Cat Fight Breaks Out On House Floor

This is your tax dollars at work. How about we elect serious people who want to do serious work even if they have policy differences? Marge with insults and nonsense. Add to the entire farce of the House Oversight Committee. They want to break it, not fix it. It makes a good show however.

Marge: Your fake eyelashes are messing up your brain...
Crocket: Point of order, is it ok to say someone is a bleach blonde bad-built butch body...
Comer: What? What did she say?
Jamie: [Grins incredulously]

The popularity of MTG and the Orange Dear Leader remain an amazing psychological study of the base. What is it that makes them so happy about chaos, aggression, juvenile behavior and rage?

This is obviously some kind of revenge in their minds. They must feel terribly victimized.
This is your tax dollars at work. How about we elect serious people who want to do serious work even if they have policy differences? Marge with insults and nonsense. Add to the entire farce of the House Oversight Committee. They want to break it, not fix it. It makes a good show however.

Marge: Your fake eyelashes are messing up your brain...
Crocket: Point of order, is it ok to say someone is a bleach blonde bad-built butch body...
Comer: What? What did she say?
Jamie: [Grins incredulously]

Moscow Margie is nothing than a bleach blond trailor white trash. She exists for chaos.
OK, I'll admit MTG is a moonbat....But I'll raise you.

The Squad

Maxine Waters

S. Jackson Lee


Cori Bush

Tammy Duckworth

Debbie Washerwoman Schultz

These southern girls are sweet as honey UNTIL you cross them. Cortez wouldn't know what hit her. MTG would make her eat that 'baby girl'.
MTG would snatch Crockett's weave off.

$10 says she could bodyslam AOC.
I wish I could disagree

and I can, sporadically or whatever. Marsha Blackburn is a serious exception

I like MTG, don't care if people don't want to hear that

Sarah Palin
Huckabee Sanders
Kelly Ann Conway
Maria Bartiromo
Laura Ingraham

(partial list)

AWESOME women!
Too many entitled black bitches with Soros funding.

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