Unvaccinated 47-Year-Old Grandma of 10 Dies From COVID 1 Hour After Going to a Hospital

Hospital systems are selling rapidly though because the government cannot subsidize all there losses even with those fake covid ventilator claims that pays extra and guess who is doing most the buying?

The probability is high that those unvaccinated who died from Covid would still be alive if vaccinated.

considering the history of what the authorities have recommended/un-recommended, advised and changed their minds...... you can only take that with a grain of salt.
There's plenty of reason to think with this 'story ' that we've not been given important need to know information.
you HAD a guy in there that was trying to remedy that. Maybe you better look yourself in the mirror if you can stand it.
Can you direct me to what was done by Trump on that front?

BTW, I'd like your position on what's the problem exactly w/Big Pharma, as I've never seen Republicans or any other assorted rightwingers express having any problem w/anything to do w/that industry.

In fact, I remember you people screaming and claiming about how good the system was during the Obamacare creation days.
Pull out your wallets and get to GoFundMe folks, another anti-vaxxer family is gonna need your help...

Dr. Leana Wen — “New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood, facilitating spread.”

New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood, facilitating spread, my NBC News colleagues are reporting. New indoor masking guidance expected today.
10:12 AM · Jul 27, 2021
What's next ....more lockdowns .....holy shit you fucking morons
NBC and CNN to no less roflmao

Keep blaming the unvaccinated you stupid worthless lab monkey
WHAT does this" vax" do exactly ?...besides give teenagers heart failures

You're carrying heavier viral loads
You killed her
If she had gotten vaccinated, she’d be alive

OK imbecile
Maybe if they gave her something else besides the failures you call a vaccination shed still be alive

Stockholm syndrome....lil bit

The elites are on to something when the say they wanna cull the population
Top *** Owners of ***** Healthcare ****
StockholderStakeShares owned
BlackRock Fund Advisors10.96%11,701,666
The Vanguard Group, Inc.10.49%11,199,271
Harris Associates LP5.94%6,341,596
SSgA Funds Management, Inc.

edit note; who BTW own the majority of the MSM too
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Facebook is now claiming this is false



You brainwashed friggin imbeciles

Well ya can't blame the op he's black and just naturally stupid

Vaccinated idiots
Get the boosters everyone ...please get your boosters and wear your masks
You're dangerous roflmao
If she had gotten vaccinated, she’d be alive
Maybe, maybe not. I would think she'd be okay but no one can say with any certainty, just like other aspects of Covid-19, vaccines and spreading it. Everyday we see something new about the virus that we haven't seen before.
That will change very soon, the Delta virus is the worst one yet. You must not know many people.
I know many people some who even work for hospitals. Of all the people I know, none of them know anyone that's had the disease either.
Sometimes you just know when MSM and the Pharma lackies are putting out total bullshit and this is one of those times.

Yes she did die. That is not her husband's name that is being reported. She worked at Banner Health who mandated all employees get the jab. She also took care of her parents. Her son is Autistic and she had every reason not to trust a damn thing put out by big pharma. You lying pieces of crap who pass around this trash you put out you call journalism to protect your nasters are totally disgusting pieces of crap.

Fernanda Hernandez Vega. Banner HealthPNG.PNG

Fernanda Hernandez Vega Autistic son.PNG

Being over worked at Banner and then treated like crap at Costco when she went in to get supplies for her family after work she made the video this snapshot was taken from.
Fernanda Hernandez Vega.PNG

Fernanda Hernandez Vega & Pilar Garcia 2020.PNG
The unvaccinated have brought this on themselves, I'm sorry I'm not going to donate towards someone's ignorance. They don't seem to understand millions of them are at risk. It's not until they're in the hospital gasping for breath very ill next to death that they wish they had gotten to the vaccination. Every one of these illnesses, every one of these deaths, was totally preventable. Shame on them.
To this day I don't know anyone that had covid or knows someone that had covid.

My wife very likely had it about a year and a half ago. No official test, but a conversation with her doctor, about the symptoms, led to the conclusion that she most likely had it. It was very mild compared to flu/cold-like illnesses that she routinely caught. It seems that the call center where she worked was optimized for making sure that if any worker had anything contagious, everyone would get it.

Before my injury, about half a year before that, I rarely got sick, but at the time in question, in the aftermath of my injury, my immune system was weakened, and whatever illness she brought home, I usually got as well. Not this time. The #CoronaHoax2020 virus only made my wife very mildly ill, compared to most flu/cold-like illnesses she often caught, and I never had any symptoms at all.

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