Unvaccinated set to lose freedoms ‘unless you get vaccinated’


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
New South Wales Deputy Premier John Barilaro says those who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19 will not achieve any further freedom “unless you get vaccinated”.

This will include people living in parts of regional NSW that are currently open, with the unvaccinated in those regions set to lose freedoms.

“The 70 per cent roadmap does apply to the whole state – so there will be individuals in regional and rural NSW who will lose their freedoms on the 11th of October,” Mr Barilaro said.

Mr Barilaro also announced a slight change to the NSW reopening roadmap, with travel to the regions from metropolitan areas now set to occur from an 80 per cent vaccination rate instead of the previously flagged 70 per cent.

Coming soon to a nation you live in.
New South Wales Deputy Premier John Barilaro says those who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19 will not achieve any further freedom “unless you get vaccinated”.

This will include people living in parts of regional NSW that are currently open, with the unvaccinated in those regions set to lose freedoms.

“The 70 per cent roadmap does apply to the whole state – so there will be individuals in regional and rural NSW who will lose their freedoms on the 11th of October,” Mr Barilaro said.

Mr Barilaro also announced a slight change to the NSW reopening roadmap, with travel to the regions from metropolitan areas now set to occur from an 80 per cent vaccination rate instead of the previously flagged 70 per cent.

Coming soon to a nation you live in.

South Wales.

So now you say we are South Wales.

Get a grip.
I play golf with an attorney and he said people will sue...and the courts will be backlogged....
New South Wales Deputy Premier John Barilaro says those who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19 will not achieve any further freedom “unless you get vaccinated”.

This will include people living in parts of regional NSW that are currently open, with the unvaccinated in those regions set to lose freedoms.

“The 70 per cent roadmap does apply to the whole state – so there will be individuals in regional and rural NSW who will lose their freedoms on the 11th of October,” Mr Barilaro said.

Mr Barilaro also announced a slight change to the NSW reopening roadmap, with travel to the regions from metropolitan areas now set to occur from an 80 per cent vaccination rate instead of the previously flagged 70 per cent.

Coming soon to a nation you live in.

The prime reason some First World governments get away with such tyranny is it is only happening piecemeal, rather than everywhere all at once. People who see such tyranny unfold from a distance can easily brush it off as "that's not happening here, yet, so why worry." In this way a new Age of global tyranny shall succeed in crushing us all.
they should sue after all the rulings about HIV back in the day that protected the identity of those carrying the disease

The Aussies and many other First World peoples are far past the point of relying on their courts to un-fuck their situations. What they need is to find sympathetic military leaders and direct them to take down state governments. Only might shall make right in these instances of new world tyranny.
South Wales.

So now you say we are South Wales.

Get a grip.

I didn't "say" anyone other than who we are. I am saying however that this is coming here. The fact that you aren't intelligent enough to comprehend that is on you.
This will be the next Democrat caused crisis. They already have worker shortages in NY hospitals because of the Gov's mandate, get vaccinated or lose your job. What made wimpy ass Democrats become such power drunk tyrants? Insecurity? Revenge? Small dicks? I guess it could be a lot of things.
The prime reason some First World governments get away with such tyranny is it is only happening piecemeal, rather than everywhere all at once. People who see such tyranny unfold from a distance can easily brush it off as "that's not happening here, yet, so why worry." In this way a new Age of global tyranny shall succeed in crushing us all.

The conservatives, real liberals, and all freedom loving people in Congress should end that Nuclear sub deal to Australia, and instead impose sanctions.

It is time to get fucking serious about this.

This is a story appearing no where in US media.

US Republicans call for sanctions against Australia over police treatment of protesters​

The Aussies and many other First World peoples are far past the point of relying on their courts to un-fuck their situations. What they need is to find sympathetic military leaders and direct them to take down state governments. Only might shall make right in these instances of new world tyranny.
I'm not sure we need to go that far yet. . .

What it takes is information, education, & organization.

The black folks in the south never had to resort to violence to end segregation. The folks in SA didn't have to use violence to end apartheid.
Gandhi didn't have to resort to violence to expel the British.

Violence was not necessary to end communism in E. Germany, or to end it in Soviet Russia.

Violence will not be necessary to stop this tyranny. . . only education and awareness.
I'm not sure we need to go that far yet. . .

What it takes is information, education, & organization.

The black folks in the south never had to resort to violence to end segregation. The folks in SA didn't have to use violence to end apartheid.
Gandhi didn't have to resort to violence to expel the British.

Violence was not necessary to end communism in E. Germany, or to end it in Soviet Russia.

Violence will not be necessary to stop this tyranny. . . only education and awareness.

I disagree. I'll tell you why. In each of your examples great and terrible levels of force and violence were used over periods of many years on innocent members of their respective societies. in effect the people in your examples suffered and died for generations in some cases before change occurred either as organic coincidence or because a political party desired and thus forced change or a civilization collapsed. In the case of the former USSR how many Russian civilians were murdered? 60-100 million before "peaceful" change liberated their offspring?

So how long are we to expect the Australian People to suffer before some coincidental change frees them of government tyranny. The popularly agreed upon life of Spartacus, be it fact or legend, comes to my mind often these days. Among many other things the Roman Slave desired freedom to live without the crack of the master's whip. Spartacus led a slave revolt which very nearly took down the most powerful nation of his day.

Sorry, but those who are victims of tyranny and are also unwilling to fight can only be enjoying their suffering . . . waiting for some non-violent event to happen along and free them of it.
I disagree. I'll tell you why. In each of your examples great and terrible levels of force and violence were used over periods of many years on innocent members of their respective societies. in effect the people in your examples suffered and died for generations in some cases before change occurred either as organic coincidence or because a political party desired and thus forced change or a civilization collapsed. In the case of the former USSR how many Russian civilians were murdered? 60-100 million before "peaceful" change liberated their offspring?

So how long are we to expect the Australian People to suffer before some coincidental change frees them of government tyranny. The popularly agreed upon life of Spartacus, be it fact or legend, comes to my mind often these days. Among many other things the Roman Slave desired freedom to live without the crack of the master's whip. Spartacus led a slave revolt which very nearly took down the most powerful nation of his day.

Sorry, but those who are victims of tyranny and are also unwilling to fight can only be enjoying their suffering . . . waiting for some non-violent event to happen along and free them of it.
Well thought out analysis, but IMO, it really fails to take into account the starting place of where American, and world society is at right now.

We have moved from fear to dependency. . bondage is the logical next step for the masses?


IOW. . . there seems to be no other way through this, the passive masses MUST be made slaves again, it is the will of the creator.
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Go back to school and learn to read, moron. First, the OP posted NEW South Wales, second he ended his post with "Coming soon to a nation you live in." Do you live in NSW? No? Then STFU.
Dana is in denial. . . she doesn't understand how the global oligarchs work, nor does she believe them when they are now out in the open speaking of a "New World Order."

Folks like her still throw around the term, "conspiracy theorist," while their global oligarchs aren't even bothering to hide this shit anymore.


Look at this, this image was from BEFORE the election. . . and then they slander folks for questioning whether the election was "free and fair?" :rolleyes:

.001 d.jpg


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