Cat Fight Breaks Out On House Floor

Women in government has become a disaster.
I wish I could disagree

and I can, sporadically or whatever. Marsha Blackburn is a serious exception

I like MTG, don't care if people don't want to hear that

Sarah Palin
Huckabee Sanders
Kelly Ann Conway
Maria Bartiromo
Laura Ingraham

(partial list)

AWESOME women!
America, America!

Can you believe we voted these people into office?

Frankly, I can't defend either side in this particular instance.

It's not a legislative body, it's a nursery school.

I realize this is more a symptom of the Banana Republic we're potentially becoming, if Trump can't turn it around fast.

Doesn't make it any more pleasant to behold.


Oh, yes, PLEASE! I'd pay money to see AOC just TRY to take MTG out in the back alley!

I wish I could disagree

and I can, sporadically or whatever. Marsha Blackburn is a serious exception

I like MTG, don't care if people don't want to hear that

Sarah Palin
Huckabee Sanders
Kelly Ann Conway
Maria Bartiromo
Laura Ingraham

(partial list)

AWESOME women!

Kristi Noem.


I don't think MTG should have agreed to have her comments stricken... a disappointment on that here

But more importantly, what about THIS

When Adam Schiffty LIED LIED LIED vis a vis the Russia Hoax, as it is now popularly called (by those who know the truth about it)

Was he ever made to apologize or have his words struck?

somehow, I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

MTG did not LIE
I like greene. She has balls, cares about the country, and stands for America. Sadly though she has a hard time holding her tounge. Her motives are great but her executions leave a lot to be desired.

That aside, who the hell let that hood rat in there? Yeah mtg's swipe shouldn't have been made but the response was way over the line. That ghetto trash shouldn't even be allowed in there to clean, let alone have a seat.

Might be time for everyone to just get used to hearing the truth.

Skins too damn thin these days.

The leaders of both parties should apologize to the American people.

Somebody has to say "enough" pretty soon, before it's too late.
LOL, Comer "I have no idea what you said"
MTG "Oh the words they can't take the words" :auiqs.jpg:

Have to agree with Green, AOC and all the other democrats whining have no problem attacking others on record,

I'm going to go ahead and say it........
Women in politics and cultural power are a problem.
Nonsense like this episode is laughable, but "feminism" has completely wrecked pair-bonding and the nuclear family structure which is a detriment to society.
There, I said it........
There's talk of a bill to repeal the 19th Amendment now. :tomato:

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