTHING. That is what you front holes set up when you blamed Trump for everything from zits to Arthritis.
I don’t like any politicians.
ahhh ok. You are saying she committed "suicide" because she refused an experimental injection. Gotcha :thup:
People had experimental injections with the first mumps, measles, rubella vaccinations. Then they continued to get their children vaccinated.
The probability is high that those unvaccinated who died from Covid would still be alive if vaccinated.

Considering that the vast majority of those who “died from Covid” actually died from other causes, it seems dubious that the “vaccine” would have saved them.
Maybe, maybe not. I would think she'd be okay but no one can say with any certainty, just like other aspects of Covid-19, vaccines and spreading it. Everyday we see something new about the virus that we haven't seen before.
The percentage of vaccinated people who died is very minimal
ahhh ok. You are saying she committed "suicide" because she refused an experimental injection. Gotcha :thup:
10s of millions of people have had this 'experimental' injection. How many have died because of it? How many have died of COVID?
Actually, I wouldn't.

People die everyday from regular medicine, I don't see you anti-vaxxer conspiracists getting your panties in twist over that.

You're #BadFaith actors.[/youtube]

i'm not anti-vax. I'm anti experimental spike protein elixirs.

badfaith. what an arrogant, dismissive word that only shows your lack of grasp of the topic.
Do you actually know they died from something else?

The CDC has admitted that 94% of deaths attributed to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus involved “comorbidities”. That is to say, only 6% were genuinely from the #CoronaHoax virus alone, with the rest involving other health issues that were allegedly aggravated by the virus.

Any sensible person has to know that whatever a corrupt agency like the CDC will openly admit to, that the truth is much, much, much more damning than that.

It's a pretty safe bet that of the 94% that the CDC admitted to involve “comorbidities”, that the vast majority of them would have died from those conditions anyway, even if they were never exposed to the virus at all; that their deaths were only counted as COVID-related in order to fraudulently inflate the numbers.
The probability is high that those unvaccinated who died from Covid would still be alive if vaccinated.
You're probably right. The current vaccines will be useless in a couple years, according to the "experts". You can see why people might be reluctant. Right?
The CDC has admitted that 94% of deaths attributed to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus involved “comorbidities”. That is to say, only 6% were genuinely from the #CoronaHoax virus alone, with the rest involving other health issues that were allegedly aggravated by the virus.

Any sensible person has to know that whatever a corrupt agency like the CDC will openly admit to, that the truth is much, much, much more damning than that.

It's a pretty safe bet that of the 94% that the CDC admitted to involve “comorbidities”, that the vast majority of them would have died from those conditions anyway, even if they were never exposed to the virus at all; that their deaths were only counted as COVID-related in order to fraudulently inflate the numbers.
A condition aggravated by the virus that leads to death still shows that the virus was probably a contributing factor in the death. The virus was and is not a hoax.
considering the history of what the authorities have recommended/un-recommended, advised and changed their minds...... you can only take that with a grain of salt.
Considering the fact that 99% of the covid patients were unvaccinated, it pretty much shows that being vaccinated is safer than not.
Considering the fact that 99% of the covid patients were unvaccinated, it pretty much shows that being vaccinated is safer than not.

awesome. Then you shouldn't mind if i choose not to. thank you. My Body, My Choice.
And let's talk about the happy news today that the covid vax has made 33.5 billion. Yes. THAT IS BILLIONS.

honestly..if this were an actual pandemic would the media be gloating over a 33.5 billion windfall for their buddies Big Pharma?

let me answer that. no. they wouldn't.

Yep, the people behind this psyop are making billions, and probably laughing all the way to the bank. Especially about how easy it is, evidently, to convince people of just about anything... 2 vaccines instead of one, new "variants", etc. Sigh. (we need a facepalm smilie)
Yep, the people behind this psyop are making billions, and probably laughing all the way to the bank. Especially about how easy it is, evidently, to convince people of just about anything... 2 vaccines instead of one, new "variants", etc. Sigh. (we need a facepalm smilie)

don't forget boosters. in some cases at the 6 month mark. Gates and Fauci are making boatloads of $$.
20K Gofund me for a funeral? Who they think she is, James Brown?
It costs that much in Alabama. I can't imagine what it would cost outside our poor state. That wouldn't even include the plot of real estate to place the casket under. The funeral industry is one of the worst offenses against dignity in modern America. It's why so many more are choosing cremation these days.

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